Adding "bus stop announcements"

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  • Hi,

    I have a sound file which I would like to be played at every stop on the D92. I think the only way of doing this is through the IBIS system however i am unsure what files to add the sound clip into. The current sound file i would like to use is mp3 and last upto 40 seconds.

    If it is possible, i would like the sound to play after I have changed over the "next stop" sign in the bus (pressing q) however i dont know how to do this.



  • You have to convert your MP3 files to WAV file format - you can e.g. use the freeware "Audacity" which makes it quite easy (though you have to install the Lame MP3 Encoder first - but see the Audacity website for more instructions).

    After having converted your clips, you have to name them like the red bus stop boxes. At the terminus, you additionally have to add "_#terminus". A quick example:
    If a bus stop is called "Your Busstop", the WAV file as to be named "Your Busstop.wav", and if this is the last stop of a route, name it "Your Busstop_#terminus.wav". That's it.

    Just place these files at "Vehicles/MANSD202/Sound/Ansagen" (I hope this is correct, didn't check it now) and it should work.

  • Hi there,

    Thank you for your reply unfortunatly, this method does not work. do you know of any others ways you may be able to do this?

    Thank you,


  • You also have to make sure the .hof files can read the right .wav files. The first line after every [addbusstop] is supposed to be the name of the .wav file. Then to play a .wav file in-game, follow this model: