[OMSI2] Gabrovo [v3.2] (30.8.2014)

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Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
  • I've had this same problem i think its where objects use non latin characters, to be fair OMSI isn't multi lingual in that it recognises other characters, only German (Naturally)

    So maybe the objects it cant find the letters need changing in the .sco and friendlyname

  • Hello there

    The map (v3.2) does in fact use one object with a Cyrillic character, which is enough to cause many tiles to disappear completely


    That object is Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen\VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstraсe.sco
    Note that the "с" in "Vorfahrtstraсe" in the above file name is actually the Cyrillic "с", which is a different character from the Latin "c"


    That means, if your Windows isn't running in a Cyrillic code-page (Windows-1250 or some such), then OMSI won't find it.

    One possible solution for OMSI 2:

    • Use a text editor that supports UTF-16LE (little endian) encoding
      (Windows Notepad is fine, since UTF-16LE is the native encoding of Windows, but it will be slow for the next step)
    • Search in all *.map files for any VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstraсe.sco used, and replace it with VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstrasse.sco
      Don't type it! Copy-and-paste the above file name from this post so that you are searching with the Cyrillic "с"
      (Here, a text-editor that can do a search-and-replace across many files will be helpful. Just make sure it does support saving in UTF-16LE encoding)
    • Go to the Sceneryobjects\Verkehrszeichen folder and check that you have a file named VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstrasse.sco in that folder.
      If not, then:
      • rename the VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstraсe.sco (or VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstraße.sco) in that folder to VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstrasse.sco, or
      • copy the file to the folder from Sceneryobjects\Nemolus Objekte\Verkehrszeichen, or
      • download it

    There are probably many other ways to solve the problem; as long as all the Cyrillic characters are removed from the map files it will be okay!


    For OMSI 1, one can do the same steps as above, except that one should use the older Western European encodings instead ("Windows-1251", "ANSI").

    By the way, OMSI actually has no problems with .hof files containing Cyrillic characters, or Polish characters, or Hungarian characters, etc. for people like me with Western European (English, German, French etc.) versions of Windows, as long as the .hof and font files are both in the same older 8-bit encoding (Windows-1250, or Windows-1251, etc.) and not one of the Unicode ones


    I use .hof files with all those languages' characters all the time with no problems, and I run English-language Windows 7 with the system locale also set to English...

  • Kann mir jemand weiter helfen?
    Es fehlen Kacheln


    Hier nochmal ein Bild was ich meine: http://steamcommunity.com/shar…filedetails/?id=331678496

    Edited once, last by Nuke ().

  • That's all well and good but, why do we have to roll through other peoples work to correct others mistakes however small, it would be easier if the creators would make any adjustments and take note for next time

  • It's not as easy as you think... Don't blame the authors of this map; let me explain a bit.

    It's not their fault for having used that character without knowing. They weren't the ones who named that object with a Cyrillic letter; it was other Cyrillic-script users who did.
    Because guess what? If they didn't do that, OMSI would crash on their systems, because it was still written using legacy character encodings.
    A single "ß" in a file's name, on their systems, is enough to give OMSI endless errors!

    So in fact, it's OMSI's fault for still coding the game using ancient encodings that make it so easy for add-ons to crash any other system except those in Western European languages such as German and English.

    Even nowadays, add-ons (maps, vehicles, scenery objects, etc. etc.) created by Western European language speakers routinely crash OMSI 2 for Russians, Bulgarians, Hong Kongers, and so on and so on...
    They have far, far more cause to complain about German add-ons crashing their OMSI than us complaining about Cyrillic-script add-ons.

    Gabrovo only had one single character that gave us problems.
    German add-ons frequently require OMSI experts in those countries to convert them to a form usable on their systems before anyone there can even start OMSI without crashing.

    So we are far luckier that we use a language related to German that we don't have to deal with such errors for so many add-ons...
    So let us not complain about this map


    They have already tried their very hardest to find out what's wrong, but it was just too hard to spot.

  • Ich habe das selbe Problem, hat schon jemand ne lösung ? Bei mir wird beim Start die komplett Karte geladen und es werden keine Fehler angezeigt, trotzdem fehlen Kacheln

  • @almondbiscuit: Works well with your tip. THANK YOU!

    Auf deutsch: die EINE Datei umbenennen, dann in allen *.map files den Namen austauschen.

    Die Karte läuft auch gut auf schwächeren Rechnern.

  • Hey,

    ich habe mit der Karte so meine Probleme , Kacheln fehlen , Strassen führen nicht weiter.
    Wenn ich die Karte im Editor öffne ist da nur blauer Himmel , bei Trips&Tracks kommt eine Zugriffsverletzung und wenn man nach Fehlern im Ecitor sucht kommt die Meldung Invalid Path.

    Also installiert habe ich Version 3.0 ohne den Ordner Map der 3.0 und dann Version 3.2 mit seinen Map Ordner installiert.

    Addon GcW habe bereits nochmal installiert.
    Nemolus Verkehrszeichen nochmal installiert und aus dem Ordner hier vom Download der Map Nemolus Verkehrszeichen , habe ich alle VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstraсe.sco und in
    VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstrasse.sco umbennannt und dann in den neuen Nemolus Verkehrszeichen kopiert.

    Hier mein Logfile:

    Bitte um Hilfe

  • Hallo, leider fehlen auf dieser Karte einige Kacheln. Anbei die logfile. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiter helfen.

  • I consider this map as wonderful even before testing it.I regret to say that my pc is a bit off and that is why I'm using the very first version of OMSI. I would like to ask the poster of this map to tell me whether it is possible to drive in it or not as I am really compelled to as I am born in Bulgaria. If that is possible I would like to know what scenery objects may be removed so to lower the whole lag of the drive.
    Many thanks and regards


  • KIrgendwie läuft die Map nicht


  • I consider this map as wonderful even before testing it.I regret to say that my pc is a bit off and that is why I'm using the very first version of OMSI. I would like to ask the poster of this map to tell me whether it is possible to drive in it or not as I am really compelled to as I am born in Bulgaria. If that is possible I would like to know what scenery objects may be removed so to lower the whole lag of the drive.
    Many thanks and regards



    Hi! I can't strongly say whether the map be lagging on your computer or not. I don't know your configuration. If you think that OMSI 2 verion is too high for your system, try to find links for some previous verions of the map - for e.g. Gabrovo V1 or V2. At that phase there had been only 4 lines - 31, 32, 33 and 34 (former trolleybus) and we have used older objects. So for OMSI 1 i think will be OK for older PC's (not 100% sure) but you could give it a try! If you need any info (in bulgarian), please send me PM.

    Also, you can reduce your settings - like max. visibility distance to 200-250, min. % screensize - make it lower, neighbour tiles - 1 etc.

    Do the following: open the map in Editor and use the option "Do with the whole map...". Check all tracks, find&close terrain holes etc... if everything is OK try to open the simulator again. If this doesn't help, reinstall the map. Sometimes OMSI just crashes unpredictable.

  • Diese vielversprechende Map spielt mir einnige Streiche. Installiert habe ich die Version 3.2 Egal, welchen Entrypoint ich anwähle und einen Bus dort spawne, die Kachel kann nicht verlassen werden, Also habe ich diese Map in den Editor geladen, um Lücken schließen zu können. Die Mapp lädt vollständig, angezeigt wird aber nur Himmel in verschiedenen Farbvariationen. Ich habe die Map dreimal komplett neu installliert, immer wieder mit demselben Ergebnis. Derzeit ist sie erstmal wieder gelöscht. Hat sonst noch jemand dieses Phänomen, daß selbst im Editor nichts angezeigt wird? LG Achim

  • amiachim: Nee, hab das selbe Problem!
    Namen ersetzt, aber: hilft nix!
    Der Logfile gibt einen Fehler aus und wiederholt diesen insgesamt ein weiteres Mal.

    Ist halt sehr, sehr schade und blöd. Und ein "?" kann man nicht als Dateinamen machen

  • Sofern überhaupt noch Interesse besteht, kann ich bei der Behebung des Fehlers mit "VZ_Mast_Vorfahrtstra?e.sco" behilflich sein. Wenn ja, bitte hier reinschreiben. Andernfalls kann ich mir den Aufwand sparen (ist nicht böse gemeint).