Römerberg V3.2 (vollständig Omsi2-kompatibel)
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
Jetz fehlen BMO Objecte bergfundament Häuser.sco
jetz irgendwas mit PUB/bus hut wartehausalt03
Sag mal, hast Du überhaupt mal in das Handbuch geschaut?
Das sind alles Objekte, die mit dem Download Römerberg-II.zip mitkommen. -
Ich hab gemeint das ich die Objecte noch drin hab weil ich die V3.0 auch hatte für Omsi 2 aber da haben die Straßen nach ner weile in den Bergen nicht mehr geladen und ich hab sie gelöscht. Im fahrerhandbuch sind nur die sachen wo im Forum auch sind
Mein Problem Bei mir sieht man die MAN NG KI Nur halb und man sind hinten nur einen blinker alles andere ist nicht da durchsichtig.
Ich schätz mal Zu wenig arbeitsspeicher (Map funktioniert bei mir jetzt Danke)Hab'n neues problem wenn ich den Bus auswähle (Setra215UL Modded version)und die richtige Hofdatei ausgewählt habe und den Bus dan platziere und die Linie auswählen will in der Matrix hat der die Hofdatei von Spandau
Bei der Auswahl des Busses Betriebshof "Römerberg" wählen.
Sollte er mit dem letzten Update eigentlich wieder automatisch machen, aber so geht's dann auch. -
Servus ich hab ein anderes Problem...
Wenn ich den Bus etc. geladen habe und alles passt fahre ich ohne jegliches ruckeln los und auf einmal (nach kruzer Zeit, aber ohne festen Ort/zeitpunkt) friert alles ein.
Auch nach längerem warten passiert nichts. Habe zuerst gedacht das es einfach etwas dauert bis die Kacheln geladen sind, aber das kann fast nicht sein, das es über 5min dauert? -
Und ich dachte im ersten Moment schon, hier käme mal was Neues. Siehe die letzten Seiten. Entweder fehlt Dir ein Bus (wahrscheinlich) oder es liegt am derzeitigen Omsi-Patch (möglich).
Oh ich hatte überlesen, dass ich wenn der SL 202 nicht vorhanden ist die normale Ai nehmen muss...
Lade jetzt den Sl runter...
Danke für die Info und sry für die Frage, nachdem sich scheinbar schon mehrere so angestellt haben...Die Map läuft jetzt einwandfrei, nur sobald ich den NG 272 lade erscheint nur der Fahrer und der Drehkranz, der Rest des Busses ist unsichtbar
Ich habe die Römerberg hofdatei ausgewählt
Bei mir Lädt die Map an der Stelle nicht weiter an was kann das liegen ?
Ist denn auch die neuste Version des Addon GCW isntalliert?
Ich hab die Richtige Hofdatei gewählt ich glaube das liegt am Bus aher warum
Welchen Bus hast Du denn genommen?
Passiert das auch wenn Du einen anderen Bus auswählst? -
Heyy, Grüße euch hab leider auch ein paar Problemchen bei dennen ich eure Hilfe bräuchte. Und zwar hab ich keine Umlaufpläne, keine Fahrgäste an den Haltestellen und beim Laden sagt er mir das mir ein paar Texturen fehlen. Wäre Gut wenn sich jemand die Logfile ansehen würde und mir sagen könnte wo die Fehler liegen, da ich leider nicht so Plan von habe.
Start logging
====================Date: 17.03.2014
Time: 11:50:080 11:50:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
1 11:50:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
2 11:50:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
3 11:50:11 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
4 11:50:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
5 11:50:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
6 11:50:25 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "sceneryobjects\Tony_A_Objects\textures\Hungry-Jacks.dds"!
7 11:50:25 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "sceneryobjects\Tony_A_Objects\textures\HJ-Lollipop.dds"!
8 11:50:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
9 11:50:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
10 11:50:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
11 11:50:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
12 11:50:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
13 11:50:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
14 11:50:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
15 11:50:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
16 11:50:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "holz_Zaunother.tga"!
17 11:50:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "holz_Zaunother.tga"!
18 11:50:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
19 11:50:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
20 11:50:33 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\Zaun_uni.sco: texture filename Zaus-spitze1.png not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\Zaun_uni.o3d!
21 11:50:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
22 11:50:35 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "BusstopDisplayText.tga"!
23 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Hour_A.o3d!
24 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Minute_A.o3d!
25 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Hour_B.o3d!
26 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Minute_B.o3d!
27 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Hour_C.o3d!
28 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Minute_C.o3d!
29 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Hour_D.o3d!
30 11:50:35 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\bw_rathspd.sco: texture filename bk_stnikolai_1.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Buildings_MC\model\bw_rathspd_Minute_D.o3d!
31 11:50:37 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
32 11:50:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
33 11:50:41 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "sceneryobjects\Tony_A_Objects\textures\BK-Lollipop.dds"!
34 11:50:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
35 11:50:45 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun_1fuss.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_1fuss.o3d!
36 11:50:45 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "fahrplan.tga"!
37 11:50:45 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld.tga"!
38 11:50:46 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Coke.bmp"!
39 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "a"!
40 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "a"!
41 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
42 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
43 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
44 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
45 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
46 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
47 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
48 11:50:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "tex_steg_bh_.tga"!
49 11:50:48 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\folti\talstation.sco: texture filename kabine_tex256alpha2.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\folti\model\talstation.o3d!
50 11:50:48 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\folti\talstation.sco: texture filename kabine_tex256alpha2.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\folti\model\talstation.o3d!
51 11:50:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "str_asphdrk_mark2_alp"!
52 11:50:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "str_asphdrk_mark2_alp"!
53 11:50:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SO_Express.tga"!
54 11:50:51 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelSide 30.60.sco" could not be loaded!
55 11:50:51 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelSide 30.60.sco"
56 11:50:51 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain 30.60.sco" could not be loaded!
57 11:50:51 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain 30.60.sco"
58 11:50:52 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain megacrossing_left.sco" could not be loaded!
59 11:50:52 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain megacrossing_left.sco"
60 11:50:52 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain megacrossing_ahead.sco" could not be loaded!
61 11:50:52 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain megacrossing_ahead.sco"
62 11:50:52 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain.sco" could not be loaded!
63 11:50:52 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain.sco"
64 11:50:52 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain_L.sco" could not be loaded!
65 11:50:52 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain_L.sco"
66 11:50:52 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelSide 45.30.sco" could not be loaded!
67 11:50:52 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelSide 45.30.sco"
68 11:50:52 - - Error: The object "Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain 45.30.sco" could not be loaded!
69 11:50:52 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\AmpelMain 45.30.sco"
70 11:50:53 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\Autobahnschild.sco: texture filename textfeld.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\model\Autobahnschild.o3d!
71 11:50:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
72 11:50:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text_vb.bmp"!
73 11:50:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
74 11:50:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "number.bmp"!
75 11:51:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "TL.BMP"!
76 11:51:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
77 11:53:58 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
78 11:54:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
79 11:54:04 - - Error: In "" there was an error in line 0!
80 11:54:04 - - Error: In "" there was an error in line 0!
81 11:54:04 - - Warning: Invalid Object: "
82 11:54:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
83 11:54:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
84 11:54:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
85 11:54:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
86 11:54:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
87 11:54:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
88 11:54:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
89 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
90 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
91 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
92 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
93 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
94 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
95 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
96 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
97 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
98 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
99 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
100 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
101 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
102 11:54:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle - it is invalid!
103 11:56:59 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
104 11:56:59 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
105 11:56:59 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
106 11:56:59 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
107 11:56:59 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
108 11:56:59 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
109 11:57:02 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
110 11:57:02 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
111 11:57:20 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename sklo.rol.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\rol.o3d!
112 11:57:20 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename sklo.rol.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\rol.o3d!
113 11:57:20 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename sklo.rol.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\rol.o3d!
114 11:57:20 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename sklo.rol.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\rol.o3d!
115 11:57:20 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename sklo.rol.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\rol.o3d!
116 11:57:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339KR2.BMP"!
117 11:57:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339KR.BMP"!
118 11:57:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339KR2.BMP"!
119 11:57:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339FF4.BMP"!
120 11:57:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339FF2.BMP"!
121 11:57:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339FF3.BMP"!
122 11:57:21 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename luv.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\lampy_wew.o3d!
123 11:57:21 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename reflexion1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\lustro_p.o3d!
124 11:57:21 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename reflexion2.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\lustro_s.o3d!
125 11:57:21 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename reflexion0.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\lustro_l.o3d!
126 11:57:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339C1.BMP"!
127 11:57:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339C4.BMP"!
128 11:57:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339F1.BMP"!
129 11:57:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "339F4.BMP"!
130 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\kasow.o3d!
131 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
132 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
133 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
134 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
135 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
136 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
137 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename 339t1.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\porecze.o3d!
138 11:57:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename SD_dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\dreck_prawy_bok.o3d!
139 11:57:23 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename SD_dreck.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\dreck_szyby.o3d!
140 11:57:23 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\szyba_ot1.o3d!
141 11:57:23 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\szyba_ot2.o3d!
142 11:57:23 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\szyba_ot3.o3d!
143 11:57:23 - - Warning: File vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\model_Ikarus_automat.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\Ikarus 260\model\szyba_ot4.o3d!
144 11:57:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zezust.bmp"!
145 11:57:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zezust.bmp"!
146 11:57:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zezust.bmp"!
147 11:57:35 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Radk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Lin_S.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\matrix_textfield_numb.o3d!
148 11:57:35 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Radk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\matrix_textfield_letters.o3d!
149 11:57:35 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Radk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Auftrag.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\215UL-Auftragsschild-klein.o3d!
150 11:57:35 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Radk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Auftrag.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\215UL-Auftragsschild-b-klein.o3d!
151 11:57:48 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Lin_S.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\matrix_textfield_numb.o3d!
152 11:57:48 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\matrix_textfield_letters.o3d!
153 11:57:48 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Auftrag.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\215UL-Auftragsschild-klein.o3d!
154 11:57:48 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Auftrag.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\215UL-Auftragsschild-b-klein.o3d!
155 11:58:17 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Lin_S.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\matrix_textfield_numb.o3d!
156 11:58:17 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Matrix_Ziel_font.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\matrix_textfield_letters.o3d!
157 11:58:17 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Auftrag.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\215UL-Auftragsschild-klein.o3d!
158 11:58:17 - - Warning: File vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL_Matrix_Zierk_Autom.cfg: texture filename Auftrag.bmp not found in mesh file vehicles\Setra_215UL\model\S215UL\215UL-Auftragsschild-b-klein.o3d!
159 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
160 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
161 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
162 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
163 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
164 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
165 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
166 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
167 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
168 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
169 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
170 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
171 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
172 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
173 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
174 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
175 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
176 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
177 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
178 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
179 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
180 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
181 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
182 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
183 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
184 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
185 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
186 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
187 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
188 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
189 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
190 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
191 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
192 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
193 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
194 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
195 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
196 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
197 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
198 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
199 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
200 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
201 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
202 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
203 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
204 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
205 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
206 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
207 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
208 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
209 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
210 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
211 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
212 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
213 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
214 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
215 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
216 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
217 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
218 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
219 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
220 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
221 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
222 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
223 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
224 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
225 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
226 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
227 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
228 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
229 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
230 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
231 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
232 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
233 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
234 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
235 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
236 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
237 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
238 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
239 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
240 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
241 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
242 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
243 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
244 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
245 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
246 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
247 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
248 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
249 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
250 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
251 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
252 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
253 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
254 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
255 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
256 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
257 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
258 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
259 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
260 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
261 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
262 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
263 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
264 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
265 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
266 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
267 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
268 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
269 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
270 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
271 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
272 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
273 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
274 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
275 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
276 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
277 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
278 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
279 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
280 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
281 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
282 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
283 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
284 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
285 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
286 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
287 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
288 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
289 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
290 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
291 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
292 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
293 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
294 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
295 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
296 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
297 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
298 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
299 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
300 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
301 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
302 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
303 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
304 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
305 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
306 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
307 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
308 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
309 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
310 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
311 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
312 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
313 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
314 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
315 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
316 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
317 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
318 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
319 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
320 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
321 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
322 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
323 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
324 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
325 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
326 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
327 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
328 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
329 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
330 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
331 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
332 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
333 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
334 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
335 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
336 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
337 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
338 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
339 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
340 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
341 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
342 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
343 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
344 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
345 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
346 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
347 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
348 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
349 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
350 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
351 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
352 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
353 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
354 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
355 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
356 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
357 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
358 11:58:19 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
359 11:58:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\_RLB.jpg"!
360 11:58:20 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\Setra_215UL\sound\..\..\HH109_Stadtbus_HHA\sound\paxsound_low.wav could not be loaded!
361 11:58:20 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\Setra_215UL\sound\..\..\HH109_Stadtbus_HHA\sound\paxsound_full.wav could not be loaded!
362 12:01:34 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\Setra_215UL\sound\o405_hupe_aus.wav could not be loaded! -
Da hat's Dir aber einiges versemmelt.
Auf jeden Fall brauchst Du mal Busdrivers Objekte (Link im Eröffnungspost) und so wie es aussieht auch die Römerberg-II.zip.Das mal installieren und nochmal probieren.