Omsi 2 jumping bus

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  • Hello for all.I downloaded new game Omsi 2 choosing the spandau map and bus MAn ng 272.When i come to Rathaus Spandau bus start jumping,that it makes undriveable.
    Is there a solution for jumping?

  • FPS has nothing to do with it, FPS is governed by the GPU which upon checking OMSI doesn't utilise the GPUs memory or processing power, the CPU is doing everything, running Windows, running OMSI and calculating the AI, time of day, it's too much even for an i7

    A lot of us have DDR 3 GPUs which are fine when i use anything else graphic dependant. Just need to divide up the power to other peripherals. A lot of people are pleading for GPU support.

  • I had that problem too, but in my case (I have quite a powerful PC) it was down to OMSI 2 running out of RAM, which can also force a slew of error messages. Try downloading a free program called "CFF Explorer" and do the following:

    • Back up your OMSI 2 .exe file (make a copy of it, rename it to something like "OMSI.exe.BAK"
    • Run CFF Explorer, use the program to open the OMSI 2 .exe (the original, not the backup)
    • Choose "File Headers"
    • Next to the field Characteristics, press "Click Here"
    • Check the box next to "App can handle >2 GB"
    • Save the edited .exe

    This should prevent the game running out of RAM. Unfortunately I think it only lets it use 3 GB of RAM, but it's a 50% increase over the default 2 GB of a 32-bit application.

    Helped me anyway



    - ThomsenX

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