Sometimes when I close OMSI 2 ...
"Handle de fenêtre non valide" ... in english ""Invalid window handle"
Sometimes when I close OMSI 2 ...
"Handle de fenêtre non valide" ... in english ""Invalid window handle"
This problem is allready known. The Developers try to fix this.
The same, when I return under the menu, game crash.
I have the problem that the NG 272 doesnt make sound in the articulation.... and Im tired of installing again and again the game
I have the problem that the NG 272 doesnt make sound in the articulation.... and Im tired of installing again and again the game
Not all of them do, try 2527
I have the problem that the NG 272 doesnt make sound in the articulation.... and Im tired of installing again and again the game
How many sounds are you using in your settings? I've noticed that if you use under 200, some bus sounds end up getting dropped. I'm far too frustrated with the game to spend my time trying to figure out if its random or specific, but maybe that's the problem in your case. Of course if you're using more than 200 sounds, this point is moot
I have 200 exactly. But trying with the 2527 works properly. So some numbers dont have that sound I think no?
I have 200 exactly. But trying with the 2527 works properly. So some numbers dont have that sound I think no?
I haven't nearly had the time nor perseverance to try them all, but since it works on the 2527 and didn't work on another one, you might be right
keep getting this error in the game Fehler bei Bereichsprufung
Im BD87 (ich hoffe der war das auch) nach dem Betätigen von Play des Kassettenrekorders, kann im Anschluss die Stoptaste nicht mehr gedrückt werden, das betätigen von Haltestellenbremse etc. ist dann auch nicht mehr möglich.
Map ist die in OMSI 2 adaptierte Reinickendorf 1989 von Welbus.
Der Falke
sorry, i miss the forest for the trees, i will repost it in the german section
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