MB O305 installer problem

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  • Hello,
    I have a problem with MB o305 installer. Problem is that how I can change the folder where the installer copies Stadtbus o305 files? The installer automatically choose omsi 1 folder, but I want to change it and install it to omsi 2. Here's a pic: http://oi43.tinypic.com/tapxdd.jpg , so i want to change that destination folder which is in red box.
    Thanks for helping me out!

  • I think currently the only way to install it is to let it install to Omsi 1 folder, then copy the files to your Omsi 2 folder. If you have Omsi 1 installed on that location, rename its folder temporarily, install the O305, copy over the files and rename Omsi 1 back to its original name.

  • I think currently the only way to install it is to let it install to Omsi 1 folder, then copy the files to your Omsi 2 folder. If you have Omsi 1 installed on that location, rename its folder temporarily, install the O305, copy over the files and rename Omsi 1 back to its original name.

    Installing to OMSI 1 folder and then copying the files to OMSI 2 folder doesn't work. Gives me an error.. Please, still looking the solution..

  • Installing it to OMSI 1 folder and then copying the files to OMSI 2 folder doesnt work, gives me an error. So, still looking for the solution, please hlp!