Bartjk's objects: Dutch bus stop sign

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  • Welcome!
    Here you can find all my own made objects.
    Most objects are dutch based, You can try to make a request but I won't promise that I make your requested object.

    Dutch busstop sign
    Type of download: Map object

    Name of project: Dutch busstop sign

    Participating users: bartjk / Bart Kromwijk

    Details: Because Bronsmeer 2.0 still doesn't work in omsi 2 and many people can't wait for this object, I release the Dutch busstop sign.
    This sign is very common in The Netherlands and used by almost all bus company's.
    Please read before use the Read-me. Here you can find instructions for use of this object. A bit of modding experience is required.

    Copyright: See read-me

    Download ( / own server) faster download without ads or waiting times
    Download (omsi webdisc)

  • Don't know if it's still usefull to you, but I had the same problem. I solved the problem by opening every failing texture in Paint and saving it again. I hope it will still help you after all these months


    EDIT: To make the texture with the name of the bus stop work, you should still enter the name.