Settings Optimization

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  • Hello,
    I have recently bought OMSI2 off Steam and found it to be very laggy.

    I had given a try in configuring it but only made the matters worse


    The average fps I'm gettings is 5 - 9 which in my opinion is unacceptable :[

    I'm sure you had many of such threads but could anyone help me set up OMSI because I don't fully understand how to achieve best performance in it.

    My Specs for reference:
    Core i5 4670 @ 3.8GHz + 16GB 1600MHz RAM
    NVIDIA GTX 760 2GB Edition

    Dual SSD Raid0 for games.

    Your help is appreciated.

  • It sounds to me that your settings are set way too low or too high. Please post a screenshot of your settings. It also sounds like you have too many tiles loading up as well.

  • Your English is quite good bud


    It has increased the performance by a little bit. Now I can see the mirrors + fps increase to average 12

  • In the Graphics screen: turn turn Target Framrate down to 40. Change Neigbour Tiles Count to 2. Change Max. Obj. Visibility Distance to 750. Change Min. Obj. Size to 1.30 and for Reflections to 4.60. Change Real Time Reflections to Economy and tick the Only User Vehicle box. Untick Stencil Buffer Effects and change Max. Map Complexity to Loading also objects in near side streets.

    In the Graphics (advanced) screen: Turn Real Time Reflexions Texture Size down to 512.

    For the AI Traffic Screen: You can leave everything the way it is but you should be able turn up Schedule Priority to 3 or 4, that way trains and more AI traffic will run, but with a loss of FPS.

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