After release update 2.1 no sound from soundcubes

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  • I would like to ask you about a thing that is becoming very annoying (for me) after the update 2.1.

    After the update I hear no bird sounds anymore and the bells of the church are very silent.
    It could be that no one has noticed it, but the ambient sounds are something that makes the artificial world of OMSI comes alive and I love it.
    I also noticed that only the sound components that are depending on time to do something doesn't work after the update. The stationary sounds, for example the buzz of a transformer, are still working.

    I'm a modeller and I love the German countryside very much, so OMSI gives me the possibility to make such a landscape and drive a bus line through it.

    Take a look at this picture taken from my current project.
    I'm building RegioBus Mittweida busline 666 from Rochlitz to Colditz and it beautiful route via Bundesstraße 107.
    This spot is my version of the area surrounding Bahnhof Rochlitz (Sachsen), and I called it "Kochlitz" because it is a half real map.
    But the point is, looking at all the trees and nature surroundings without the sounds of birds and the church this world feels dead.

    Believe me, I tried every sound option in the 'options' and I validated the game a few times in Steam.
    I've been around computers since the eighties and I know to program software.
    But this problem I can't solve without your help. I need a patch!

    I'm one of the older members (in age. I'm 43) of this forum and I bought all the OMSI Add-Ons because I love your product to dead.
    But since the absence of the sounds my drive to continue building my map is fading and come to a halt.

    Bitte, hilf mir!

    With regards,


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Sikkenbaas () aus folgendem Grund: By request Janine.

  • I keep on nagging about the problem with the sound cubes.

    After the update 2.1 I get no ambient sounds from the soundcubes and lately I discovered that also the bells of the church are silent.
    I do hear the A.I traffic sound and also the sound of the rain when selected, but I missing something!

    Does anybody has an answer? Please help!!

    It is very annoying and I will keep on nagging about it until someone comes with an answer!

  • Hey


    I maybe a little late with this, i've just created an account today however the sound cube problem is a know bug.

    Hi LordRevan,

    It could be true that it is a known bug, but it is a damper on my whole OMSI experience.
    And a OMSI world without the ambient sounds is a dead world.
    I want this bug be fixed quickly. It annoys me more than a sudden drop in frame rate when I'm playing.
    It is to silent!
    But no support or even a reaction from the official side as far.

    For me OMSI is not a game to bring a bus from A to B on time, but an experience.
    Just like life, it is not the destination but it is the journey what counts for me.
    And that is why I love to build maps as accurate as can be.

    I want my birds back!

  • Dear Sikkenbaas,

    I have the same issue on my system. Great condition to solve the issue. It is a bug, introduced with 2.1, idd. I will call the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union and we will solve the problem with the next patch.

    Thank you for contributing (and for waiting...). You will either read the patch notes as the problem is solved or I will write again here. Don't know yet.


    Additional: The church bells (12:10 P.M. at Spandau market place) are ok.

  • Janine

    Your efforts are very well appreciated!

    The birds are singing the highest song and I hear the church bell strikes on the hour.

    My trust is fully restored in your company!
    I will resume building my map and enjoying my hobby to the fullest.


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