Wuste garnicht das die S11 von Neuss nach Dortmund fährt

Nein schöne Karte! Weiter so! Aber leider laggt sie bei mir... Bin eben ein wenig untermotorisiert in OMSI...
Grüße aus Neuss
Wuste garnicht das die S11 von Neuss nach Dortmund fährt
Nein schöne Karte! Weiter so! Aber leider laggt sie bei mir... Bin eben ein wenig untermotorisiert in OMSI...
Grüße aus Neuss
Guten Abend zusammen,
mal eine Frage, wo lade ich die Backgroundsounds rein ziehen?
Hallo ,
Download link s geht leider nicht
Guten Abend zusammen,
mal eine Frage, wo lade ich die Backgroundsounds rein ziehen?
i am missing this sceneryobject
and i am missing part of route on road 117 between seestrase and Ruhrau Mitte ZOB...
can someone upload this file ? thanxx
Ich habe ein problem kan mir jemand helfen:
bitte mal mit den Sceneryobjekten aus Post 35 versuchen
/ please test it with the Sceneryobjects of Post 35
Hallo ,
Download link s geht leider nicht
Gerade getestet...funzt einwandfrei
Hallo Karsten,
danke für die tolle Map. Da hast du Dir wirklich Mühe gegeben.
Gefallen hat mir besonderst,Webergasse mit den Fachwerkhäuser,die Wasserfontäne,der Wasserturm,der Bahnhof und und und.
Einfach Klasse die Map !
Achja,in meinen Omsi Ordner und Signatur kommt wieder eine Map dazu,die 58zigste, dank Dir !
bekomme Diese Meldung beim Runterladen HTTP 500
ich habe mir die Trailer angesehen von der Map und muss sagen gute Arbeit, sieht wirklich sehr toll aus
Ich habe mir die Map gezogen aber ich habe das Problem das wenn ich das Spiel starte, mir angezeigt wird, mir fehlen backroundsounds. Habe dann auch backroundsounds 1.6 geladen aber die sco Dateien die mir fehlen, sind darin gar nicht enthalten.
Wenn ich dann die ganzen Meldungen wegklicke, sehe ich nur einen tollen Sternenhimmel
Bin sehr verzweifelt und würde mich über Hilfe freuen
LG Lumpeli
Wenn ich dann die ganzen Meldungen wegklicke, sehe ich nur einen tollen Sternenhimmel![]()
Wir benötigen mal von dir "die ganzen" Meldungen, sonst ist das leider etwas schwer nachvollziehbar, was genau fehlt
bekomme Diese Meldung beim Runterladen HTTP 500![]()
es liegt wohl nicht am Link, gerade extra nochmal nachgeschaut, ggf. mal einen anderen Browser testen oder mal antivirensoftware abschalten...vlt. blockiert da was...
Für alle, die nicht wissen wohin mit den backgroundsounds:
Ihr habt das Archiv Sounds16 und dann öffnet ihr euern OMSI 2 Ordner, geht in Sceneryobjects und erstellt dort einen Ordner ,,backgroundsounds". In diesen erstellten Ordner zieht ihr alle Dateien rein, die im Sounds16 Ordner im Archiv sind. Erklärung: Omsi sucht im Sceneryobjects-Ordner zwar nach dem richtigen Backgroundsound, aber nicht im richtigen Ordner, heißt OMSI sucht nach einem Ordner backgroundsounds in Sceneryobjects, in welchem der Sound-Würfel sein SOLLTE. Enpackt ihr jedoch nur den Ordner Sounds16 in Sceneryobjects, so gibt es logischerweise keinen backgroundsounds-Ordner, sondern nur einen Sounds16-Ordner. In diesem ist zwar das richtige drin, aber wie OMSI eben ist, wird in diesem Ordner nicht gesucht
Wir benötigen mal von dir "die ganzen" Meldungen, sonst ist das leider etwas schwer nachvollziehbar, was genau fehlt
Ohja, natürlich
Mir wird folgendes angezeigt : "Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\backroundsounds\city_cube.sco"
" Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\backroundsounds\water_cube.sco"
" Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\backroundsounds\park_cube.sco"
Habe wie gesagt dieses Backroundsound 1.6 geladen und eingefügt aber es hat nichts geholfen und wenn ich diese (siehe oben
Display MoreOhja, natürlich
Mir wird folgendes angezeigt : "Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\backroundsounds\city_cube.sco"
" Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\backroundsounds\water_cube.sco"
" Szenerieobjekt wurde nicht gefunden: Sceneryobjects\backroundsounds\park_cube.sco"
Habe wie gesagt dieses Backroundsound 1.6 geladen und eingefügt aber es hat nichts geholfen und wenn ich diese (siehe oben
) Fehlermeldungen wegklicke, sehe ich nur Sternenhimmel.
Mach mal das, was "Neragon" über dir gepostet hat, dann sollte alles klappen.
Den Tip von "Neragon" habe ich schon versucht aber auch dann klappt es leider immernoch nicht
Diese .sco Dateien die nicht gefunden wurden sind ja auch nicht in dem Sound Ordner vorhanden. Kann man diese vielleicht separat irgendwo herbekommen?
Lumpeli hat recht, im Sounds16 Archiv gibt es diese Dateien nicht. Unter dem Link von den Backgroundsounds oben im Eröffnungsthread gibt es noch eine Sounds-Version, die 1.5. In der sind die fehlenden Würfel drin! Lade dir das mal herunter und mach es genauso: die Dateien in backgroundsounds 1.5 in sceneryobjects/backgroundsounds entpacken, und dann, zur Sicherheit, nochmal die Dateien aus Sounds16 in Sceneryobjects/backgroundsounds entpacken, dann solltest du alles haben...dämlich gemacht, dass es dann in der 1.6 manche Würfel einfach nicht mehr gibt...komisch
Also ich muss sagen,mir Gefällt die Linie 179 sehr
Fahrzeit: 38 Minuten
Nun zu den Sachen die mir aufgefallen sind:
- Der 1.Einstieg der Fahrgästen wahr für mich echt Überraschend
Nun zu kleinen Besserungen:
1) als ich mit dem HH109_Stadtgelenkbus1992_HHA gefahren bin musste ich feststellen das ich kein Kind Ermäßig Fahrschein Verkaufen konnte,warum weiß ich nicht.
2) Bei der Hin und Rücktour gingen folgende Ansagen nicht: Alter Bahnhof Steig 1 & 2 , Heidhausen Bf. und Schacht Heinzmann
diese 2 kleinen Punkte sind für mich ehr gesagt Kinderkacke also halt keine große Auswirkungen
Bin zwar nur die 179 gefahren aber kann trotzdem schon mal sagen das die Karte echt Hammer Geil ist und die Performance auch
So genug geschrieben,ich wünsche euch allen noch einen schönen Abend und fahrt Vorsichtig da draußen
Mit freundlichen Grüßen TrainOmsiTV
Nun zu den Sachen die mir aufgefallen sind:
- Der 1.Einstieg der Fahrgästen wahr für mich echt Überraschend
gute Arbeit
Nun zu kleinen Besserungen:
1) als ich mit dem HH109_Stadtgelenkbus1992_HHA gefahren bin musste ich feststellen das ich kein Kind Ermäßig Fahrschein Verkaufen konnte,warum weiß ich nicht.
2) Bei der Hin und Rücktour gingen folgende Ansagen nicht: Alter Bahnhof Steig 1 & 2 , Heidhausen Bf. und Schacht Heinzmann
1. der Karsten liest mit und wird es sicher notieren, kann aber auch am Addon-Bus liegen weil
2. die Weiterschaltung funktioniert für die Addon-Busse leider ebenfalls nicht überall einwandfrei...wollte der Karsten glaub ich auch noch irgendwo drauf eingehen (Post 1??) - d. h. ihr werdet hin und wieder an manchen Haltestellen keine Ansage bekommen bei Bussen, bei denen eine "automatische Weiterschaltung" verbaut ist...das hängt meines Wissens mit den "Haltestellenwürfeln" irgendwie zusammen (er is ja der Mapbauer) und da hat Omsi wohl gewisse Probleme, wenn die "gleiche" Namen haben.
Weiterhin gute Fahrt
LG Andi
Was ich bisher so sehe und höre gefällt mir ziemlich gut
Nur manche Fahrgäste klingen irgendwie ein bisschen gruselig...
Uuuund eine Frage: Was ist denn an dem Ruhrau-Solaris so besonders? Bevor ich ihn mir runterlade und feststelle, dass kein großer Unterschied zum normalen ist, frag ich lieber
Was ich bisher so sehe und höre gefällt mir ziemlich gut
Nur manche Fahrgäste klingen irgendwie ein bisschen gruselig...
Uuuund eine Frage: Was ist denn an dem Ruhrau-Solaris so besonders? Bevor ich ihn mir runterlade und feststelle, dass kein großer Unterschied zum normalen ist, frag ich lieber
- kleineres File
- enthält "nur" für Ruhrau benötigte Repaints und nicht die ganzen anderen Repaints
- enthält Hof-Datei und Spezial-Matrixanzeigen für Ruhrau
- enthält bereits die Alternativ-Version ohne Kameras und mit flüssigen Spiegeln
- enthält bereits das Beispiel für das erstellen einer Multicolour-Matrix
da ich beim Release des Busses so "nett" war und bereits alle nötigen "Anzeigen" für Ruhrau zur Multicolour-Matrix mitgeliefert habe und der Karsten auch die benötigte Hof-Datei dem Download beigelegt hat, brauchste ihn eigentlich nur dann, wenn du ihn noch nicht hast und / oder ein kleineres File möchtest, wo bereits beide "Ergänzungen" mit drin sind, die wir noch rausgebracht haben (siehe oben) - dann allerdings ohne weitere Repaints der BVG usw.
Hallo ich habe folgendes Probelm:
Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_2fuss.o3d!
286 23:30:00 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
287 23:30:01 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 104, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-3_8.map ...
288 23:30:02 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 69, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_8.map ...
289 23:30:49 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
290 23:34:21 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
291 23:34:52 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
292 23:35:13 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 71, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_7.map ...
293 23:35:13 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 72, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_8.map ...
294 23:35:14 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 101, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_9.map ...
295 23:35:15 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
296 23:35:43 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 36, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_5.map ...
297 23:35:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 37, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_6.map ...
298 23:35:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 73, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_8.map ...
299 23:35:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 74, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_9.map ...
300 23:35:44 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
301 23:36:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 94, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_10.map ...
302 23:36:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 100, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_10.map ...
303 23:36:20 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
Start logging
Date: 18.09.2014
Time: 23:13:16
Version: 2.1.012
0 23:13:16 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 23:14:09 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
2 23:14:09 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
3 23:14:09 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
4 23:14:09 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
5 23:14:10 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
6 23:14:10 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
7 23:14:10 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
8 23:14:10 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
9 23:14:10 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
10 23:14:10 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
11 23:14:10 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
12 23:14:10 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
13 23:14:10 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
14 23:14:10 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
15 23:14:11 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
16 23:14:11 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
17 23:15:12 - - Information: Loading Situation maps\Ruhrau\laststn.osn...
18 23:15:13 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 231607
19 23:15:13 - - Information: Load maps\Ruhrau\global.cfg map...
20 23:15:13 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
21 23:15:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
22 23:15:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
23 23:15:13 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
24 23:15:13 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
25 23:15:13 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
26 23:15:13 - - Information: Sound laden...
27 23:15:13 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
28 23:15:13 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
29 23:15:13 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 231607
30 23:15:16 - - Information: Fonts initialized
31 23:15:16 - - Information: Map created
32 23:15:16 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
33 23:15:16 - - Information: Registrations loaded
34 23:15:16 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
35 23:15:16 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
36 23:15:16 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
37 23:15:16 - - Information: VarParents loaded
38 23:15:16 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
39 23:15:16 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
40 23:15:16 - - Information: Map loaded
41 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 1 begins before previous entry ends!
42 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 2 begins before previous entry ends!
43 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 3 begins before previous entry ends!
44 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 4 begins before previous entry ends!
45 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 5 begins before previous entry ends!
46 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 6 begins before previous entry ends!
47 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 7 begins before previous entry ends!
48 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 8 begins before previous entry ends!
49 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 9 begins before previous entry ends!
50 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 10 begins before previous entry ends!
51 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 11 begins before previous entry ends!
52 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 12 begins before previous entry ends!
53 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 13 begins before previous entry ends!
54 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 14 begins before previous entry ends!
55 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 15 begins before previous entry ends!
56 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 16 begins before previous entry ends!
57 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 17 begins before previous entry ends!
58 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 18 begins before previous entry ends!
59 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 19 begins before previous entry ends!
60 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 20 begins before previous entry ends!
61 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 21 begins before previous entry ends!
62 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 22 begins before previous entry ends!
63 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 23 begins before previous entry ends!
64 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 24 begins before previous entry ends!
65 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 25 begins before previous entry ends!
66 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 26 begins before previous entry ends!
67 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 27 begins before previous entry ends!
68 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 28 begins before previous entry ends!
69 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 29 begins before previous entry ends!
70 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 30 begins before previous entry ends!
71 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
72 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 32 begins before previous entry ends!
73 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 33 begins before previous entry ends!
74 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 34 begins before previous entry ends!
75 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 35 begins before previous entry ends!
76 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 36 begins before previous entry ends!
77 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 37 begins before previous entry ends!
78 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 38 begins before previous entry ends!
79 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 39 begins before previous entry ends!
80 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 40 begins before previous entry ends!
81 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 41 begins before previous entry ends!
82 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 42 begins before previous entry ends!
83 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 43 begins before previous entry ends!
84 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 44 begins before previous entry ends!
85 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 45 begins before previous entry ends!
86 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 46 begins before previous entry ends!
87 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 47 begins before previous entry ends!
88 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 48 begins before previous entry ends!
89 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 49 begins before previous entry ends!
90 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 50 begins before previous entry ends!
91 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 51 begins before previous entry ends!
92 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 52 begins before previous entry ends!
93 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1: Entry 53 begins before previous entry ends!
94 23:15:16 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 177.ttl", tour 3. Mo. - Sa.: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
95 23:15:16 - - Information: Humans created
96 23:15:16 - - Information: Editor refreshed
97 23:15:16 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
98 23:15:16 - - Information: Weather loaded
99 23:15:16 - - Information: Map camera loaded
100 23:15:16 - - Information: maps\Ruhrau\global.cfg map loaded!
101 23:15:18 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
102 23:15:18 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text_vb.bmp"!
103 23:15:18 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
104 23:15:18 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "number.bmp"!
105 23:15:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
106 23:15:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
107 23:15:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
108 23:15:19 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 1, maps\Ruhrau\tile_1_0.map ...
109 23:15:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 4, maps\Ruhrau\tile_2_-2.map ...
110 23:15:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
111 23:15:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "number.bmp"!
112 23:15:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
113 23:15:22 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 3, maps\Ruhrau\tile_2_-1.map ...
114 23:15:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "str_asphdrk_mark2_alp"!
115 23:15:25 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 2, maps\Ruhrau\tile_2_0.map ...
116 23:15:25 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 8, maps\Ruhrau\tile_2_1.map ...
117 23:15:25 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 133, maps\Ruhrau\tile_3_-1.map ...
118 23:15:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Static_Vehicles_N2\N2_White.sco: texture filename N2_White.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Static_Vehicles_N2\model\N2_White.o3d!
119 23:15:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Static_Vehicles_Ruhrau\N2_White.sco: texture filename N2_White.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Static_Vehicles_Ruhrau\model\N2_White.o3d!
120 23:15:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
121 23:15:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Static_Vehicles_N2\N2_BVG_SaG.sco: texture filename N2_BVG_SaG.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Static_Vehicles_N2\model\N2_BVG_SaG.o3d!
122 23:15:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Zane\zane_vz_warn_small.sco: texture filename Textfeld_1.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Zane\model\zane_vz_warn_small.o3d!
123 23:15:26 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 124, maps\Ruhrau\tile_3_0.map ...
124 23:15:26 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 135, maps\Ruhrau\tile_3_1.map ...
125 23:15:27 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 134, maps\Ruhrau\tile_4_0.map ...
126 23:15:27 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 10, maps\Ruhrau\tile_5_-2.map ...
127 23:15:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienliste_ANX.bmp"!
128 23:15:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienliste_ANX.bmp"!
129 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
130 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
131 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
132 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
133 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
134 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.bmp"!
135 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.bmp"!
136 23:15:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
137 23:15:48 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 231607
138 23:15:48 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
139 23:15:48 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 231607
140 23:15:54 - - Information: Traffic loaded
141 23:15:54 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
142 23:15:54 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
143 23:15:54 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
144 23:15:54 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 231607
145 23:15:54 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
146 23:15:54 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
147 23:15:54 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
148 23:15:55 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
149 23:15:55 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
150 23:15:57 - - Warning: Soundfile vehicles\MB_O530_Modded\sound-citaro\D_Schepper.wav does not exist!
151 23:15:57 - - Warning: Soundfile vehicles\MB_O530_Modded\sound-citaro\SD_lautsprech_rausch.wav does not exist!
152 23:15:57 - - Warning: Soundfile vehicles\MB_O530_Modded\sound-citaro\SD_lautsprech_Motor@592.wav does not exist!
153 23:16:00 - - Information: Wetterdownload erfolgreich: 2014/09/18 20:50
EDDT 182050Z 05003KT CAVOK 18/10 Q1014 NOSIG
154 23:16:00 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
155 23:16:00 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
156 23:16:00 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
157 23:16:00 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
158 23:16:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
159 23:16:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
160 23:16:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
161 23:16:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
162 23:16:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
163 23:16:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
164 23:16:43 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
165 23:16:44 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
166 23:16:48 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
167 23:16:48 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
168 23:17:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
169 23:17:20 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
170 23:17:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
171 23:17:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
172 23:17:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
173 23:17:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
174 23:17:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
175 23:17:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
176 23:18:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
177 23:18:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
178 23:18:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
179 23:18:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
180 23:18:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
181 23:18:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
182 23:18:11 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_main_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
183 23:18:19 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_articul_bellows_dirt.o3d!
184 23:18:22 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MV.o3d!
185 23:18:22 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MH.o3d!
186 23:18:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
187 23:19:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
188 23:19:31 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
189 23:19:31 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
190 23:19:31 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_trail_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
191 23:20:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
192 23:20:30 - - Information: Wetterdownload erfolgreich: 2014/09/18 20:50
EDDT 182050Z 05003KT CAVOK 18/10 Q1014 NOSIG
193 23:20:30 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
194 23:20:30 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
195 23:20:30 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
196 23:20:30 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
197 23:20:31 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
198 23:20:32 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
199 23:20:34 - - Warning: File vehicles\br275\model\model_875.cfg: texture filename Ziel.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\br275\model\BR875_Beschriftungen.o3d!
200 23:21:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
201 23:21:29 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
202 23:21:29 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Digitaluhr.bmp"!
203 23:21:30 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Digitaluhr.bmp"!
204 23:21:34 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 0, maps\Ruhrau\tile_0_0.map ...
205 23:21:36 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
206 23:21:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
207 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
208 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
209 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
210 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
211 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
212 23:21:48 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 119, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-20_19.map ...
213 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
214 23:21:48 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 117, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-19_16.map ...
215 23:21:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
216 23:21:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
217 23:21:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
218 23:21:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
219 23:21:49 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 115, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-19_17.map ...
220 23:21:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
221 23:21:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
222 23:21:50 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\EN92_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
223 23:21:50 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 116, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-19_18.map ...
224 23:21:51 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MV.o3d!
225 23:21:51 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_EN92.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\EN92\LOD_EN92_tuer_MH.o3d!
226 23:21:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
227 23:21:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
228 23:21:51 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-19_19.map" there was an error in line 3682!
229 23:21:54 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 113, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-18_16.map ...
230 23:21:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
231 23:21:56 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 114, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-18_17.map ...
232 23:21:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 122, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-18_18.map ...
233 23:21:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 127, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-17_16.map ...
234 23:21:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 125, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-17_17.map ...
235 23:21:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 126, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-17_18.map ...
236 23:22:01 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
237 23:22:01 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
238 23:22:09 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
239 23:22:09 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
240 23:22:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
241 23:22:12 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
242 23:22:45 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 34, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_4.map ...
243 23:22:47 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 33, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_4.map ...
244 23:22:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "_auto_4.jpg"!
245 23:22:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "_auto_12.jpg"!
246 23:22:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
247 23:22:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "number.bmp"!
248 23:22:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
249 23:22:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
250 23:22:50 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 32, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-3_4.map ...
251 23:22:50 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 28, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_2.map ...
252 23:22:51 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 29, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_3.map ...
253 23:22:53 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 31, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_4.map ...
254 23:22:54 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 64, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_5.map ...
255 23:22:54 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 65, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_6.map ...
256 23:22:58 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
257 23:22:58 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
258 23:23:04 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
259 23:23:04 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
260 23:24:14 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 225524
261 23:24:14 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
262 23:24:14 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
263 23:24:14 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
264 23:24:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
265 23:24:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
266 23:24:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
267 23:24:35 - - Warning: Soundfile vehicles\MB_O530_Modded\sound-citaro\Matrix_Ziel.wav does not exist!
268 23:25:54 - - Information: Date: 2014 0918, Time: 225852
269 23:25:54 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
270 23:25:54 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
271 23:25:55 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
272 23:26:55 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 35, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_4.map ...
273 23:26:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 36, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_5.map ...
274 23:27:03 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Zane\zane_vz_warn_large.sco: texture filename Textfeld_1.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Zane\model\zane_vz_warn_large.o3d!
275 23:27:03 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 37, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_6.map ...
276 23:29:03 - - Information: Wetterdownload erfolgreich: 2014/09/18 21:20
EDDT 182120Z 12005KT CAVOK 17/09 Q1014
277 23:29:03 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
278 23:29:03 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
279 23:29:03 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
280 23:29:03 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
281 23:29:29 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 70, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_7.map ...
282 23:29:30 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 68, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-3_7.map ...
283 23:29:36 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 66, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_7.map ...
284 23:29:37 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 67, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-1_7.map ...
285 23:30:00 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_2fuss.o3d!
286 23:30:00 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
287 23:30:01 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 104, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-3_8.map ...
288 23:30:02 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 69, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_8.map ...
289 23:30:49 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
290 23:34:21 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
291 23:34:52 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
292 23:35:13 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 71, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_7.map ...
293 23:35:13 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 72, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_8.map ...
294 23:35:14 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 101, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_9.map ...
295 23:35:15 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
296 23:35:43 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 36, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_5.map ...
297 23:35:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 37, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_6.map ...
298 23:35:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 73, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_8.map ...
299 23:35:44 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 74, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_9.map ...
300 23:35:44 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
301 23:36:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 94, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-6_10.map ...
302 23:36:20 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 100, maps\Ruhrau\tile_-5_10.map ...
303 23:36:20 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-4_8.map" there was an error in line 7329!
Busfahrer danke für die Hilfe
Nur wo muss ich die Backgroundsounds rein Installieren ?
Hello. I have no objects when the map is loaded and no errors!
Start logging
Date: 19.9.2014 г/
Time: 02:11:49
0 02:11:58 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
1 02:11:58 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
2 02:11:58 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
3 02:11:58 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
4 02:12:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
5 02:12:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
6 02:12:10 - - Error: The file "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\132 - Ruhrau - Grunstr.ttp" could not be loaded!
7 02:12:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 132-196.ttl", tour 1 has at least one invalid trip index (Nr. 1)!
8 02:12:11 - - Warning: Line "maps\Ruhrau\TTData\Linie 177.ttl", tour 3. Mo. - Sa.: Entry 31 begins before previous entry ends!
9 02:12:11 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
10 02:12:11 - - Warning: Spline type "Splines\Addon Modern Streets\str_2spur_8m_sedan1-Uberland.sli" could not be loaded!
11 02:12:11 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\Kreuz_MC\haltebucht_1.sco" could not be loaded!
12 02:12:11 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\Kreuz_MC\haltebucht_1.sco"
13 02:12:11 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_0.map" there was an error in line 5027!
14 02:12:11 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_1.map" there was an error in line 1676!
15 02:12:11 - - Error: The file "Sceneryobjects\Nemolus Objekte\Verkehrszeichen\VZ_OhneMast_Vorfahrtstra?e.sco" could not be loaded!
16 02:12:11 - - Warning: Invalid Object: Sceneryobjects\Nemolus Objekte\Verkehrszeichen\VZ_OhneMast_Vorfahrtstra?e.sco"
17 02:12:12 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-2_2.map" there was an error in line 5316!
18 02:12:12 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_-1_0.map" there was an error in line 8542!
19 02:12:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
20 02:12:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text_vb.bmp"!
21 02:12:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
22 02:12:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
23 02:12:13 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_0_0.map" there was an error in line 13002!
24 02:12:14 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_1_0.map" there was an error in line 7832!
25 02:12:15 - - Warning: Spline type "Splines\BCS Splines\Stra?enschaden\stra?enschaden_3,0.sli" could not be loaded!
26 02:12:15 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_2_-1.map" there was an error in line 2732!
27 02:12:15 - - Error: In map file "maps\Ruhrau\tile_2_0.map" there was an error in line 1843!
28 02:12:22 - - Error: Direct3D-Device lost!