I can not load any map //SOLVED//

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  • Good evening,
    since yesterday I have with OMSI 2 problem. Each time I am loading any map, at the end of loading I see this:

    I do not know where the problem is, but my game is actually unplayable. I think there is a problem with Humans, as they are described in logfile. I have not changed anything in this folder, so I do not know what does it mean.
    Here is the logfile:

    The file of human always changes, once it is woman02, next time man01 etc.

    Please help me, I can't play the game.
    Many thanks.
    Best regards,
    Tambus 3700

  • Did you try to repair OMSI via Steam (a complete repair)?

    Backup your files for the first.

    Repair. If it does not help, uninstall completely and reinstall. Try again and post your logfile.

    It is important to test with a native, clean OMSI setup. You can reload your backed up addons when your game is back to life.


    Feel free to PM me again if I do not recognize your thread.



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