I can't edit anything in any map

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  • As title, and I am a XP user.

    Firstly, I can play map in V2.2.016, seems there is no problems in playing OMSI2.

    But when I tried to use OMSI2 editor to edit the map, for example, such as changing sceneryobjects, or reset the maximum passengers in bus stop etc, it crashed unfortunately. Then I always need to use Ctrl+Alt+Del to exit the OMSI2 editor. Also, when I use OMSI2 editor to edit another map, it also crashed.

    Here is the logfile:

    I can edit any map and play any maps in V2.1
    As I am XP user, at the update version V2.2.013, I can't play or edit any maps.
    When I updated to V2.2.016 fews days ago, I am surprised that I can play any maps BUT I can't edit any maps unfortunately. I can't change anything when I was trying to edit my map.

    I would like how to solve these problems.

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