Krüger+ (M-R Krüger, DOT, DOT-LED) + Churafont++ (LED, LCD) matrix mod version 4.2 -update- (10.10.2016)

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  • Hey!

    How do I change the rollbanders to the LED Orange one for the BVG Solaris and the Scania Citywide? I think I almost made it on the Solaris one, only thing is, the green background light is really irritating. Any1 knows how to make it black or something? And how to I make it like Orange LCD on the Scania. I got the Morphi mod on both busses.

    Solaris Urbino BVG

    Scania Citywide GN14

  • Hey,

    Why doesn´t work the LCD Matrix Version 4.0 for Citaro 1. Gen?

    LG Tim

  • Wie funktioniert das mit dem MAN Stadtbus Addon? Ich würde gern die LED Matrix in Orange reinbekommen, da die Standard LED ja garkeine richtige LED ist und nicht schön aussieht.

    Danke im Vorraus


  • Also, um mal die Frage zu beantworten

    Lade dir das entsprechende Paket herunter und füge es ein/überschreiben
    Ich zum Beispiel bin gerade am testen von verschiedenen Modellen und habe immer einen Extraordner (natürlich auch die bus-Datei angepasst)

    Ich suche eine FlipDot Matrix...
    Nur ich glaube, das ich wohl weiterhin nicht fündig werde hier im Forum

  • Italien83


    I have two questions:

    1. Is it possible to show the Vestische Logo? Because the file for it is in the folder.

    2. After I enter via Linie/Kurs 00069, the Matrix doesn´t show any special characters like "SB" or "NE". Before I enter 00069 it is possible. When I enter 00069 and want to show special characters I have to place a new bus. Did you now this problem?


  • Hallo,

    Ist es möglich, die Liniennummer zu invertieren, so wie das mit den Zielen durch *I in der Hofdatei möglich ist?



    Is it possible to invert the line number, like the destinations with *I in the HOF data?

    Thank you, Danke

  • Hey I tried to put this mod on my Urbino, but it doesn't seem to work... I have Morphi's version of the Solaris BVG, with the hybrid version, could that be why? If not what do I have to do to get it to work? (Yes I'm new to this...)

  • Hi!
    How I can get this work with MAN NL_NG? (NL202/NG272)

    You have to use this mod.

    Hey I tried to put this mod on my Urbino, but it doesn't seem to work... I have Morphi's version of the Solaris BVG, with the hybrid version, could that be why? If not what do I have to do to get it to work? (Yes I'm new to this...)

    The Solaris Urbino has the display background texture mapped in an "odd" way. There was a mod around that allowed you to change the display textures easily. Maybe you can try to look for it in the forum. Be aware of the fact that to make this compatible with the latest Morphi's soundmod you'll have to work with model configuration files.