[OMSI 2] Spitterberg V 4.01 - == UPDATE 11.01.2015 ==

Das Forum befindet sich im reduzierten Betrieb. Die Addon- und Supportforen bleiben weiterhin verfügbar.
Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.
  • hier ein teil:

    0 13:41:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
    1 13:41:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
    2 13:41:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
    3 13:41:51 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
    4 13:42:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
    5 13:42:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
    6 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    7 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    8 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    9 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    10 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    11 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    12 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "BusstopDisplayText.tga"!
    13 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    14 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    15 13:42:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    16 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    17 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    18 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    19 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    20 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
    21 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "DUMMY_busstop.bmp"!
    22 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "DUMMY_lines.bmp"!
    23 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    24 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    25 13:42:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    26 13:42:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    27 13:42:03 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    28 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    29 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    30 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    31 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
    32 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    33 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    34 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    35 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    36 13:42:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    37 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    38 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    39 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    40 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    41 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    42 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    43 13:42:05 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_2fuss.o3d!
    44 13:42:05 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun_1fuss.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_1fuss.o3d!
    45 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    46 13:42:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    47 13:42:08 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\Autobahnschild.sco: texture filename textfeld.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\model\Autobahnschild.o3d!
    48 13:42:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    49 13:42:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    50 13:42:11 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "str_asphdrk_mark2_alp"!
    51 13:42:11 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    52 13:42:11 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    53 13:42:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    54 13:42:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    55 13:42:20 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
    56 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    57 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    58 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    59 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    60 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    61 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    62 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    63 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    64 13:42:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    65 13:42:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    66 13:42:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    67 13:42:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    68 13:42:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    69 13:42:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    70 13:42:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    71 13:42:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    72 13:42:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    73 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    74 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    75 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zielband1.bmp"!
    76 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    77 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    78 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    79 13:42:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    80 13:42:36 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
    81 13:42:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    82 13:42:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    83 13:42:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    84 13:42:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file ""!
    85 13:42:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
    86 13:42:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
    87 13:42:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
    88 13:42:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    89 13:42:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    90 13:42:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zielband1.bmp"!
    91 13:42:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    92 13:42:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    93 13:42:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    94 13:42:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
    95 13:43:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
    96 13:43:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
    97 13:43:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
    98 13:43:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    99 13:43:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    100 13:43:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zielband1.bmp"!
    101 13:43:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    102 13:43:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    103 13:43:01 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    104 13:43:02 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
    105 13:43:14 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
    106 13:43:14 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
    107 13:43:14 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
    108 13:43:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    109 13:43:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    110 13:43:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zielband1.bmp"!
    111 13:43:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    112 13:43:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    113 13:43:15 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
    114 13:43:16 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!

  • So nachdem ich endlich wieder Internet habe (was auch suuuuper schnell ist :))
    Kann ich endlich mal die Strecke bewerten.
    Downloaden war kein Problem mehr. Endlich konnte ich mir das gesamte Archiv runterladen.

    Ich finde Spitterberg ist einfach nur super gut gelungen!
    Ich mag es mit so vielen Linien zu fahren. Seitdem ich die Map mir vor 1,5 Wochen runtergeladen habe bin ich nur die Linie 300 gefahren. Die macht mir einfach immer wieder sehr viel Spass


    Hoffe mal ich komme endlich mal von der Linie 300 runter um mal die anderen zu testen^^

    Die Map läuft auch sehr flüssig. Das gefällt mir sehr gut!!!!

    5 von 5 Sternen von mir

  • wenn ich die map gestartet hab und ein bus ausgewält hab kann ich sein startpunkt auswählen ?

    bitte um hilfe

    hm also am einfachsten gehst du oben bei den bus symbolen auf "NEW" und wählst deinen bus und anschliessend den ausgangspunkt an. ist wohl am einfachsten. falls du das meinst.

  • Zitat von »HSV Driver«

    wenn ich die map gestartet hab und ein bus ausgewält hab kann ich sein startpunkt auswählen ?

    bitte um hilfe
    hm also am einfachsten gehst du oben bei den bus symbolen auf "NEW" und wählst deinen bus und anschliessend den ausgangspunkt an. ist wohl am einfachsten. falls du das meinst.

    hm also am einfachsten gehst du oben bei den bus symbolen auf "NEW" und wählst deinen bus und anschliessend den ausgangspunkt an. ist wohl am einfachsten. falls du das meinst.

    hm also am einfachsten gehst du oben bei den bus symbolen auf "NEW" und wählst deinen bus und anschliessend den ausgangspunkt an. ist wohl am einfachsten. falls du das meinst.

    Bei mir ist das so das ich kein ausgangspunkt auswählen . dann stürtzt omsi ab

  • Hey,

    I have tried to install this map, it was never installed yet. Downloaded all files, the update and the hotfix as well but still facing with the following error:


    There are is at least one invalid track
    entry: 20_Muehl-Oeft, Nr. 74!

    I cannot get rid of this even if I copy over the files from the .AMS content (I have installed the non-AMS version). I'm not receiving any other error. The 20_Muehl-Oeft.ttr and .ttp file sizes are exactly the same in the AMS and non-AMS versions so there is no difference.

    Also I have loaded the map without buses, then loaded one bus, then saved the situation and loaded that situation in, but the error still present in all cases. Because of the error, there are no AI buses on the map and also I cannot set in any routes.

    Could you please give any advice what the hell can be done to fix this?


    Thank you.

    Update: Now I managed to resolve it, no more invalid track error. I believe it was an addon issue (but why it appeared like that?). I had an update on it with OMSI Addon Manager and it resolved the issue.

  • Kann mir jemand helfen bei mir wird trotz korrektem Einfügen ein Fehler angezeigt "fehlende Splines" weswegen ich auch keine Fahrpläne wählen kann.

  • Hallo ich wollte mir die Map Spitterberg Downloaden bekamm bei allen Links sowie beim AM Manager ein Error. Könnte der Ersteller bitte die Links neu reinsetzen.