Omsi 2 P.render error.

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  • <Template for bug descriptions>

    1st Which version of OMSI 1 or OMSI 2 is being used?
    Omsi 2 2.3

    2nd How often does the problem occur? How does the problem appear? (Error message, but OMSI stays playable / crash / freeze / ...)
    It happens very often.

    3rd What did you do before the problem occurs? (Place a new bus / activate scheduled driving /...)

    4th Which content do you use? (Maps, busses, ...)
    I have some buses and maps.

    5th Which mods or plugins do you use? (SweetFX, ...)

    6th Logfile inside a spoiler.

    Most important error:

    7th System information (Operating system, RAM, CPU, graphics adapter, ...)
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Nvidia Geforce 840M

    Im using official Map and Bus.

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