Schaut mal
und wie findet ihr das Addon xD
Also ich finde es ja echt schön dass mehrere kostenlose DLCs der Zeit erscheinen was auch mal eine Abwechslung ist und auch eine Möglichkeit ist so welche DLCs zu zu testen.
Schaut mal
und wie findet ihr das Addon xD
Also ich finde es ja echt schön dass mehrere kostenlose DLCs der Zeit erscheinen was auch mal eine Abwechslung ist und auch eine Möglichkeit ist so welche DLCs zu zu testen.
Da gebe ich dir recht. Was noch finde ist das die Gestaltung von der Map echt spitze ist.
I am the official creator of the addon Express 91.06.
Indeed, it is officially available since this morning on Steam and this, for FREE!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate, I'm here for you!
For more information, check my site : https://creationsagoras114.wix…as114/addon-express-91-06
(French language, try to translate, it can be understood)
Any Problems with Steam
When I click on download then the game started and does not load that is normal?
I do not understand this problem, many people have this problem, it seems that Steam is doing whims.
Try restarting everything without running OMSI 2, just Steam.
Otherwise download the link mediafire on my site.
I have no Problem with Steam. The Map works fine at me.
Bon travail et Merci.
Yes I know to many guys say that
I'll wait until tomorrow
I'll try it tomorrow
Would it be possible to translate the .pdf's in the Addon-folder to english?
Would it be possible to translate the .pdf's in the Addon-folder to english?
I would try to do that. I did not think it would appeal to the international community, I am quite surprised, I thank you
In Brazilian Portuguese the map works almost 100% correctly.
People often dont bord the bus (often there is no one too) or leave at the stops between the termini.
@ AgoraS-114:
How about creating a Thread in the Download-Section? For general informations about your map, this Thread is okay, but this here is the OffTopic-Section.
Yes, that is the Correct Section for your Map.
Yes, if it is a fictional Map.
It is.
schon mal sehr gut das DLC werde ich mir gleich herunterladen freu mich auf jedenfall