Ahlheim Laurenzbach Updated.. Missing Things On Certain Routes

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  • Hi. I Have The Updated Version Of Ahlheim And Laurenzbach. I installed Everything To Its Respective Folders From The download

    But Yet When I Drive Certain Routes There Is No Road Or Anything.

    On Route 821 Soon After Leaving The School.

    On The School Run. Soon After Leaving The School.

    On Route 846 Around half way through the Run. Am I Missing Something

  • So Thats The First One When Driving A Solaris 18 From The School And It Got To An Area Where I Could Not Continue

    Second Log File Is With A 0405 Cammus On Route 841

  • 326 9:37:05 PM - - Warning: Scenery Object not found:Vehicles\MAN_F90\MAN_F90_parked.sco, if you are loading an addon map, please read the documentation and contact the map's author. If you are loading an original map (Spandau or Grundorf), please repair OMSI with the original setup

    The static verson of the MAN F90 is missing. You can find it here.

    102 9:28:30 PM - - Warning: Line "maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\TTData\AVG_25_23Kurz.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!

    103 9:28:30 PM - - Warning: Line "maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\TTData\AVG_25_23Kurz.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!

    There are a lot of these lines in both logfiles. It seems you ruined broke your ailists.cfg by exchanging more than just the vehicles. You also changed the aigroups. If you want AI-traffic on your map you should change the AI-groups back to the original value.

  • 326 9:37:05 PM - - Warning: Scenery Object not found:Vehicles\MAN_F90\MAN_F90_parked.sco, if you are loading an addon map, please read the documentation and contact the map's author. If you are loading an original map (Spandau or Grundorf), please repair OMSI with the original setup

    The static verson of the MAN F90 is missing. You can find it here.

    102 9:28:30 PM - - Warning: Line "maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\TTData\AVG_25_23Kurz.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!

    103 9:28:30 PM - - Warning: Line "maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\TTData\AVG_25_23Kurz.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!

    There are a lot of these lines in both logfiles. It seems you ruined broke your ailists.cfg by exchanging more than just the vehicles. You also changed the aigroups. If you want AI-traffic on your map you should change the AI-groups back to the original value.

    The AI list that came with the map i dont have all the veichles that come in that . ie the Setra 415NF Mercedes Ciatro Facelift etc... Can I Modify The Existing AI List With Buses That I Already Have?

  • In the map maps\Ahlheim_Laurenzbach Updated\_alternative ailist\ you can find an alternative AI-list which only has the facelift with Morphi soundpack. When you don't have these then you must change the folloing things in the ai-list:

    1. [aigroup_depot_typgroup_2]
    2. vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\MB_O530FL EL 2D M.bus <--- This is the path where OMSI wil search for the bus
    3. 0701 AH-VG 701 ALU_AVG_Ahlheim <--- The last bit defines which repaint OMSI should use. You can find this name in the .cti-file that is wit the vehicle under the header [item]. Use a tabstop between the columns of the ailist.

    You can also search on edit ailist OMSI2 in YouTube. There you will find several videos in english that explain how to edit the ailists.cfg.

  • Moinsen, ich weiss nicht, ob was fehlt, MapTools sagt, alles sei da. Dennoch fällt mir auf, dass bei Westend die Ampel mit dem Wendepfeil nur weiss zeigt. Lt. Editor gehört da wohl eine 3feldige Ampel mit Symbol "Wendepfeil" hin. Nur, dass ich dazu nix finde. Im Scenery-Ordner ist alles da, was es braucht, dennoch seh ich nur weiss in den Ampelfeldern.

    Hat zufällig jemand nen Tipp?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus.

  • Ja genau. Ich lade mal flott Omsi an dieser Stelle und lade dann das File hoch.

    Et voila:

  • Mjoaa, die is da. Hmmm, sehr merkwürdig. Evtl. ist die bei mir veraltet? Denn wenn ich die Datei mit paint.net öffne, ist da kein Wendepfeil mit bei.

    Erledigt. Danke für den Tipp. Genau da lag der Hase im Pfeffer. Veraltete Version gehabt. :-)