1. Which version of OMSI 1 or OMSI 2 is being used?
Omsi 2
2. How often does the problem occur and how? (Error message, but playable / Crash / Freeze / ...)
Line 27 ValdoriaStrasse to Brecker Feld the tile -11_-7 its at the bus stop Lange Hens
3. Which action leads to the problem? (Place a new bus / Driving on schedule / ...)
Tried opening Omsi again but it was the same.
4. Which content was used? (Map, busses, ...)
Scania Citywide GN13, Alheim Laurenzbach Updated
5. Which mods or plugins were used? (SweetFX, ...)
6. Logfile in spoiler or attached
I have a video which shows the situation and a bit of the logfile
Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/443979633
Skip to 20 minutes
7. System information (OS, RAM, CPU, ...)
Maptools didnt say that anything was missing so its strange.
Any advices?