Posts by bartjk

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    Hello guys,
    I have some big problems since the last patch, and the update to windows 10 of my pc.

    I'm for years busy with my map "Bronsmeer". Currently I'm making the third version of the map. Since the last update of omsi and also since i updated my pc to Windows 10 (In the last days of October) some tiles are faulty. I can't find what the problem is, as omsi doesn't really give away clue's about it. Some parts of the map are still working but end on some places where there are tiles missing. If I spawn on a place that isn't near the place where I edited things lately, everyting's fine. But if I go to there manually and the missing tiles appear, the tiles that first did load are also gone (I hope you can follow it). These are the error's that omsi gives:

    Loading map and set position window appears: "Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 100012DE in Modul 'd3dx9.dll'. Lesen von Adresse 000002E9: P.TL: 1"
    Clicking OK at last error: "Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 006FFC08 in Modul 'Omsi.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000001: CMP.PrepCamForNextFrame".
    Then I can load the map, on a location I know that works.
    If I go to the place where the tiles are missing, I can't load any other place anymore. Omsi doens't give any error about that.

    Here is my logfile. I hope you guys can help me out

    A little update on the lion's city repaints:
    I'm still struggling with them as the bus wasn't really made for repaints. The metrobus repaint will be for the GÜ version. Here you need to edit some stuff in the model file to make it look good. I'm thinking about including the edited model file with the download for easy use, together with a manual guide for people who do know how to edit it and want to do it their selfs. Still finishing the last details on the metrobus. Then I start with the normal Winsenburg repaint. I hope that I can finish it in my limited time within the following week, otherwise it will take some time before you can get your hands on it unfortunately. But I work as hard as I can!

    After 10 months of existence, The Winsenburg Modern style repaint has become almost the go to repaint for the map Winsenburg. It is new, fresh, clear, uniform and nice looking. But of course, as the name suggests, it is modern. And as I got so many requests for a repaint for the O407, I doubted. The bus isn't a good example for the modern bus category, and I thought: "How can I make the repaint so it fit's in the story of the [Sta:Win] company?". So I looked at examples of colour schemes that real life buscompany's used on their O407 fleet. The original style of the repaint that came with Winsenburg was something that I passed a few times, and it made a total sense. The story:
    At the end of the 90's, [Sta:Win] wanted a new bus fleet. Low floor, wide doors, fuel efficient. With this step from high floor busses to low floor busses, the executives also wanted a new look for the fleet. The old light gray and white-orange was a bit outdated. So the designers went to work and started with brighten the colours, giving them more contrast. The colours were switched so the bus was almost fully orange. This makes them so recognisable from far away. And to break the big, orange polygon on the sides for a bit, the iconic dot's were born.
    To make this new style familiar to the public, the old O407 busses were already repainted to this new style. The 10 Express busses were painted in an "Alt wird Neu" advert campaign to let the public know that the bus company didn't change. These busses are ofcourse replaced with the Metrobusses a few years later.

    So that is the story that made the O407 fit in this repaint pack. Included in version 4.0 are four different versions. Two old style repaints, one "Alt wird Neu" repaint and one modern repaint. This can be extended in the future. Oh, and there is also a bonus included in this update. You will find out what in the changelog :).

    Old solo bus O407
    The style that was in service for almost 20 years. There were many of these in service all over Winsenburg. With their orange front bumpers and doors. These series feature plastic seats with orange fabric. The busses were repainted to the new modern style in 1999, a year before the first Citaro went into service.

    High floor solo bus O407
    The last, high floor bus series in service. In 1999 repainted and re-fabriced to the new [Sta:Win] style. The last bus went off service in 2002, making the fleet of Winsenburg fully low floor.

    High floor old Express-bus O407
    Till 1997, Winsenburg had two express-bus lines. These were high comfort, quick connections with the city centre. The local government introduced them to make the city centre more attractive for the surrounding villages of Winsenburg. In 1997, the bus company decided to convert those two lines in to normal bus services. This meant that the 10 Express-busses were combined in normal service. In 1999 the 10 busses were repainted with the advert campain "Alt wird Neu". At the end of 2000, they reached their life cycles and were put out of service. One and a half year later, the Metrobus network was introduced as the successor of the Express-bus.

    High floor "Alt wird Neu" O407
    To make the new style familiar to the public, the 10 Express busses were painted in an "Alt wird Neu" advert campaign to let the public know that the bus company didn't change. The front part of the bus was completely in the old [Sta:Win] style, but the rear part of the bus was painted in the new modern style. Even the luxury coach seats were half old style, half new style.

    The new version is now available on…-new-modern-style-repaint

    I was away from home today and I think that I missed the hype train of the O407. But just to get this clear. There Will be a winsenburg repaint for the O407. I will look at it tomorrow, but I already saw screenshots of my repaint on that bus. Of course isn't that a problem if you keep it for yourself. But as you can read in the post above this one, give me some time to make my repaint for the bus. Like all other busses, I want to make it on every bus unique. Stay tuned!

    Just looked in this thread again (last time i looked was in december or so), and I just have to say: Wow! Really. I just watched the video of line c42 and I just love how you made that city centre! It just creates a really nice ambiance in the map. I know personally how difficult it is to make a real looking map, but you just nailed it. Have a lot of fun finishing the map (well, it is never finished for the map maker) and keep up the good work


    Important information
    Today I found yet another person that copied this repaint without any permission given by me. I want to notify everyone again on the following licence information:

    This is included in the download. It clearly states that you are not allowed to use parts of the repaint for your own repaint. I understand that many of you would like to have the repaint on more busses. But please note the following:
    When I started modding on omsi at a age of 13 or so, I wanted to create the best possible quality for the content that I made. For me it was a long road to get on the level I'm at now. And I want to maintain that level of quality. This means that when I'm not satisfied with the quality of a repaint, I don't publish it. I saw for example a repaint optimised for the citaro Ü passing by. I've already made one for it my self, including some changes that make it unique for the Ü version. And if everyone now uses that repaint, I can't give that extra quality to you guys and I trow that one away. And I'm also just a 16-year old boy with other things to do beside omsi. I wanted to say this here and I'm hoping you guys will be a bit more respectful, not just for me. There are a lot more talented guys out there. But they won't be motivated to make stuff if they are constantly getting requests to make a repaint for a verison of a bus with a slightly edited rear window or other door version. Just have some patience, and you are always free to make a version for that bus by your own. But don't upload it!!!!!
    Have a good weekend

    After a revision of 4 months, the old citaro citybusses are now transformed to proper intercity busses including:
    outswinging doors, better and more seats, better driver mirror and an improved engine for long-range use.
    The first one was on duty today at line 128.

    Bus: Citaro Ü
    Map: Bronsmeer 3.0 [W.I.P.]

    I really LOVE your mod



    The only thing that I would like to have is a krüger++ matrix. That would make the bus from superb to perfect


    Is there someone who has some free time and mod it in?

    Nevermind, I have managed to get it working by myself


    Sounds like something temporary. Try again in a few hours. Maybe the host of the site has some problems.
    Or try clearing the cache of your browser


    edit: works fine over here

    hello all, i am new around here, i installed the latest bronsmeer 2.0 map with update 1.2.5 for omsi2 and everything works fine exept i notice that the wheels of parked cars are a little bit sinking into the asfalt.


    the same happens to the feet of pedestrians!! lol... can someone help out ?


    The wheels of car's is a bug in the map. (read, it is much work to fix


    And do you experience the pedestrians sinking only at busstops? because that is caused by the special busstop sidewalk.
    So these are things that are not caused by your pc


    I released a small patch that includes the "RQ_9,5_2spur_6,5m_no_lanes.sli" spline. The read-me is also updated with a link for the VKL's splines. If you installed all the addons and the latest patch, you shouldn't be getting any loading error's anymore. If bronsmeer works fine, you don't need to install the patch.
    You can download it over here:

    My first shift with the new solaris busses from Sta:Win. First with an LE on the M2, then with the urbino 18 on the tight 102 route.

    Bus: Solaris Urbino 12 LE Ü, Solaris Urbino 18
    Map: Winsenburg
    Repaint: Winsenburg modern style v3