A new repaint has been published; the Citaro O530FL LE Ü in the colors of the Verkehrsbetriebe STI from Switzerland. Enjoy!
Posts by LetsRepaintIt
The forum is in reduced operation. The Addon and Support forums remain open.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
Thanks so much!
I've managed to get it working
The title is in German but the text will be in English
So I've used Daueranimation to mod a bus, so far I've managed to move an object with Daueranimation.
However now I've stumbled upon my next challenge; how can I rotate the same object as well?
So how can I rotate and move the object at the same time along the same axes?
I thought this would do the trick but it doesn't work;
Display MoreOr do I need to make a seperate animation?
Tried this as well;
CodeBoth things don't seem to work - where is it going wrong?
Hi guys,
I'm trying to make a new font, but it doesn't work as it should.
In the attachments is how I set everything up. The coordinates should be setup as they have to be.
Everytime I load up OMSI it misses a part of the letters.
I've included several pics of the ingame result as well. Next to that you can see it has got these strange white vertical lines through the letters..
Does OMSI use the X'es and Y'es as in pixels or is it different?
A new bus has been uploaded!
Connexxion on the Iveco Crossway.
Two new skins have aired! Both skins go on the Mercedes Benz O530G from Alterr - Enjoy!
A new repaint has been added! The A37 Hybrid from Sobol in the colors of AllGo! Enjoy!
A new repaint has come available.
It's the Iveco Crossway in the colors of Connexxion - RNET (The Netherlands).
Name of project: Dutch Repaint Workshop
Details of project: A collection of our repaints and every other repaint available on our website
Involved persons: Several Dutch contributors
Details: On the website you'll find lots of Dutch content. Mostly repaints. On this website some contributors will be / are posting their stuff there.
Copyright: All of the content on the website is protected by Copyright. It isn't allowed to distribute the content without our knowledge and approval.
Welcome to our repaint Workshop!
Repaints available on this website!
Looking for a good, decent repaint template? PM!Over here you'll find all of the content shortly listed.
As told above, all of the repaints are available on our own site.
All content, including mods, models and more, are protected by Copyright.
Do you want to share your content on our site? PM!Any questions regarding the repaints or other content? PM me!
Mercedes Benz
<Template for bug descriptions>
1st Which version of OMSI 1 or OMSI 2 is being used?
2nd How often does the problem occur? How does the problem appear? (Error message, but OMSI stays playable / crash / freeze / ...)
All the time
3rd What did you do before the problem occurs? (Place a new bus / activate scheduled driving /...)
Tried several changes, nothing works
4th Which content do you use? (Maps, busses, ...)
Doesn't matter
5th Which mods or plugins do you use? (SweetFX, ...)
Isn't important
6th Logfile inside a spoiler.
Logfile won't list it as something wrong
7th System information (Operating system, RAM, CPU, graphics adapter, ...)
Not important for this issue
Hi guys,
I'm trying to make myself a moving barrier.
I made 2 objects; the base and the barrier.
The barrier is on the right height, exactly where it should be.
When I put an animation on the barrier it moves wrongly.
Here is what happens;http://letsrepaintit.com/pictures/Slagboom.mp4
This is my script;
Code- [groups]
- 3
- LetsRepaintIt
- Traffic Objects
- Barriers
- [friendlyname]
- Slagboom - 5 meter
- [script]
- 1
- script\Betriebshof.osc
- [varnamelist]
- 1
- script\Betriebshof_varlist.txt
- [trafficlight]
- [nocollision]
- [mesh]
- Slagboom_Basis.o3d
- [mesh]
- Boom_5meter.o3d
- [newanim]
- origin_from_mesh
- origin_rot_z
- 90
- anim_rot
- schranke_pos
- 90
EDIT: Never mind, I got it working. I was using origin_trans wrongly. Thanks!
Some new screens of my WIP Qbuzz paint.
Hope you like it, will be released shortly. -
Work in Progress on the Qbuzz repaint for the Capacity.
I hope you like the wheels -
Well, it does support all of the colours on the text.
Just as well as the colour number, it does change color (when you use the matrix from the O530 Helvete), but it just doesn't do a background color for the number.. -
Hi guys,
I'm trying to figure something out but it isn't working so far.
I'd like to put a backgroundcolor on my line number, so that the background turns green and the number becomes white.
However, when I put something like this in the hof file it doesn't work.. It doesn't show a number background color at all..Schiphol*L[300]*NC[WH]*NBGC[GR]
This is supposed to turn the Linenumber to 300, set the color to white (which it does), but the background color never turns green.
This also happens with every other color, it just won't work.
Even when I remove the color of the number, so only keep the nbgc, it doesn't work.
Anyone knows where the problem may be?I'm using the Mercedes Benz Facelift O530 G by Morphi.
I changed the files so that I got a colored matrix. -
Thanks a lot for the response!
As soon as I am home from my nightshift I'll try it!
I don't think I will stumble upon any trouble in changing this, but who knows..
Thanks in advance!EDIT: I hoped I wouldn't have to write another response..
The Background number color isn't working.. I don't know why..
The number is showing all colors I want, the NBGC however won't show anything.
Any idea why it does this? Here is my line.20300 Schiphol Plaza/NS Shl Plaza Haarlem*I*C[WH]*L[300]*NBGC[AZ]*NC[WH] via Schiphol*C[WH] Haarlem SCHIPHOL PLAZA Schiphol Plaza/NS
I got an issue.
As soon as I load up the Dienstplaner, I can enter everything.
I saved my settings and that kind of stuff and I can continue until Linie and Kurs.
Linie has got several numbers listed, but as soon as I click on a number, the list with Kurs doesn't appear.
Do you know the reason? Here's a screenshot; -
I spoke to someone recently who had the same problem.
In your logfile as well is the following sentence;I resolved that issue for him by updating the driver of his graphiccard.
Maybe that is also the solution to you? Try updating the driver?
And if you succeed updating, you should reinstall the entire bus.
That did the trick for him, I hope it works for you as well -
I don't speak a lot of German, so I didn't get the last sentence from ArneJ.
But I think it's something like 'I'm working on an update, it'll be released saturday, so it's not a long wait anymore', but the last part.. I don't know..
Anyways, this was just some quick research on my side. Indeed, as GAMINGONK said, it uses the same model as the LE.
So I've just copied the part with the old Matrix from the LE and pasted it into the LE Ü.
That way you get the matrix.But here is the trick to get it to be able to repaint it;
The model for the matrix of the LE just uses a different texture.
All I have done is tell the game to instead of using this different texture to use the texture you want and that's itI'm looking forward to your update ArneJ
Oh and EcomatOnly; you're welcome -
I have to prove ArneJ wrong.
With a simple change in the CFG file, you can modify the front as well.
I've modded the cfg so it uses the same models as the LE. It all fits perfectly together.
You can modify the front matrix by using the vis_matrix_ver variable after using my custom .cfg file.
Here is the proof