Beiträge von XPawel13

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Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.

    First of all I want to say that your Bus you made is great! I really love driving it, made already many testdrives with it! Great Work!!
    The only thing is, while I am driving the bus, the bus freezes for 1 or 2 seconds, even when I am not driving and I want to change the view or I operate something in the bus, the bus freezes and I cant do anything for 1 or 2 seconds. Then everthing works again, but then after some time (10-15 seconds after) the bus freezes again for 1 or 2 seconds. Could you help me?
    With other buses I didnt have this problem and I tried other buses, it doesnt happen. I dont know what to do.
    Thanks for your help and thanks for the great bus you made!

    Ich habe das gleiche