Beiträge von midtown292

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Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.

    The Rollband mod for the NL202 had that function, that you enter the details in the IBIS as with ANNAX and Matrix displays and then the rollband would roll to the correct numbers and destination. It is the same as what we have in Lothian Buses and in London in the UK, except here we use Hanover displays which are controlled separately from the announcements (if present) rather than via an IBIS type device.

    If its that easy to do wheels I can make a Man Lions City DD! Is there a way to convert o3d back to x? So I can but annax into my bus? Also road-hog123, you can put the bus as one file if it does not exceed around 5-6mb in x format. If its bigger the converter will not convert! Also the textures can be in the x file of you see them in blender when you switch to textured view.

    I would like to help with buses! I am new to converting buses from vbus or otherwise converting 3ds models to omsi, in that I can't texture, but I see you have no one else for buses, and appropriate bus really make the places realistic. Have a look at WIP VanHool A300 on Aussiex forum,

    Forum name: midtown292
    Been playing omsi since it was released.
    I want to make buses, but can help with map making, assuming you use google earth to measure distances and gimme a route map.


    I may not have much time after mid-september when I start UNi, but we'll see.

    This is a bus we have all been waiting for since the start of OMSI - the single-deck version of the SD202!!! Thank you for making our dreams come true!! BTW what is the fix for? I cannot seem to download it!!