Posts by jor[D]1
The forum is in reduced operation. The Addon and Support forums remain open.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
New Dutch repaint now available, Connexxion 3311, from the Province of North Holland.
Download in first post, Dutch repaint section.
Have a nice drive!
Again a new connexxion paint for the Citaro.
The 3324 is branded with MAXX, the name of the cityservice of Alkmaar.
Download as usual in the starting post, dutch section.
New repaint now available, Ret 434 from Rotterdam:
Download in first post, Dutch repaints.
Just noticed the updated version of GVB1217 was not available in the first post, although I added it to my onedrive a long time ago.
You can find the GVB 1217 in the Dutch repaint section of the starting post in this topic.
New dutch repaint available in first post.
Mercedes-Benz O405 Connexxion 3953
Ich hatte es schon gesehen, die verkurzte ondrive links waren kaput. Jetzt funktioieren sie wieder.
(Das link zu das gesammt ubersicht mein repaints auf onedrive funktioniert immer) -
A new dutch bus available in the first post.
Bus 4408 of stichting Youngtimerbussen for the O405 citybus addon. -
New repaint. Citaro 2 Solo Wiener Linien 8101.
The Wiener Linien 8701 (Citaro 2 articulated) has also been improved and updated.Downloads are available in the first post.
Please remove any previous versions of the 8701 before installingBoth busses are for the 3generations addon. Gladbeck versions might come later this week.
Neue repaint. Citaro 2 Solo Wiener Linien 8101.
Wiener Linien 8701 (Citaro 2 gelenk bus) ist uach geupdatet.
Bitte löschen Sie alte versionen diese Bus, wenn sie diese instaliert habe.Beide downloads im öffnungs post.
Gladbeck versionen kommen vielleicht später.
Good evening
I reuploaded all repaints to OneDrive.
The omsi cloud is offline I think.You can find a fodler with all* current repaints here:*The old unupdated repaints are not in the onedrive, but in the firs tport here.
cheers, Jordi
Ich habe alle repaints neu hochgeladen in OneDrive, wiel die Omsi Cloud offline ist.Sie Können ein ordner mit jedes* repaint hier finden:*Ausser die alte nicht geupdatete repaints, diese sind im öffnungs post
MfG Jordi.
Vielen dank M29, das hat geklappt.
Wunderbarere mod für die Scania. Ich habe aber ein problem mit der neue Drücker. Ich habe die Fonts für die text nicht.
Welche fonts brauche ich zu installieren? -
Nice printer, clean design. Not such a huge ugly german thing which makes the bus look weird in onther country's
@Reddy97 : I'll look into that. My hope is that I'll be able to set the bus customization from the .cti file, and then you'l be able to adjust it to your liking using the handbook (if you feel necessary).
That should be perfectly possible, like it is possible to set the front mercedes logo on the Alterr Citaro in the cti, but also by clicking on the front. I think it's even impossible to remove this feature.
I like the idea of the booklet to customize. The less busses in the menu, the better.Keep it up. -
Link from download Geschibdl is wrong...klich on Link i comes download from Rheinbahn repaint
Thank you for noticing, the link is fixed. Please go ahead and downlaod it. Enjoy
Hello, I want to place an order, I apologize for my language, because I am using Google Translator.Carrier: PUK Komorniki
Side number: #7004
Registration number: PZ 584FH
Right side:
Left side:
Interior:,662979,0,MAN_NL2…_City_7004.htmlMaybe, but do not expect it whitin a week.
You did provide good pictures
Vielleicht, aber es nicht innerhalb eine Woche zu erwarten. -
2 new downloads. Rheinbahn and dr. Richard.
See first post for links.2 neue Downlaods.
Siehe erste Post für Links. -
No I don't think I will make a GVB one, since GVB doesn't own the Lion's city.
Fot those who didn't notice, there are 3 new repaints available since this morning:
Also the Hermes paint has been updated to V1.2, if you haven't already got it redownload the repaint.
Und ein viertes:
Jetzt verfügbar:
JK_Design repaints | NEW Lion's City NIAG 5544 | NEW Lion's City Hermes 3428Ohne Mainz Müll. Und installiere ohne modding, und das original Mainz bus bleibt original.
Fast fertig.
Beide hatte ein bug durch Mainz update, sind jetzt geupdate und hochgeladen.
Bitte neu herunterladen wenn die Bus bei dir bugged ist. -
Jetzt verfügbar:
JK_Design repaints | NEW Lion's City NIAG 5544 | NEW Lion's City Hermes 3428Ohne Mainz Müll. Und installiere ohne modding, und das original Mainz bus bleibt original.
Fast fertig. -
first I want to update some of my older paints and release some more unreleased content.
The first updated repaint is the ZWN 2204 and Connexxion 2223, originally it was together in a pack, now seperate.
Last new bus of today, Hermes 3428.
The bus includes modified files to remove Mainz additions. No original files are altered.
Full compatibility remains.Download in first post.