Can you make this with o305?
it is possible, but later)
Can you make this with o305?
it is possible, but later)
new colourings, soon setvar on numbers.
Type of project: Bus mods
Name of project: Mods by Caramba
Mods for Mercedes Benz O307
helped vavilon4eg59.
different location of numbers
Download: http://файлообменник.рф/rec0zjr81rdf.html
Display More@Caramba: It's again a problem with "ue"
Copy this in the rpc-file:
thank you, did not work from after symbols
A file "O307_ohneKofferraum.rpc" does not convert repainting
The new repaints)
Can you show me a picture of the Repaint "KVG Kassel"? I can't find this bug on my version of O307.
I apologize for an anxiety, in a game all is normal.
Which model is this? I thought if fixed that...
O307_oL_MU , Rollband.
hello, at painting of bus was noticed by a shortage.
The new division of "Mercedec-Benz 307", repainting gradually will be filled up
Please try this Patch:
jawohl, ausgezeichnet arbeitet)
da, bitte
Oh, that is possible. I tried to avoid all Ü and Ö, but perhaps there ist one left. Please post logfile that I can finde, where it is.
Display MoreIch hoffe, dass der ein oder andere Appetit bekommen hat. Hier gibts den Bus:
Und hier den Download-Thread: MB O307 Version 2.0
Viel Spaß damit,
Aus hinter Deutsche in Skripts, bei russischer segmentiert des Problems, Autobus arbeitet nicht recht.
No, Betatesters are testing, while I have a lot to do in real life.
thank you for an answer)
Hello Morphi, you in does not plan to do the version of o305g the future with similar sounds ?
The new division of "Mercedec-Benz 305G", repainting gradually will be filled up
guardrails must be on a different height but not as on your o405 levelly
do please setvar on absence\to the presence of him on a bus
good evening, and why here third small hinge window pane ? without her I think it would be better.
there are not sounds at opening of small hinge window pane and hatches, here unusual example for a location overhead overall fire, soft seats are set as in o407.