Posts by Prince

The forum is in reduced operation. The Addon and Support forums remain open.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.

    shouldn't you be contacting the bugs department instead? that's what i did, instead of making so many threads.

    email them:

    Nice! Thank you!


    Did not know about that email address. Since there has been no official information about what sort of bugs they are fixing and these errors have been in the game since release, I was about to create a thread for every single error I get. Except from contacting the European Consumer Centre to get my money back, reporting errors is all I can do ...

    Finished a route in Hamburg. After all the passengers was let out of the bus, I loaded a new bus and started a new route. 100 meters after the bus stop in Rathausmarkt(?) in Hamburg, I got this:

    338 23:07:06 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: CV.Calculate
    339 23:07:14 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
    340 23:07:14 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!

    Was standing still after finsihing a route with the engine running. Suddenly, out of nowhere, these error came up and the game stopped. It started 22:11:

    381 21:41:06 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    382 21:42:11 - - Information: Wetterdownload erfolgreich: 2014/11/16 20:20
    EDDH 162020Z 11005KT 6000 -DZ BKN003 08/08 Q1002 NOSIG
    383 21:58:22 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    384 22:11:45 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: P.Render
    385 22:11:58 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: CV.Calculate
    386 22:12:26 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: P.Render
    387 22:12:37 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: P.Render

    Edit: The game was reinstalled a few days ago! It contains vanilla OMSI2 Steam edition and Hamburg Day and Night Aerosoft version.

    Sorry. Completely forgot this. Too much work at my real job


    There are about 15 000 errors similar to the one in the first line. Yes. 15 000 from the same day.


    1: started the game.
    2: Opened Hamburg-map.
    3: Placed articulated 2012-bus at bus station.
    4: Opened options for weather.
    5: Pressed radio button for snow.
    6: Game freezes and Windows error-message appear (the standard "close program" message).
    7: Restart the game
    8: Opened Hamburg map.
    9: Placed 2012-bus (not articulated) at bus station.
    10: Opened options for weather.
    11: Pressed radio button for snow.
    12: Started driving around for fun (not in route).
    13: Game freezes and no error-message appear.

    I've tried to include the logfile inside a spoiler, but it includes over 15 000 lines so this forum will not accept it (too many characters). Any idea as to where I can upload the log file? It's 3,5MB.

    Hello developers!

    Do you have any plans of updating the texture and sound on the Three Generations addon? The texture of the original OMSI2 buses are miles ahead of the 3G-buses. So are the sound. I honestly think many free addons have better texture and sound than the 3G-buses.


    The bad texture makes liveries look bad as well.

    I recently bought the City Bus O305 from Aerosoft. Sometimes I notice that there are no start points in the city that is included with this bus (Neuendorf). It's not every time I play OMSI, but randomly. I've reinstalled the addon several times, but the bug is still there.

    Anyone else seen this problem? Or know a fix?

    Actually, I think I missed out the activation in the Aerosoft-app. I activated the add on when installing, but apparently that wasn't enough ... Found out when playing around with the settings in OMSI2.

    Other things I noticed:
    I've reinstalled OMSI2, Hamburg (with 2.02 which I didn't know existed) and Three Generations. Before i reinstalled, I had one bustype called Hamburg Stadbus AND another called Hamburg Citybus. After the reinstall I've got only Hamburg Citybus with new names for the buses included in the Hamburg add on.

    Anyway, thanks for the tips people!


    This is what my bus looks like now:

    Yes. It's activated. Even reinstalled. I get this error every time I start the game now:

    "Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005FA792 in Modul 'Omsi.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000003C: AMAUAV.CNAVO.MV"

    Did not see that before.