Beiträge von Cele

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Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.

    I have installed Objekte_1 and Objekte_2, but I see only sky

    Cele: Delete the two Modded O530 Files and pull just Morphis two Modded Folders in the Vehicles Folder and don't put Morphis V3.5 in the normal unmodded Version. It's like a complete new Vehicle. Hope I could help you

    Like this?


    you forgive my stupidity


    Without 'MB_O530' (like screen), have same errors


    Now i have like this

    But the new errors are:

    Still does not work. Reflected those errors only for some versions of the O530.
    The mod I installed it in the following way:
    - Installed the original O530 V2
    - Applied the fix to the original O530
    - Renamed the folder to MB_O530 to MB_530_Modded
    - Copied and overwrote the mod morphy

    Hi guys. The soundpack of Morphy is amazing and work fine with MB_O530G, but with MB_O530 i have a lot of error


    Help me please. Error below