Beiträge von julian.j

Das Forum befindet sich im reduzierten Betrieb. Die Addon- und Supportforen bleiben weiterhin verfügbar.
Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.

    Bei mir würde es möglichst wirtschaftlich agieren, es sollte aber im Stadtbereich fast nur O-Busse geben, die dann von Solaris kommen (Metro-Design?). Nur im Stadtzentrum (Innere Stadt, so wie in Wien innerhalb des Rings) sollten Citybusse (Citaro K...) zum Einsatz kommen. Regional sollten, je nach Bedarf, hauptsächlich Niederflur, aber bei längeren Strecken durchaus auch Integros' (dann aber mit Hublift) zum Einsatz kommen. Aber alles nur bei entsprechender Nachfrage... Sonst: entweder: Kleinere Busse, oder Linienkürzung.


    Der Bus ist wahrscheinlich der performaceunfreundlichste, der jemals für OMSI erschienen ist. Der Bus springt sogar auf Grundorf hin und her (ich habe auf keiner Karte mit keinem anderen Bus derartige Probleme). Die Autoren hätten sich mehr Mühe geben sollen z. B. bei der falschen Türsteuerung (im Original 1.+ 2. Tür manuell, 3. Tür automatisch). Über die nicht funktionierende Innenanzeige kann man noch hinwegsehen wenn sie in einem Update nachgeliefert wird.

    Nee, bei mir hat der selbst auf Lemmental im Cockpit noch um die 25 Fps.
    Grundorf so circa 35. Bei der Kachelerstellung natürlich ein bisschen weniger.
    Core i5-6400 mit 3,3 Ghz
    4Gb Ram
    Nvida Geforce GT 720 mit 2096 MB

    Danke für die schnelle Antwort, rnvfan
    Werde ich mir besorgen/machen
    Aberl J.


    [Edit]: Der DL-Link des NL202 ist down, ist der noch für etwas anderes als die AI-Liste benötigt?

    Guten Tag
    Ich hätte ein kleines Problem:
    Immer wenn ich St.Ilsensee starte lädt er bis zum Start des Umgebungsverkehrs, danach gibt es eine Warnung: Fehler in der Bereichsüberprüfung
    Anbei das Logfile
    Danke für eure Hilfe
    Start logging

    Date: 26.04.2015
    Time: 10:44:46
    Version: 2.2.016

    0 10:44:46 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
    1 10:44:47 - - Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
    2 10:44:47 - - Information: TIR - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
    3 10:44:55 - - Information: Options dialog created
    4 10:44:55 - - Information: Weather dialog created
    5 10:44:55 - - Information: Profiles dialog created
    6 10:44:55 - - Information: Time table running dialog created
    7 10:44:55 - - Information: Start dialog created
    8 10:44:55 - - Information: Menu 2 created
    9 10:44:55 - - Information: Menu 3 created
    10 10:44:55 - - Information: Tut dialog created
    11 10:44:55 - - Information: Menu pos set
    12 10:44:55 - - Information: Bro initialized
    13 10:44:55 - - Information: Human engine initialized
    14 10:44:55 - - Information: Forms set
    15 10:44:55 - - Information: Captions set
    16 10:44:55 - - Information: Screen ration set
    17 10:44:55 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
    18 10:44:55 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
    19 10:44:55 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
    20 10:44:55 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
    21 10:44:55 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
    22 10:44:55 - - Information: 3D initialized
    23 10:44:55 - - Information: Direct sound initialized
    24 10:44:55 - - Information: Create main manager...
    25 10:44:55 - - Information: Veh array created
    26 10:44:55 - - Information: CS initialized
    27 10:44:55 - - Information: Station manager created
    28 10:44:55 - - Information: OBB created
    29 10:44:55 - - Information: Tex managers created
    30 10:44:55 - - Information: Tex manager started
    31 10:44:55 - - Information: Tutorial manager created
    32 10:44:55 - - Information: Material manager created
    33 10:44:55 - - Information: Scenery object manager created
    34 10:44:55 - - Information: Human manager created
    35 10:44:55 - - Information: RV type manager created
    36 10:44:55 - - Information: RV lists created
    37 10:44:55 - - Information: Spline manager created
    38 10:44:55 - - Information: Time table manager created
    39 10:44:55 - - Information: Currency manager created
    40 10:44:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
    41 10:44:56 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
    42 10:44:56 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
    43 10:44:56 - - Information: Visual helpers created
    44 10:44:56 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
    45 10:44:56 - - Information: ---
    46 10:44:56 - - Information: Download Internet Textures...
    47 10:44:56 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
    48 10:44:56 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
    49 10:44:56 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
    50 10:44:56 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
    51 10:44:56 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
    52 10:44:56 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
    53 10:44:56 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
    54 10:44:56 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
    55 10:44:56 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
    56 10:44:56 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
    57 10:44:56 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
    58 10:44:56 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
    59 10:45:12 - - Information: Load maps\St. Ilsensee\global.cfg map...
    60 10:45:12 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
    61 10:45:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
    62 10:45:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
    63 10:45:12 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
    64 10:45:12 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
    65 10:45:12 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
    66 10:45:12 - - Information: Sound laden...
    67 10:45:12 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
    68 10:45:12 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
    69 10:45:12 - - Information: Date: 2000 0224, Time: 134555
    70 10:45:18 - - Information: Fonts initialized
    71 10:45:18 - - Information: Map created
    72 10:45:18 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
    73 10:45:18 - - Information: Registrations loaded
    74 10:45:18 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
    75 10:45:18 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
    76 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "BusstopDisplayText.tga"!
    77 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    78 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    79 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    80 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    81 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    82 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    83 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    84 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    85 10:45:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    86 10:45:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
    87 10:45:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
    88 10:45:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
    89 10:45:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    90 10:45:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    91 10:45:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    92 10:45:21 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    93 10:45:21 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\Autobahnschild.sco: texture filename textfeld.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\BusdriversObjekte\model\Autobahnschild.o3d!
    94 10:45:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    95 10:45:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    96 10:45:22 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\Zaun_Tor_6m_02.sco: texture filename tex_a.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\model\Tor_6m_02.o3d!
    97 10:45:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
    98 10:45:24 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    99 10:45:25 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    100 10:45:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun_1fuss.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_1fuss.o3d!
    101 10:45:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    102 10:45:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    103 10:45:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_2fuss.o3d!
    104 10:45:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
    105 10:45:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
    106 10:45:28 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
    107 10:45:28 - - Information: VarParents loaded
    108 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 0, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    109 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 1, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    110 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 2, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    111 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 3, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    112 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 4, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    113 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 5, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    114 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 6, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    115 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 7, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    116 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 8, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    117 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 9, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    118 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 10, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    119 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 11, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    120 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 12, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    121 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 13, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    122 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 14, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    123 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 15, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    124 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 16, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    125 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 17, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    126 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 18, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    127 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 19, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    128 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 20, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    129 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 21, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    130 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 22, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    131 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 23, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    132 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 24, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    133 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 25, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    134 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 26, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    135 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 27, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    136 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 28, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    137 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 29, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    138 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 30, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    139 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 31, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    140 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 32, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    141 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 33, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    142 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 34, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    143 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 35, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    144 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 36, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    145 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 37, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    146 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 38, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    147 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 39, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    148 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 40, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    149 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 41, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    150 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 42, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    151 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 43, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    152 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 44, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    153 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 45, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    154 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 46, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    155 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 47, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    156 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 48, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    157 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 49, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    158 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 50, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    159 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 51, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    160 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 52, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    161 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 53, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    162 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 54, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    163 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 55, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    164 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 56, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    165 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 57, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    166 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 58, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    167 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 59, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    168 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 60, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    169 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 61, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    170 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 62, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    171 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 63, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    172 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 64, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    173 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 65, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    174 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 66, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    175 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 67, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    176 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 68, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    177 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 69, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    178 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 70, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    179 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 71, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    180 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 72, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    181 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 73, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    182 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 74, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    183 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 75, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    184 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 76, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    185 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 77, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    186 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 78, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    187 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 79, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    188 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 80, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    189 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 81, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    190 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 82, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    191 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 83, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    192 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 84, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    193 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 85, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    194 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 86, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    195 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 87, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    196 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 88, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    197 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 89, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    198 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 90, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    199 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 91, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    200 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 92, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    201 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 93, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    202 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 94, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    203 10:45:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 95, maps\St. Ilsensee\ ...
    204 10:45:32 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 0 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    205 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 1 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    206 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 2 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    207 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 3 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    208 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 4 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    209 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 5 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    210 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 6 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    211 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 7 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    212 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 8 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    213 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 9 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    214 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 10 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    215 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 11 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    216 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 12 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    217 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 13 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    218 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 14 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    219 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 15 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    220 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 16 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    221 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 17 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    222 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 18 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    223 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 19 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    224 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 20 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    225 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 21 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    226 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 22 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    227 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 23 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    228 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 24 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    229 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 25 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    230 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 26 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    231 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 27 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    232 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 28 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    233 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 29 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    234 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 30 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    235 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 31 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    236 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 32 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    237 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 33 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    238 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 34 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    239 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 35 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    240 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 36 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    241 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 37 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    242 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 38 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    243 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 39 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    244 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 40 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    245 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 41 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    246 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 42 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    247 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 43 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    248 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 44 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    249 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 45 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    250 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 46 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    251 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 47 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    252 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 48 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    253 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 49 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    254 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 50 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    255 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 51 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    256 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 52 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    257 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 53 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    258 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 54 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    259 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 55 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    260 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 56 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    261 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 57 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    262 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 58 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    263 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 59 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    264 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 60 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    265 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 61 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    266 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 62 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    267 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 63 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    268 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 64 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    269 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 65 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    270 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 66 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    271 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 67 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    272 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 68 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    273 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 69 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    274 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 70 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    275 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 71 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    276 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 72 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    277 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 73 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    278 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 74 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    279 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 75 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    280 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 76 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    281 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 77 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    282 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 78 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    283 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 79 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    284 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 80 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    285 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 81 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    286 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 82 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    287 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 83 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    288 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 84 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    289 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 85 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    290 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 86 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    291 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 87 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    292 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 88 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    293 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 89 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    294 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 90 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    295 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 91 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    296 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 92 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    297 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 93 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    298 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 94 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    299 10:45:33 - - Warning: Could not lock light map of tile 95 for getting ambient light for objects! Error: texture load
    300 10:45:57 - - Information: Objects refreshed
    301 10:45:58 - - Information: Near Links refreshed
    302 10:45:58 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
    303 10:45:58 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
    304 10:46:08 - - Information: Map loaded
    305 10:46:08 - - Information: Humans created
    306 10:46:08 - - Information: Editor refreshed
    307 10:46:08 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
    308 10:46:08 - - Information: Weather loaded
    309 10:46:08 - - Information: Map camera loaded
    310 10:46:08 - - Information: maps\St. Ilsensee\global.cfg map loaded!
    311 10:46:08 - - Information: Date: 2000 0224, Time: 134555
    312 10:46:12 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    313 10:46:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    314 10:46:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    315 10:46:13 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
    316 10:46:13 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    317 10:46:13 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_NL202\MAN_NL202.bus" could not be loaded!
    318 10:46:13 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_NL202\MAN_NL202.bus" could not be loaded!
    319 10:46:13 - - Warning: vehicles\MAN_NL202\MAN_NL202.bus has no axles
    320 10:46:13 - - Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005FAB96 in Modul 'Omsi.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000003C: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.H.CCMO
    321 10:46:13 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.H.Init2
    322 10:46:13 - - Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0070B2B4 in Modul 'Omsi.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000054: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.M
    323 10:46:13 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.U
    324 10:46:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    325 10:46:16 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
    326 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD81-82_02_texchange.bmp"!
    327 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD81-82_02_texchange.bmp"!
    328 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    329 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    330 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
    331 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
    332 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
    333 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    334 10:46:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    335 10:46:24 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    336 10:46:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
    337 10:46:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    338 10:46:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    339 10:46:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
    340 10:46:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
    341 10:46:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
    342 10:46:29 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    343 10:46:29 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    344 10:46:36 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    345 10:46:38 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
    346 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    347 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    348 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
    349 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
    350 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
    351 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
    352 10:46:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
    353 10:46:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    354 10:46:45 - - Warning: vehicles\MAN_NL202\MAN_NL202.bus has no axles
    355 10:46:45 - - Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 005FAB96 in Modul 'Omsi.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 0000003C: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.H.CCMO
    356 10:46:45 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.H.Init2
    357 10:46:45 - - Error: Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0070B2B4 in Modul 'Omsi.exe'. Lesen von Adresse 00000054: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.M
    358 10:46:45 - - Error: Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung: AMUAV.CNAVO.MV.U
    359 10:46:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    360 10:46:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    361 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
    362 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    363 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    364 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    365 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    366 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    367 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    368 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    369 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    370 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    371 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    372 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    373 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    374 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    375 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    376 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    377 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    378 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    379 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    380 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
    381 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
    382 10:46:48 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
    383 10:46:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
    384 10:46:49 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
    385 10:46:58 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
    386 10:46:59 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
    387 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    388 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    389 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    390 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    391 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    392 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    393 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    394 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    395 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    396 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    397 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    398 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    399 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    400 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    401 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    402 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    403 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    404 10:47:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "null.bmp"!
    405 10:47:07 - - Information: Traffic loaded
    406 10:47:07 - - Information: Date: 2000 0224, Time: 134555
    407 10:47:07 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
    408 10:47:07 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...]

    Hallo iTram!
    1. Der Bus ist super, echt gutes Außenmodell, schöne Repaints/Lackierungen
    2. Danke für das originalgetreue Schaltgetriebe
    3. Bitte mach weiter so, es gibt noch zu wenig so gute Busse

    Aberl J.


    Hallo und schönen Ostermontagsmorgen.
    Ich fände es sehr erfreulich und nett (fast wie ein Ostergeschenk), wenn ihr den Link von Post 1086 in den Startpost einfügt, damit alles übersichtlicher wird und das Durchsuchen des Threads hinfällig wird
    Herzlichen Dank
    Aberl J.
