Beiträge von rodan

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    I think it's high time to share my camera settings and other small adjustments I made to the latest BETA. If authors of this bus would like to apply them to the main package, I will be only too happy!

    Last but not least, thanks again for a very promising model for OMSI2 and all your work done so far!

    Thanks for sharing beta, Burst. I quite like this. I like the transmission script with ZF "squeak" sound. I'd love to see the internal Fok-Gyem displays working some day. Gonna change driver's cameras and some engine sounds - if anything worthy comes from that I'll share.


    I also hope model's front will be improved. I have compared it with my photo of actual IK435:

    It's way out of proportion. Maybe this will help you.

    Keep up the good work!

    Can anyone tell me which version of IK415 is compatible with nemeza's mod "omsi2_Ikarus_415_04-ibis-fokgyem_v2_doormod-incl_sp1"?
    I will appreciate any kind of help since I have been trying to find a version with working interior lights (Omsi 2) for quite some time now.


    I've just downloaded again on my laptop:

    Unfortunately I don't have Hungarian IP like you do. I tried several browser proxies but the site seems to be immune to them. Page won't load unless I move to Hungary (I wouldn't mind actually!) and the whole situation is just sadly ridiculous.

    Edit: all right, I found the file "" elsewhere, thank you very much.

    Edit 2:
    And so I finally tested the bus. It was FOK-GYEM extension I was most curious about and I'm not disappointed at all. You've done very well, congratulations!
    There is just one nuance I'm wondering about. With door opened, you press the bell button and internal displays won't change a bus stop name until I press door close button. Is it the correct behaviour? I remember those displays very well from my home town I'm 100% sure next stop would change RIGHT after pressing the bell button, NOT the door close button.
    And the minor issue: internal board should change next stop in the moment of pressing the bell button, not just refresh after NR + TIME.


    Well, at least this is how FOK-GYEMs worked in my town and I could see it in every Ikarus 411/412/415.


    I tried every possible way to download pack from omsicenter, including disabling adblock/allowing pop-ups and using proxy (it lets me at least to view orange-coloured site, without proxy it won't load at all) and still no luck! This is some kind of disaster. Nemeza, could you perhaps do something about it? OmsiCenter sucks so bad!

    Hi, can one tell me where I need to add the files, I'm still new to the game?

    1) Put the 'Ikarus 260' folder to your .../OMSI/Vehicles directory.
    2) Then copy *.hof files (they let you set a displays [line, terminus] for various maps and vehicles) from 'MAN_SD202' folder to 'Ikarus 260'.

    After pressing the bell button you will able to close the doors.
    In Hungary city buses / trams has a visual and acustic warning signal (bell and continuous or flashing light) before closing the doors.

    It seems to be a general rule for Ikarus 400 series, not only in Hungary. And I have always liked the idea. : -)

    thanks a lot! I can't write destination to boards.But now I can take the passengers from stops.I am copy the maps file and paste into the 1_Ikarus 260.01 folder.And fallow your steps path.Is there anything false?and again,thank you...

    Have you downloaded the fonts set from the first post ( ? You have to place 'Fonts' folder to Omsi main directory.

    I am a new member and I love this forum.I am following posts and using new busses.But I can't find a way to take passengers with Ikarus 260.01


    Bus is perfect but how can I begin to taking passsengers without IBIS? Please help me I want to drive this perfect bus. Thanks for helping from now


    To state the obvious - first you need to place the hof file from the map you want to operate on to vehicles/1_Ikarus 260.01 folder. In game, select from the drop-down menu the set of existing routes (screen1). After choosing the bus, a place to start and setting a timetable, click on the button with "92" on it and type the route number and terminus (screen2). Final step, in the cabin there are three plates on the right (screen3). Simply click on them. They'll appear in three points of the bus (screen4). Now you're ready to go. Hope it helped, cheers!