Beiträge von jpnmtrmn93

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Bitte beachte, dass OMSI nicht mehr weiterentwickelt wird. Ein Teil der Entwickler widmet sich inzwischen der Entwicklung eines neuen Simulators. Weitere Informationen zum LOTUS-Simulator findest Du hier.

    For automatic buses:
    Gear lever: 4th gear, parking brake on; 3rd gear, parking brake off.
    Red buttons, left to right: drives light, first, second, and third passenger lights (just like F9, F10, F11, and F12, same order).
    Black buttons, starting at the top going counter-clockwise: engine, reverse gear, neutral gear, drive/forward gear.
    I have the D-Pad programmed in the Logitech Gaming Software program because OMSI does not recognize it. Up, hazard lights (or four-ways as others would call it); left, parking/very dim headlights; down, flashers/high beams; right, normal headlights.
    On the steering wheel, left side buttons going down: turn driver's head left, turn signal off, electrics; right side buttons going down: turn driver's head right, and horn. Didn't find a useful bus or switch for the bottom, so I programmed it as the red information line that appears at the top of the screen.
    Flappy paddles are the turn signals, left for left, and right for right.

    For manual buses:
    Only things different are the gear lever and the black buttons.
    Gear levers are the 6 gears and reverse gear (if you can't find it, push the lever vertically down and put it in 6th gear...took me a while before I realized that).
    Black buttons, starting at the top going counter-clockwise: engine, parking brake off, manual neutral gear, parking brake on. Make sure that it's manual neutral and not automatic neutral.

    This freed up a lot of keys on the keyboard for me. So I have the IBIS, ticket printer, changebox, wipers, doors, heater, and some other stuff on the keyboard.

    There's another problem. For some reason AI tend to not move. To move stationary AI cars, I have to advance the time a few seconds. I can do the same with frozen AI buses, but they disappear when the time changes. The behavior of the AI vehicles is very bizarre.

    Hey, bluescreen! I just notice that there is a missing service. Go to the Sittingen.ttl file in an text editor and look for

    1. ------------------------------------
    2. [newtour]
    3. SVB Dienst 62
    4. Solowagen
    5. 992
    6. ------------------------------------

    Delete that and everything that follows and replace it with the text below.

    Glad you enjoy the modification.

    I chose not to put people in the front because it'll block the driver's view (in case of a wide right turn, or when crossing an intersection with traffic from the right coming at an angle). Also, there's a ramp on the back for wheelchair passengers, so I left that open as well.

    Entschuldigung. Ich habe keine andere Art zu fragen. Und ich habe nicht eine Antwort in der englischen Forum erhalten. Ich dachte, ich wäre wahrscheinlich eine Antwort zu bekommen, wenn ich hier auf Deutsch gefragt. Dann müsste ich, um eine grobe Übersetzung in Englisch zu bekommen.

    Was Sie gesagt haben ist richtig. Ich entschuldige mich für die wörtliche Übersetzung.