Beiträge von ma44hew

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    ma44hew: How are your options? Are they to low maybe in the traffic options? (Sorry for my bad english...)
    HARRYZOCKT: Bild 1: Werde mir das mal genauer ansehen. Bild 2: Eigentlich steht dort ein Haltestellenhäuschen. Hast du die Objekteinstellungen zu tief eingestellt?
    Jaco2_0: Nicht direkt für den Volvo. Verwende eine aus den anderen mitgelieferten Busordnern.
    Simon.K: Wenn du etwas an der Hof-Datei änderst liegt evtl. der Fehler bei Dir. Installiere das neueste Update nochmal, indem du alle Repaints überschreibst. Achte darauf, dass der O530 mit Morphi-Soundpack der Ordner O530_modded ist und dort die Repaints aus dem Ordner O530 einfügst. Ansonsten ist klar, dass der O530 mit Morphisoundpack weiß bleibt...

    Its interesting, I cant figure out why its doing it, yet all AI buses spawn on other maps. There are enough buses in the ailist, and my AI buses are set to 1000 in the settings so there shouldnt be anything stopping all buses spawning. Another way you can tell is if you go to change schedule, it should always say a bus has been replaced (so a AI bus is currently doing the schedule), but often it does not show this showing there is no AI bus currently working the schedule. I am not sure if this is something only I have an issue with, or if its just not that noticable to everyone as it is only about one in four buses that dont spawn.


    I have spotted what I consider to be quite a large glitch and surprisingly I cant see any other discussion on this. On default settings, I have noticed quite a lot of AI buses on multiple maps are not spawning at all, although I am certain this is not a map fault as often you can move a few tiles along, and then return to find the AI buses are there. After testing, I found that this glitch does not occur when the 'Load whole map from start' option is ticked, although this does decrease FPS heavily on some maps. Has anyone else noticed this, or found a solution?


    Hello, first of all I would like to thank MR for producing this excellent game and I hope it is useful for me to show these slight gltches.

    As has already been reported, there is a glitch with AI buses getting stuck. If this is any use to MR, it happens when a second AI bus loads behind another at a bus stop. The passengers walk forward to the bus stop as if they are ready to board, but will not walk down to where the second bus has stopped, so it continues to wait there endlessly. Here is a screenshot showing the problem:

    Secondly, I have noticed a minor error with AI NG272's where for some reason the back axle is always about a foot off the ground: