Hach schön, ich freue mich, dass es munter weiter geht
Sieht auch wieder richtig gut aus
Hach schön, ich freue mich, dass es munter weiter geht
Sieht auch wieder richtig gut aus
Und wieso ist dein Kennzeichen BVG?
hahaha neee ist das Repaint xD der Tab wurde beim einfügen ignoriert … in der ailist steht dann folgendes
1259 tab tab BVG
Tipp: unter jedem Ende eines aigroup_depot_typgroup_2s ein [end].
Hatte ich auch mal gemacht, aber dann waren gar keine KIs unterwegs Ich dachte, diese doppelte aigroup mit EN hätte nicht funktioniert und OMSI nur verwirrt
Aber danke erstmal für die Rückmeldung
Ich probiere mich mal weiter aus, vllt habe ich was übersehen gehabt. Dann komm ich nochmal an und stalke weiter
Hallo zusammen
ich hoffe, meine Frage wurde noch nicht gestellt, so dass ich die überlesen habe
Ich bin in den Anfängen der ganzen Materie und komme an sich ganz gut mit zurecht, die ailist.cfg im "groben" zu bearbeiten, also lediglich Busse zu ersetzen und auch Repaints direkt zuzuordnen.
Jetzt wollte ich für jede Linie einen bestimmten Bustyp zuordnen. Dafür gehe ich in die ttl-Datei der jeweiligen Linie und ändere z.B.
In der ailist.cfg habe ich dann entsprechend folgendes eingefügt:
Spandau Modern M&Z
136 P-AV 136 HVL
608 P-AV 608 HVL
671 P-AV 671 HVL
Funktioniert auch.
Für eine andere Linie habe ich die ttl-Datei statt mit "HVL" mit "EN" versehen. Und für EN möchte ich mehrere Vehicles zuordnen und hier ist das Problem. Bei "HVL" mit einem Bustyp funktioniert es. Nur wie mache ich es bei "EN"? Mein Ansatz:
Spandau Modern M&Z
1259 BVG
1269 BVG
1288 BVG
1293 BVG
1305 BVG
1324 BVG
1325 BVG
2158 BVG
2159 BVG
2168 BVG
2169 BVG
2170 BVG
2171 BVG
2172 BVG
2173 BVG
2178 BVG
2179 BVG
2180 BVG
2183 BVG
2184 BVG
2185 BVG
2186 BVG
2187 BVG
2188 BVG
2189 BVG
2192 BVG
2193 BVG
2194 BVG
2197 BVG
2198 BVG
2199 BVG
2200 BVG
2201 BVG
2211 BVG
2243 BVG
2245 BVG
2246 BVG
2247 BVG
2248 BVG
2302 BVG
2303 BVG
2304 BVG
Ein anderer Versuch war zweimal folgenden Punkt:
Spandau Modern M&Z
und dann jeweils den einen bzw. anderen Bus darunter setzen.
Egal wie ich es mache, es werden dann keine KI-Busse außer den einen "HVL" geladen. In der Logfile wird gewarnt, dass für eigentlich alle Linien keine gültige ailist vorhanden ist. Nicht nur für die von mir zugeordneten "EN", sondern alle. Und wenn ich die "EN" aus der ailist löschen, funktioniert wieder alles.
Hier mal die Logfile:
Start logging
Date: 15.12.2018
Time: 17:30:41
Version: 2.3.004
0 17:30:41 - - Information: OMSI is working in fullscreen mode
1 17:30:42 - - Information: TIR - looking for DLL path...
2 17:30:42 - - Information: TIR - DLL path not found - TIR disabled [0]
3 17:30:54 - - Information: Options dialog created
4 17:30:54 - - Information: Weather dialog created
5 17:30:54 - - Information: Profiles dialog created
6 17:30:54 - - Information: Time table running dialog created
7 17:30:54 - - Information: Start dialog created
8 17:30:54 - - Information: Menu 2 created
9 17:30:54 - - Information: Menu 3 created
10 17:30:54 - - Information: Tut dialog created
11 17:30:54 - - Information: Menu pos set
12 17:30:54 - - Information: Bro initialized
13 17:30:54 - - Information: Human engine initialized
14 17:30:54 - - Information: Forms set
15 17:30:54 - - Information: Captions set
16 17:30:54 - - Information: Screen ration set
17 17:30:54 - - Information: Init3D: BackBufferFormat = 22
18 17:30:54 - - Information: Init3D: Hardware vertex processing
19 17:30:54 - - Information: Init3D: Max iso = 16
20 17:30:54 - - Information: Init3D: Hal active
21 17:30:54 - - Information: Creating 3D device procedure finished
22 17:30:54 - - Information: 3D initialized
23 17:30:54 - - Information: Direct sound initialized
24 17:30:54 - - Information: Create main manager...
25 17:30:54 - - Information: Veh array created
26 17:30:54 - - Information: CS initialized
27 17:30:54 - - Information: Station manager created
28 17:30:54 - - Information: OBB created
29 17:30:54 - - Information: Tex managers created
30 17:30:54 - - Information: Tex manager started
31 17:30:54 - - Information: Tutorial manager created
32 17:30:54 - - Information: Material manager created
33 17:30:54 - - Information: Scenery object manager created
34 17:30:54 - - Information: Human manager created
35 17:30:54 - - Information: RV type manager created
36 17:30:54 - - Information: RV lists created
37 17:30:54 - - Information: Spline manager created
38 17:30:54 - - Information: Time table manager created
39 17:30:54 - - Information: Currency manager created
40 17:30:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
41 17:30:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
42 17:30:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
43 17:30:54 - - Information: Visual helpers created
44 17:30:54 - - Information: Audio Mixer erstellen...
45 17:30:54 - - Information: ---
46 17:30:54 - - Information: Download Internet Textures...
47 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_1.tga
48 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_2.tga
49 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_3.tga
50 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_4.tga
51 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_5.tga
52 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_6.tga
53 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_7.tga
54 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_8.tga
55 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_9.tga
56 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://arnej-productions.de/OMSIiTex/TFT_Werbung_10.tga
57 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung0.jpg
58 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung1.jpg
59 17:30:54 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung2.jpg
60 17:30:55 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung3.jpg
61 17:30:55 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung4.jpg
62 17:30:55 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung5.jpg
63 17:30:55 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung6.jpg
64 17:30:55 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung7.jpg
65 17:30:55 - - Information: Problem while getting file http://www.man-stadtbus.de/OMSI/werbung8.jpg
66 17:30:55 - - Information: Input Manager erstellen...
67 17:30:55 - - Information: Tastaturbefehle laden...
68 17:30:55 - - Information: Game Controller laden...
69 17:30:55 - - Information: Progman initialisieren...
70 17:30:55 - - Information: Partikelvertices initialisieren...
71 17:30:55 - - Information: Lichtquellen initialisieren...
72 17:30:55 - - Information: System-Scriptvariablen initialisieren...
73 17:30:55 - - Information: Redline initialisieren...
74 17:30:55 - - Information: Traffic Path Manager initialisieren...
75 17:30:55 - - Information: Plugins initialisieren...
76 17:30:55 - - Information: Spline-Helper initialisieren...
77 17:30:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
78 17:31:22 - - Information: Load maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\global.cfg map...
79 17:31:23 - - Information: Load Cloud and Snowfall objects...
80 17:31:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
81 17:31:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
82 17:31:23 - - Information: Load Precip. Part. System...
83 17:31:23 - - Information: Load Precip. Sound...
84 17:31:23 - - Information: Sound erstellen...
85 17:31:23 - - Information: Sound laden...
86 17:31:23 - - Information: Set Weather System vars...
87 17:31:23 - - Information: Sky and Weather created
88 17:31:23 - - Information: Date: 2018 1217, Time: 111300
89 17:31:24 - - Information: Fonts initialized
90 17:31:24 - - Information: Map created
91 17:31:24 - - Information: Map Global File loaded
92 17:31:24 - - Information: Registrations loaded
93 17:31:24 - - Information: Parked Cars loaded
94 17:31:24 - - Information: Map AILists loaded
95 17:31:24 - - Information: New Centerkachel set
96 17:31:24 - - Information: VarParents loaded
97 17:31:24 - - Information: Special Objects refreshed
98 17:31:24 - - Information: Object and Spline Matrices refreshed
99 17:31:25 - - Information: Map loaded
100 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\130.ttl", tour N30 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
101 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\130.ttl", tour N30 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
102 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\130.ttl", tour N30 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
103 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\131.ttl", tour 5 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
104 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\131.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
105 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 13 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
106 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 14 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
107 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 14 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
108 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 15 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
109 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 15 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
110 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 16 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
111 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
112 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
113 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
114 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
115 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\134.ttl", tour 6 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
116 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
117 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
118 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
119 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
120 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 9 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
121 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
122 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
123 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 12 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
124 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 13 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
125 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 14 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
126 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 1x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
127 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 2x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
128 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 3x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
129 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 4x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
130 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 5x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
131 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 6x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
132 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 7x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
133 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 8x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
134 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 9x has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
135 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
136 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
137 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
138 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
139 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
140 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
141 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
142 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
143 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 1x (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
144 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 2x (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
145 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 3x (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
146 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 4x (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
147 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 5x (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
148 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 6x (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
149 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
150 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
151 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
152 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
153 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 5 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
154 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 1x (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
155 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 2x (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
156 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 3x (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
157 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 4x (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
158 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\136-236.ttl", tour 5x (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
159 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
160 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
161 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
162 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
163 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
164 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
165 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
166 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
167 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 9 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
168 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
169 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
170 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 12 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
171 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 13 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
172 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 14 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
173 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 15 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
174 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
175 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
176 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
177 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
178 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
179 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
180 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
181 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
182 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 9 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
183 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 10 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
184 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 11 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
185 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
186 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
187 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
188 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\137-337.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
189 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
190 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
191 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
192 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
193 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
194 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
195 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
196 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
197 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
198 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
199 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
200 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
201 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 2 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
202 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 3 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
203 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\237.ttl", tour 5 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
204 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
205 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 1 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
206 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
207 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 2 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
208 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
209 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 3 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
210 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
211 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 4 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
212 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
213 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 5 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
214 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
215 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 6 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
216 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
217 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 7 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
218 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
219 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 8 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
220 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 9 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
221 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
222 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
223 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 12 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
224 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 13 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
225 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 14 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
226 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
227 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
228 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
229 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
230 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
231 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
232 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
233 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
234 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 9 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
235 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
236 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
237 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
238 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
239 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 5 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
240 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M32.ttl", tour 6 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
241 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
242 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
243 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
244 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
245 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
246 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
247 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
248 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
249 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 9 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
250 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
251 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
252 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 12 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
253 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 12 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
254 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 13 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
255 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 13 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
256 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 14 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
257 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 14 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
258 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
259 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
260 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
261 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
262 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
263 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
264 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
265 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
266 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 9 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
267 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 10 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
268 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 11 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
269 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 12 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
270 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
271 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
272 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
273 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
274 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 5 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
275 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 6 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
276 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 7 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
277 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M37.ttl", tour 8 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
278 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
279 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
280 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
281 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
282 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
283 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
284 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
285 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
286 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 9 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
287 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
288 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
289 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 12 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
290 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 13 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
291 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 14 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
292 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 14 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
293 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 15 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
294 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 15 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
295 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 16 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
296 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 17 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
297 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 18 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
298 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 19 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
299 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 20 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
300 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 21 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
301 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 21 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
302 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 22 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
303 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
304 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
305 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
306 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
307 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
308 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
309 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
310 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
311 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 9 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
312 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 10 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
313 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 11 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
314 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 12 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
315 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 13 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
316 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
317 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
318 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
319 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
320 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 5 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
321 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 6 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
322 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 7 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
323 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 8 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
324 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 9 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
325 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 10 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
326 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M45.ttl", tour 11 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
327 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
328 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
329 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
330 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 4 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
331 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 4 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
332 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
333 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
334 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
335 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
336 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 9 (Mo-Do) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
337 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 9 (Fr) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
338 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
339 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
340 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 12 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
341 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 13 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
342 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 14 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
343 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 15 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
344 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
345 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
346 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
347 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
348 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
349 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
350 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 7 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
351 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 8 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
352 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 9 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
353 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 10 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
354 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 11 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
355 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
356 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
357 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
358 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
359 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 5 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
360 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 6 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
361 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 7 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
362 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 8 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
363 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 9 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
364 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 10 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
365 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\M49.ttl", tour 11 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
366 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
367 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
368 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
369 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
370 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
371 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
372 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
373 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
374 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N38.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
375 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
376 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
377 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
378 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
379 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
380 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
381 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
382 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\N7.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
383 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
384 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
385 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
386 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
387 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
388 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
389 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
390 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
391 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X29.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
392 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
393 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
394 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
395 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
396 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
397 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
398 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 7 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
399 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 8 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
400 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 9 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
401 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 10 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
402 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 11 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
403 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 12 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
404 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 1 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
405 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 2 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
406 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 3 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
407 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 4 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
408 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 5 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
409 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 6 (Sa) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
410 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 1 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
411 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 2 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
412 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 3 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
413 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 4 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
414 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X33.ttl", tour 5 (So) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
415 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 1 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
416 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 2 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
417 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 3 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
418 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 4 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
419 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 5 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
420 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 6 has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
421 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 1 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
422 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 2 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
423 17:31:25 - - Warning: Line "maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\TTData\X49.ttl", tour 3 (Ferien) has no valid AI group index and is invalid!
424 17:31:25 - - Information: Humans created
425 17:31:25 - - Information: Editor refreshed
426 17:31:25 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
427 17:31:25 - - Information: Weather loaded
428 17:31:25 - - Information: Map camera loaded
429 17:31:25 - - Information: maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\global.cfg map loaded!
430 17:31:25 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 226, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-6_-8.map ...
431 17:31:25 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 119, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-6_-7.map ...
432 17:31:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
433 17:31:26 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
434 17:31:26 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Zane\zane_vz_warn_small.sco: texture filename Textfeld_1.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Zane\model\zane_vz_warn_small.o3d!
435 17:31:26 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 61, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-6_-6.map ...
436 17:31:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
437 17:31:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
438 17:31:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
439 17:31:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text1.bmp"!
440 17:31:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
441 17:31:27 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
442 17:31:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 59, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-6_-5.map ...
443 17:31:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 136, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-5_-8.map ...
444 17:31:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Hst_Reiter_2dgt.bmp"!
445 17:31:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 120, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-5_-7.map ...
446 17:31:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 118, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-5_-6.map ...
447 17:31:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 60, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-5_-5.map ...
448 17:31:28 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 145, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-4_-9.map ...
449 17:31:29 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 135, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-4_-8.map ...
450 17:31:30 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 123, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-4_-7.map ...
451 17:31:30 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 124, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-4_-6.map ...
452 17:31:30 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 125, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-4_-5.map ...
453 17:31:30 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 134, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-3_-8.map ...
454 17:31:30 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 130, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-3_-7.map ...
455 17:31:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 129, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-3_-6.map ...
456 17:31:31 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
457 17:31:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 128, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-3_-5.map ...
458 17:31:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 133, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-2_-8.map ...
459 17:31:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 132, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-2_-7.map ...
460 17:31:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 131, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-2_-6.map ...
461 17:31:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 127, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-2_-5.map ...
462 17:31:34 - - Information: Date: 2018 1217, Time: 111300
463 17:31:37 - - Information: Traffic loaded
464 17:31:37 - - Information: Date: 2018 1217, Time: 111300
465 17:31:37 - - Information: Reset Passengers...
466 17:31:37 - - Information: Initialize Scheduled AI...
467 17:31:37 - - Information: Refresh All Vehicle Indices...
468 17:31:37 - - Warning: Direct3D-Device lost!
469 17:31:37 - - Information: Direct3D-Device resetted!
470 17:31:37 - - Information: Reset State Matrices...
471 17:31:37 - - Information: Start Tex Thread...
472 17:31:37 - - Information: Init Red Line...
473 17:31:37 - - Information: Set Initial Render States...
474 17:31:37 - - Information: Menu pos set
475 17:31:37 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
476 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "textfeld_thermo.tga"!
477 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
478 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Textfeld.tga"!
479 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_min.tga"!
480 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_sec.tga"!
481 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "IBIS2-Delay_state.tga"!
482 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
483 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
484 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "temp.bmp"!
485 17:31:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
486 17:31:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
487 17:31:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
488 17:31:40 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main_EUR.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_main_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
489 17:31:40 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main_EUR.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_articul_bellows_dirt.o3d!
490 17:31:40 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main_EUR.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MV.o3d!
491 17:31:40 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_main_EUR.cfg: texture filename regen.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\LOD_GN92_main_tuer_MH.o3d!
492 17:31:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_Rad_v.bmp"!
493 17:31:46 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "LCD-Innenanzeige.bmp"!
494 17:31:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_wagennummer.tga"!
495 17:31:47 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "D_kennzeichen.tga"!
496 17:31:47 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\model_GN92_trail.cfg: texture filename dreck.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MAN_NL_NG\model\GN92\GN92_trail_wagenkasten_dreck.o3d!
497 17:31:53 - - Information: Menu pos set
498 17:31:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
499 17:31:54 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
500 17:31:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
501 17:31:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
502 17:31:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\136.bmp"!
503 17:31:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Spandau Modern M&Z_ANX.jpg"!
504 17:31:59 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 153, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-1_-8.map ...
505 17:31:59 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 152, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-1_-7.map ...
506 17:31:59 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 151, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-1_-6.map ...
507 17:32:00 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 141, maps\Spandau Modern M&Z\tile_-1_-5.map ...
508 17:35:08 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
509 17:37:00 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
510 17:37:04 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename 21.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\LowEntry_BVG_AJ\wagenkasten_matrix_cover.o3d!
511 17:37:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reflexion4.bmp"!
512 17:37:04 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reflexion5.bmp"!
513 17:37:04 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename 21.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\LowEntry_BVG_AJ\Tuer_HV.o3d!
514 17:37:04 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename 21.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\LowEntry_BVG_AJ\Tuer_HH.o3d!
515 17:37:04 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename 21.tga not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\LowEntry_BVG_AJ\Klimaanlage.o3d!
516 17:37:05 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename 25.jpg not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\LowEntry_BVG_AJ\Interior1.o3d!
517 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename vdo_0.dds not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\LowEntry_BVG_AJ\panel.o3d!
518 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
519 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
520 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
521 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
522 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
523 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
524 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
525 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
526 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
527 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
528 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Ticket_0.x!
529 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
530 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
531 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Ticket_1.x!
532 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
533 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
534 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
535 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
536 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
537 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
538 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
539 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Ticket_2.x!
540 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
541 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
542 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Ticket_3.x!
543 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
544 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
545 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Ticket_4.x!
546 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
547 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Best.x!
548 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
549 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_RBL.x!
550 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
551 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_1.x!
552 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
553 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_2.x!
554 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
555 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_3.x!
556 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
557 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_4.x!
558 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
559 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_5.x!
560 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
561 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_6.x!
562 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
563 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_7.x!
564 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
565 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_8.x!
566 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
567 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_9.x!
568 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
569 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_0.x!
570 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
571 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_C.x!
572 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
573 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_Funktion.x!
574 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
575 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\Almex_LSK.x!
576 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
577 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\rbl_vor.x!
578 17:37:06 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Durchsichtig.tga"!
579 17:37:06 - - Warning: File Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\model_O530_FL_LowEntry_BVG.cfg: texture filename pult_monitor_text.png not found in mesh file Vehicles\MB_O530_Facelift\model\Mx200\Atron AFR4\rbl_zur.x!
580 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
581 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
582 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
583 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
584 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
585 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
586 17:37:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
587 17:38:01 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
588 17:38:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\131.bmp"!
589 17:38:31 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
590 17:43:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
591 17:43:17 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "..\..\Anzeigen\Seitenschilder\\131.bmp"!
592 17:45:25 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
593 17:47:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
594 17:49:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
Hoffe es war verständlich und Ihr könnt mir einen Tip oder gar ne Lösung geben.
Danke schonmal dafür
Der Kapitel Gleisbauneigt sich scheinbar allmählich dem Ende
Ich hab das zum ersten Mal gesehen, zumal dass bei CaptnUnbrauchbar auch erst am 04.11. hochgeladen wurde.
Neues Tutorial zum Texturieren von Häusern
Unglaublich, dass echt schon 2 Jahre rum sind. Mir ist der 10. Oktober auch in Erinnerung geblieben, aber im Gedanken an 2016
Erstellung eines 3D-Meshs in 3ds Max mit Florian ... klick mich
Hab mal ne Frage bzgl. VR / Oculus Rift (ich kenn mich damit überhaupt nicht aus
Da gibt es ja glaub ich auch irgendwie ne Art Controller, ähnlich wie bei der Wii. Sind diese dann automatisch auch nutzbar in LOTUS, dass man dann z.B. Taster betätigen kann, Tickets verkaufen und Wechselgeld geben kann, etc? Gibt es dann in der Sicht eine Art Cursor oder Punkt, dass man dann weiß, wo man mit dem Controller gerade ist?
Endlich ist ein kurzes Infovideo von NordrheinTV online
Sehr gut
Bei Nordrheintvplay könnt mir das gut vorstellen, dass er ein Video (vllt auch richtiges Interview) hochlädt - von der Gamescom hat er immerhin auch einige hochgeladen
Generell bin ich von den Lichteffekten von LOTUS begeistert. Allein was in diesem Video von CaptnUnbrauchbar gezeigt wird, ist einfach hammer. Kein Vergleich zu OMSI oder anderen Simulatoren (die ich kenne ^^)
Es gibt einen neuen Beitrag auf Facebook... vor allen auf englisch beantwortete Fragen zeigen einige Neuheiten
Es wurden wieder zwei Sachen in die Grafik-Engine implementiert: Zum Einen die VR-Unterstützung für Oculus Rift und OpenVR und zum Anderen das Partikel-System für Rauch-/ Dampfeffekte, etc.
Release-Diskussionen sind hier im Forum absolut unerwünscht. Gilt auch für LOTUS.
Aber nächstes Wochenende zu den Simulator-Tagen wird es dann hoffentlich einige Statements / Infos von offizieller Seite her geben, zumindest mal einige bewegte Bilder zum aktuellen Stand
An sich wünsche ich mir vernünftige U-Bahnmaps (oder generell U-Bahn-Simulatoren), die eine Qualität von OMSI (2) bieten. Ich bin gespannt, wie weit OMSI als Bussimulator die U-Bahnsparte abdecken kann, vor allem die dunkle Atmosphäre ist schwer vernünftig hinzubekommen. Denn ohne Beleuchtung ist es in der Realität schon seeeehr düster
Ich weiß, Du bist noch am Anfang der Map, aber mal so allgemein: Gibt es schon ein gewisses Kontingent an U-Bahn-Objekte, oder hast Du die Lust und Möglichkeit, z.B. Laufstege in die Kehranlagen zu setzen? Immerhin müssen die Fahrer ja vernünftig in den Zug einsteigen können, wenn sie ihn den Fahrerstand wechseln oder auch einsetzen müssen
Da benötigt wohl jemand Unterstützung von nem Superhelden
Die Oberleitungen wurden neu eingefügt und gleich als fertiggestellt markiert
Klar, ich erwarte auch keine Grafik vergleichsweise zu gewissen großen Shootern - die nichts desto trotz mega aussieht. Auch wenn das Aussehen zu ein gewissen Teil des Spiel- bzw. Simulationsspaßes beiträgt, muss man einige gewisse Abstriche machen. Denn mir geht es bei Simulatoren wie Dir auch, Skyliner, hauptsächlich um die Funktionalität und Realitätsnähe. Denn wie Du schon sagst, ist es neben den Fahr- und dem Bauspaß ein Simulator, der sich bisher in der Sparte als einziger (also OMSI 1 + 2) auch so nennen darf - zumindest bei den 'Simulatoren', mit denen ich persönlich bisher das Unvergnügen hatte. Und dass sich LOTUS alsbald in dieses Privileg einreihen darf, bezweifle ich absolut nicht. Da vertraue ich hundertprozentig auf Marcel und Janin und das gesamte restliche Team