Little preview of tight one way city center streets on line 3 and 5. (I did not do further decoration there, matching up a slope with various splines was enough work for today. Also I will be working on splitting up line 2 into line 2 and line 4. Line 4 will take a more direct route (Following the route of line 120 and 620 till stourbridge station.) to the University so a 30 minute, instead of 32 minute frequency can be made to the university. I will be completely redoing the timetable for line 2 with that as well. I am going to remove any services currently using the Mercedes Benz Sprinter 313 CDi because the bus seems to not function 100% as an AI bus. I will be looking for a replacement on line 620. Lines 2-5 will from now on always use the Cito and Citaro buses. Expect me to post a set of timetables on the next update.
Current frequency line 2: 2*Hr Mon-Sat, 1*Hr Sun/Evening. + 1*32 minutes in rush hour to university.
New frequencies:
Line 2: 2*Hr Mon-Fri, 2*Hr Sat/Sun Mid day (Shopping times), 1*Hr Sat/Sun Morning, 1*Hr all evenings.
Line 4: 2*Hr Mon-Fri wide rush hour. (7.00-11.00 and 14.00-18.00)
Another thing I wanted to put in here. Expect the first release this summer or maybe autumn. This release will contain lines 2, 3, 4 and 5. - Line 120 and 620 will come in a later release and lines 121/124 release will be postponed without further release time estimate.
The reason for that being, as you may have been seeing with the topic, progress gone a lot slower then I had hoped for, I still hope to release all planned and partially made lines sometime in the future but don't pin me down on it.
Regards, wilburg22
Also: there is an easter egg in the screenshot above, something I did not post anywhere before outside of what is described to be updated. The first person to find it and post the correct answer below will get a street (and with that a bus stop) named after his/her current omsi forum name (Possibly slightly modified to be realistic) on the map. - Good luck everyone