Ich hatte es auch. Wenn du nicht alle Objekte hast, kann das passieren. Überprüf mal hier mit ob du alle Objekte sowie Splines hast.
EDIT. Es gibt auch Objekte, die nicht im Download mit dabei ist.
Posts by RE-VS 2054
The forum is in reduced operation. The Addon and Support forums remain open.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
Mach mal die Soundanzahl in den OMSI Einstellungen auf max. (1000).
Sonst probiere mal den PVG Bus.
Wenn du ne Kursfahrt machen möchtest, wählst du als erstes den Fahrplan aus. Als Beispiel du wählst Linie 6 Kurs 2 aus. Wenn er dich nach einem Kurs fragt, gibst du 006002 ein ( falls ich mich irre, probiere 00602, 602, 0602 etc aus). Dann stellt er sich automatisch um.
Er meint vielleicht die RAR Datei?. Downloade sie mal, da ist ein Ordner mit Dokumentation.
In the Aerosoft Forum ( i didn't now the correct name). Was a Enviro. I have download This bus, and then comes the news from Avira, that in the file of this, a Virus is. I had say the File comes in the quarentine.
Is he without a Virus. Because i get a Virus from the Enviro in the Aerosoft forum.
Hast du alles Installiert? Wenn nicht, dann Überprüf es Hier mit. Hatte vorher auch nicht alles Installiert, darum ging es bei mir nicht.
Schließe mich an. Eine AI- List mit beiden O405er währe nett.
Nabend zusammen. Ich habe einen Fahrplanfehler entdeckt. Undzwar wenn man von der 8 am Hbf zur 4 wechselt, wird als letzte Haltestelle auf dem Fahrplan Eifelschule angezeigt. Dadurch kann am Hbf die Fahrt nicht beendet werden. Währe nett, wenn das jemand beheben könnte.
MFG Marvin -
So nach Monat langem Überlegens habe ich Freyfurt gedownloadet. Diese Map ist sehr Detailliert und vorallem Performance freundlich. Freue mich schon auf die nächste Version.
1. Damit kann man HOF-Dateien erstellen.
2. Link -
So, nachdem ich Heute Zuhause ankam, habe ich als erstes dieses Schmuckstück getestet. Also ich muss sagen, du bist einer der besten Busbauer im Forum, echt Respekt an deine Arbeit
Auch mit Umschalt+L probiert? -
Wie beim Liaz, dass ich erst Viertel vor 11 Zuhause bin. Will den testen. Aber ich danke dir, dass du ihn zur Verfügung stellst. Du hast echt Talent im Punkto Busbau.
MFG Marvin -
Hast du das Hotfix? -
Weil er vielleicht Russe ist . Er kommt aus Moskau. Er kann Deutsch. ( Infos von seinem Video, wo er in den Kommentaren es beantwortet.)
@ MGT-K.
Danke dir, hat geklappt.
Eine Frage hätte ich noch, undzwar ich habe die O405 Hamburg Version. Habe die dazugehörigen Repaints dazu gedownloadet. Allerdings sind alle (Ausßer das StrandShuttle und das SWWD Repaint ohne Werbung) Weiß. Könnte mir einer sagen, was ich falsch gemacht habe? Vielen Dank im vorraus.
MFG Marvin -
Oder lass se was warten. Der Manfred wird irgendwann so oder so Meckern.
Da ist einmal mehr nicht Schlimm. -
Morgen zusammen.
Ich habe folgendes Problem. Undzwar kommt bei mir diese Fehlermeldung:
Könnte mir einer Helfen?. Währe echt nett
Anbei meine Logfile====================
Start logging
====================Date: 29.10.2013
Time: 22:11:220 22:11:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "30er_reihensiedlung01.bmp"!
1 22:11:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "SD_Rad_v.bmp"!
2 22:11:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "reifen.bmp"!
3 22:11:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "path_car_1.bmp"!
4 22:11:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "texture.tga"!
5 22:11:28 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Snow_1.bmp.001"!
6 22:11:29 - - Error: No [aigroup_depot_typgroup] allowed after [aigroup_depot]! (file: maps\Dobel\ailists.cfg, group: Setra)
7 22:11:30 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "str_asphdrk_mark2_alp"!
8 22:11:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
9 22:11:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
10 22:11:32 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
11 22:11:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
12 22:11:33 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
13 22:11:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
14 22:11:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
15 22:11:34 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text_vb.bmp"!
16 22:11:37 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
17 22:11:37 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "StrSchild_Text2.bmp"!
18 22:11:41 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "str_asphdrk_mark2_alp"!
19 22:11:42 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
20 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
21 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
22 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
23 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_bepflanzt.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_bepflanzt.o3d!
24 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_verkehr_lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_verkehr_lila.o3d!
25 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_verkehr_lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_verkehr_lila.o3d!
26 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_verkehr_lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_verkehr_lila.o3d!
27 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_verkehr_lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_verkehr_lila.o3d!
28 22:11:44 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\kuebel_verkehr_lila.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\kuebel_verkehr_lila.o3d!
29 22:11:45 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\bszaun.sco: texture filename bauzaun.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\ADDON_gcW\model\bszaun_2fuss.o3d!
30 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
31 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
32 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
33 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
34 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
35 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
36 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
37 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
38 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
39 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
40 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
41 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
42 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
43 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
44 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\bloum_Lilas.sco: texture filename lila-bloum.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\bloum_Lila.o3d!
45 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
46 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
47 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
48 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
49 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
50 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
51 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
52 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
53 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
54 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
55 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
56 22:11:49 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\geranie_red.sco: texture filename Blom-Gera.tga not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\NDBV-Objekte\model\geranie_red.o3d!
57 22:11:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "text.bmp"!
58 22:11:55 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "number.bmp"!
59 22:11:57 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
60 22:11:57 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "dummy_text.bmp"!
61 22:12:03 - - Warning: File Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\Zaun_Tor_6m_02.sco: texture filename tex_a.bmp not found in mesh file Sceneryobjects\Objects_SN\model\Tor_6m_02.o3d!
62 22:12:13 - - Warning: Cloudtype "-1" could not be found!
63 22:12:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
64 22:12:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
65 22:12:19 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
66 22:12:20 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Kennz.bmp"!
67 22:12:22 - - Warning: File vehicles\MÁV\Flirt\model\model_a.cfg: texture filename 3.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MÁV\Flirt\model\body_a.o3d!
68 22:12:25 - - Warning: File vehicles\MÁV\Flirt\model\model_d.cfg: texture filename 3.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\MÁV\Flirt\model\body_d.o3d!
69 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband1.bmp"!
70 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband2.bmp"!
71 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "linienband3.bmp"!
72 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
73 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband2.bmp"!
74 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Zielband1.bmp"!
75 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "zielband1.bmp"!
76 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
77 22:12:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Textfeld.bmp"!
78 22:12:43 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Drucker-Textfeld.tga"!
79 22:12:49 - - Warning: Sound Vehicles\TD_Mercedes-Benz_O405N2\sound\SD_lautsprech_Motor@592.wav could not be loaded!
80 22:12:49 - - Warning: Sound Vehicles\TD_Mercedes-Benz_O405N2\sound\SD_lautsprech_Motor@592.wav could not be loaded!
81 22:13:41 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 08.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Body\kuzov2.o3d!
82 22:13:42 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 34.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Body\condey.o3d!
83 22:13:45 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 10.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Interior\light_vod.o3d!
84 22:13:45 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 03.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Lights\sredniy.o3d!
85 22:13:45 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 03.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Lights\dalniy.o3d!
86 22:13:46 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 9.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Interior\luk2.o3d!
87 22:13:46 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename 1.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Interior\luk2.o3d!
88 22:13:50 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "1.jpg"!
89 22:13:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename Fenster_braun.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Glass\static.o3d!
90 22:13:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename Fenster_braun_int.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Glass\static.o3d!
91 22:13:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename Fenster_braun.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Glass\static.o3d!
92 22:13:53 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\model_LiAZ-5292.22_2011(1).cfg: texture filename Fenster_braun.tga not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.22_2011\model\Glass\static.o3d!
93 22:14:15 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\model_LiAZ-5292.30.cfg: texture filename 8.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\Body\condey.o3d!
94 22:14:15 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\model_LiAZ-5292.30.cfg: texture filename 34.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\Body\condey.o3d!
95 22:14:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Odometr.tga"!
96 22:14:22 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Odometr.tga"!
97 22:14:59 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\model_LiAZ-5292.30.cfg: texture filename 8.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\Body\condey.o3d!
98 22:14:59 - - Warning: File vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\model_LiAZ-5292.30.cfg: texture filename 34.jpg not found in mesh file vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\model\Body\condey.o3d!
99 22:15:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Odometr.tga"!
100 22:15:05 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Odometr.tga"!
101 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
102 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
103 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
104 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
105 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
106 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
107 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
108 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
109 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
110 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
111 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
112 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
113 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
114 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
115 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
116 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
117 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
118 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
119 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
120 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
121 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
122 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
123 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
124 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
125 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
126 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
127 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
128 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
129 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
130 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
131 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
132 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
133 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
134 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
135 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
136 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
137 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
138 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
139 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
140 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
141 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
142 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
143 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
144 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
145 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
146 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
147 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
148 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
149 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
150 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
151 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
152 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
153 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
154 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
155 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
156 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
157 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
158 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
159 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
160 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
161 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
162 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
163 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
164 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
165 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
166 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
167 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
168 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
169 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
170 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
171 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
172 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
173 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
174 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
175 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
176 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
177 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
178 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
179 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
180 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
181 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
182 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
183 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
184 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
185 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
186 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
187 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
188 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
189 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
190 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
191 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
192 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
193 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
194 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
195 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
196 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
197 22:15:07 - - Error: SoundSort Fail: Invalid distance calculation! Sounds\Passengers\sound.cfg (0#0/0/0#0/0/0)
198 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_idle.wav could not be loaded!
199 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_low.wav could not be loaded!
200 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_mid.wav could not be loaded!
201 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_hight.wav could not be loaded!
202 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_int_idle.wav could not be loaded!
203 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_int_low.wav could not be loaded!
204 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_int_mid.wav could not be loaded!
205 22:15:08 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_int_hight.wav could not be loaded!
206 22:15:08 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\_ANX.jpg"!
207 22:15:10 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dobel_ANX.jpg"!
208 22:18:37 - - Warning: Sound Vehicles\TD_Mercedes-Benz_O405N2\sound\SD_lautsprech_Motor@592.wav could not be loaded!
209 22:19:07 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dobel_ANX.jpg"!
210 22:19:39 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dobel_ANX.jpg"!
211 22:21:21 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_ein.wav could not be loaded!
212 22:21:21 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_int_ein.wav could not be loaded!
213 22:23:47 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_aus.wav could not be loaded!
214 22:23:47 - - Warning: Sound vehicles\LiAZ_5292.30_2013\sound\D0836\D0836_int_aus.wav could not be loaded!
215 22:26:00 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dobel_ANX.jpg"!
216 22:28:40 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dobel_ANX.jpg"!
217 22:31:23 - - Warning: Did not find texture file "Linienlisten\Dobel_ANX.jpg"!
MFG Marvin -
Hast du Sound wenn du z.B ein YouTube Video anschaust, oder ne Sounddatei öffnest? Wenn nicht, einfach Pc mal neu starten. Habe das Problem auch öfters.
MFG Marvin