Patch 2.2 release - survey

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  • Dear fans,

    we aimed to develop a nearly crash free OMSI 2 version. We reached our aim with the latest beta release.
    The current version is stable for hours of testing on plenty of beta PCs. Do you want to play this version now, even if there are still some details, that we announced to patch but did not yet work on?
    We could release now and we will patch the details within a short time after 2.2 release.

    It is up to you. You find the German survey here. Translation of the two options is easy:
    (1) I want this stable patch now!
    (2) I want every little detail to be patched before release.

    Best regards

  • Dear fans,

    according to the survey, we target to release patch 2.2 on Monday. The coming testing weekend is necessary to make sure, we did not overlooked a dreadful bug in the game.
    I recommend to backup your OMSI folder before Monday, since Steam unfortunately still overwrites user specific files, like options.cfg. You can find a list of affected files to backup here.

    Best regards