[EN]Adding Standing Place to an existing bus

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  • Good Evening everyone, I would like to know if any one of you might explain to me how to add standing place to an already existing bus!
    Thank you in advance for the answears

  • To ad some standing places you have to edit the passengercabin.cfg of this bus (can be found in the model folder of most buses). In this file you have to ad some entrys like this:

    1. [passpos] creates a new passenger position
    2. x
    3. y
    4. z x,y,z-coordinates of the attachpoint butt or foot
    5. h seat hight over the floor [b](if this is a zero, this is an standing place!)[/b]
    6. rot rotation around the z-axis (if zero it is the direction of travel)

    In your file it could look like this:

    1. [passpos]
    2. 0.191
    3. 2.571
    4. 0.480
    5. 0
    6. 90