Issue 1:
Firstly, thank you that you have normal/high capacities for the buses:
7900 L: 92 passengers
7900 LH: 91 passengers
Thought the problem is, LH aka articulated version has less capacity than single version? Please increase that so it's actually higher than single version.
Issue 2:
In a lot of cases after closing the doors, you have to press the brake pedal even for a second for it to release.
Issue 3:
Automatic A/C keeps the temperature between 22-24C, isn't that a bit too high?
Issue 4:
Station brake does not trigger automatic door opening every time, sometimes you have to press the station brake button twice for it to apply.
Issue 5:
Shouldn't this bus have an automatic kneeling option/switch. There is the manual kneeling trigger, but not automatic one.
Issue 6:
No proper repaint template/base for non-hochban version of the bus. It took me quite a deal to get it this , that has not a single hochban/VVH logo outside and the front top side Hybrid text is way too small, real life models have it the same size as the back one, current decal repaint template does not support adding it any bigger.
Otherwise great bus and DLC!