Scania Omnicity N230UD

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  • Bitte sprechen Sie mit mir auf Englisch, da ich kein Deutsch verstehe!

    Type of project: Bus

    Name of project: Scania Omnicity (C)N230UD Regional

    Involved persons: The_Growl

    External aid required: Scripting for later stages and a ticket machine. Texturing some details, such as the cab switches and such.

    Estimated construction time: Hopefully about 1-2 years (With all variants considered).

    Details: Because I've acquired blueprints for this, I've decided to start on it, despite me really not liking them irl.

    As usual, spamming useful reference pictures at me are useful, but do it via PM. They must be your own reference pictures, and not ones I can easily find on google or Flickr.

    I'm also streaming development on twitch, so if you're interested, the link's below.
    My twitch channel.
    I stream every weekend for about 2 hours or so.


    Seats? Ster 6MS
    What about other variants, like the N270UD? Or a version with different seats? No, and no.


    List of planned variations of the Scania Omnicity (in order of development)

    1. Regional
    2. Open top (Southern Vectis specification)
    3. Lothian Spec (N94UD Voith) (Maybe)


    Concerning constructive feedback:

    I am are receptive to every kind of constructive feedback. It must not hurt me however.
    Please write your feedback to my/our work so, as to be

    • precise and clear, thus not vague or emotional
    • analytical and rational, thus properly researched and convenient, not on impulse
    • solution-orientated, thus, if applicable, attached with counterproposals, consequences and implications.

    Since I am glad about any kind of compliment of my work, a balanced ratio of positive and negative feedback is greatly appreciated.

    Bitte sprechen Sie mit mir auf Englisch, da ich kein Deutsch verstehe!