[Brazil bus] Marcopolo Torino 2014 - Mercedes Benz OF-1721 Bluetec 5/Volksbus (MAN) 17.230 OD

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  • Type of download: New bus

    Name of project: Marcopolo Torino 2014 - Mercedes Benz OF-1721 Bluetec 5

    Involved persons: Victor Nathan, Luciano Júnior, Jeferson R. Vieira, Edimilson Cardoso, Wallace Machado, Franklin Magalhães, Felipe Alves, Eduardo Felipe, Marcos Elias, VH Pinturas, Victor Negreiros, Luiz Matheus, Léo Ribeiro.

    Project details: Marcopolo Torino is a classic bus in Brazil, the "best seller" for a many years. Since your first version, we had 8 facelifts (that means we are in the 8° generation of the desing). This bus have 2 motorizations: Mercedes Benz (with a 4 cilynder 4.8 turbodiesel Mercedes engine, 208hp) and Volkswagen/MAN (with a 4.4 turbodiesel MAN engine - D0834 - with 225hp) and many versions, with changes in the windows positions, sounds and the size (versions with 12.8m and 13.2m). Maybe could have some bugs, but a 3.0 version is coming soon.

    Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/…OPOLO%20Torino%202014.rar



    (2015 version)

    God bless you all. :)