In order to optimize my map, I am doing unnecessary or useless tile deletions in game. However, in the editor I encounter some problems.
Indeed, here are the steps I'm doing to remove the tiles:
- I note the coordinates
- I delete .map, .prt, .bmp, .rdy ... files
- I delete the lines of the concerned coordinates in global.cfg.
On one part, this method works, more precisely, 5 tiles have been removed successfully.
By cons, 10 other tiles can not be deleted, because when I delete the lines in global.cfg, I can not access my map, an error shows me directly without loading the map "Fehler bei ... ". After some research, I can not find any way to remove them. By putting the lines of coordinates back, I notice that the tile that I deleted is invisible, the field grass has disappeared, but on this coordinate there, I can not create a tile, which proves that it is not removed! This poses me a lot of problem because, looking closely, when it is dark, all the neighboring tiles turn white.
I absolutely must remove these tiles ...
thank you in advance for your help