[Forum] Messages of your moderation

The forum is in reduced operation. The Addon and Support forums remain open.
Please note that OMSI is no longer under development. Some of the developers are now working on a new simulator. Further information concerning the LOTUS-Simulator can be found here.
  • Dear community,

    unfortunately, big parts of the entries in our support- or download area consist of the question for a logfile. :( This is why we want to remind you to integrate a logfile in every request for support or mention of any mistakes. :)

    You can choose yourself whether you want to put the logfile into a spoiler, use an attachment or upload it at any file hoster and put a link to it in your entry. :)

    By doing this, you help yourself, because our supporters are able to reply faster and it stops the unnecessary questions after a logfile.

    If you don‘t know how to put the logfile into a spoiler, please look here:

    [DE+EN] [Forum] Anleitung zum Posten von Logfile und Videos / Embed logfiles and videos in your post

    Best regards!

    Your forum team :)

  • Dear guests in this forum,

    dear new members,

    we wrote down some beginner advise for you which will help you when it comes to the the topic support. :) You can find these tips in the navigation bar of the forum via "Guide".

    Thanks to Bene05 for writing and translating the articles.

    Best regards,

    your forum team and the moderators

  • Double Accounts

    Dear guests, dear users,

    please note that it is a very hard violation of our terms of use to create and use more than one account in our forum!

    Take also a look in our disclaimer and our detailed terms of use.

    If you have siblings/parents/children or roommates who also want to have an account in our forum and use the same internet connection like you, please inform us before creating the account so we can talk about it.

    For this you can write a PM to me or an E-mail to the admin of the forum. We can talk about the details in a conversation and I can take a decision about the need or legality of such an account.

    Please also keep in mind that creating and using such double accounts could lead to hard consequences or long bans what we of course would like to avoid. :)

    (Thx to Bene05 for the translation)

  • Dear users of our forum, dear guests,

    today we would like to inform you about the copyright for images.

    You are only allowed to embed images in your posts when you have the permission for this. There are two ways how to have such a permission:

    1. You took the photo by yourself. If this is the case, you can do what ever you want with the picture. ;)

    2. You have the permission from the author of the picture to embed it in your post.

    If both is not the case, you are not allowed to embed the picture, but only to post a link to it.

    Posts which have embed pictures without a permission will be deleted by the moderation.

    We also want to remember you about the maximum size for pictures in the whole forum which is at 750 kB. To prevent too long loading durations and coming towards users who are only able to visit our forum via mobile data which is mostly limited, we will delete posts with larger pictures.

    Best regards,

    your forum team and the moderators :)

  • Dear users of your forum,

    from now on you have a thread in which our diligent repainters can register themselves to channel and bundle the repaint wishes. :)

    Please note also the rules in this new thread.

    Important: This is a voluntary thing! No repainter is forced to register himself, but it would make many things easier, so we would be glad if many repainters would use ist. :)

    Also important: You are still allowed to post repaint wishes in our "normal" wish area. The introduction of the new thread does not prohibit this.

    We would also like to remember that every user should only create and use one repaint thread. We will of course keep already existing threads.

    Please note the copyright, too! You are only allowed to post a link to any pictures which you do not own.

    Link to the new thread:

    Liste unserer Nutzer, die Repaintwünsche entgegennehmen

    Best regards

    Your forum team :)

  • Dear users of our forum, dear guests, dear modders,

    please handle the "coronavirus"-topic carefully here in the forum. :)

    We ask you to not offer any modifications here which contain barrier tapes, signs or any other things which refer to Corona. Wishes which are connected with this topic are unwelcome, too.

    One does not need to use this topic in Omsi, at least not in this forum.

    You are allowed to talk about in the "Plauderecke", if it stays in a moderate setting.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Stay healty! :)