The way to solve(?) AI vehicles' sudden overtaking behaviour

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    English version


    First of all, I feel sorry for my bad English.

    Many players have encountered AI vehicles that suddenly brake and then slowly change lanes (overtaking), leading to collisions with the bus you’re driving. In urban environments with slow traffic, it might still be possible to stop in time, but in highway maps where you’re driving at high speeds, there’s often not enough time to react before a collision occurs. In the past, players have discussed the lane-changing (overtaking) behaviour of AI vehicles, including setting "overtaking prohib." in the Editor or disabling vehicle collisions, but these measures don’t truly solve the problem.

    The overtaking behaviour of AI vehicles can generally be broken down into 4 steps:

    1. Sudden braking

    2. Changing lanes slowly

    3. Braking again

    4. Acceleration

    Image before fixing: Google Drive Image 1

    The above 4 steps are often completed within a very short distance (about 10-20 meters). Generally, the problem is thought to stem from the second step, and attempts have been made to find ways to extend the distance and time for changing lanes, but to no avail.

    Perhaps we should reconsider. What if we solve the braking issue first?

    So, I opened "AI_constfile.txt" and found the parameter related to braking, "AI_F_brems_max" (Actually, I asked Bing AI). I gradually adjusted this parameter with many tests, and changed it from "10000" to "1200-3000". The overtaking behaviour of AI vehicles indeed changed!

    Image after fixing: Google Drive Image 2

    Video: facebook video

    However, although the overtaking behaviour has changed, other "side effects" can be observed from the video:

    1. AI vehicles cross into the adjacent lane after overtaking.

    2. After the traffic light changes, AI vehicles may fail to stop within the designated path, leading to "run a red light".

    3. Some AI vehicles may collide with the vehicle in front due to insufficient braking.

    Regardless, individually modifying the script of AI vehicles may be the simplest and temporarily effective solution, so I’ve decided to share this research with everyone. If anyone has new findings or solutions to address these "side effects", hope we can study and discuss them together.

    Finally, here’s the link to the AI vehicles I’ve created and adjusted for reference, so that you no need to change any original files before you test:

    AI vehicles link


    Cantonese verson


    關於AI vehicles硬CUT嘅解決方法研究


    過去好多玩家都討論過AI車CUT線嘅問題,諗過好多解決辦法,不論係Editor嘅「overtaking prohib.」定係閂咗車輛碰撞其實都解決唔到問題,前者唔work,後者治標唔治本。



    1. 突然急煞

    2. 慢動作cut線

    3. (驚你唔撞)再急煞

    4. 踩油走人


    Google Drive Image 1





    Google Drive Image 2


    facebook video


    1. Cut線幅度大咗,會cut多半條線先返嚟,當然呢個只係馬路炸彈嘅日常

    2. 紅綠燈轉燈後AI車有機停唔切,當佢過咗set燈嘅path嘅話佢就會直接「衝燈」。唔……其實都係馬路炸彈嘅日常嚟

    3. 部份AI車會因為煞車setting個數低咗,收掣不及zip咗入去前面架車度



    AI vehicles link

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