Type of download: Bus
Name of project: Volvo 7700A FL
Involved persons:
- Busfahrer-JJ (modeling of the bus)
- Skinner_11 (modeling of the dashboard/extras, some scripts, manual)
- Tatrafan99 (Import to Omsi)
- MR-Software (scripts/sounds/etc)
- Mani-Vest (articulation animation)
- Nico K. (Sound)
- florian99 (lot of extras, helping with the manual, repaints)
- Adamkings14 (repaints)
- padarmartin (scripts/converting the dashboard, BUSE matrix, Vultron)
- Sprintex (textures, repaints)
- Alterr & Wizard (scripts)
- RATTI (more realistic drivetrain scripts)
- nemeza (scripts)
- JXBELL (EMKE printer)
- Sven Daniel (Ticketbox printer)
- Seevetal LetsPlayer (Pictures/Videos)
- ViMaX (pictures and drivetrain data)
- Tamás Molnár (feedback and information about the real bus)
- Márton Béres (pictures/videos/some sounds)
- Neoplaner (Tips and Tricks/Omsi Import)
- Lion's (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
- Craher (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
- Siroccoxp (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
- Volvo7005 (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
- LPG (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
- gx7767-studio (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
- Routeres (beta testing, feedback)
- Sosi (beta testing, feedback, repaints)
- boeingbalint (beta testing, feedback, repaints)
- greclev (beta testing, feedback, repaints)
- scania_n270ub (fixed gearbox scripts and sounds)
- rodan (better driver cameras)
Project details:
The 3 door articulated version of the Volvo 7700 Facelift family, built on B9LA chassis. The package also a detailed user manual, please read it before the first drive! Beta release, so expect bugs! Patches and updates coming soon™!
Download link:
Download through OMSI-WebDisk here