Volvo 7700A FL (3 doors) | 2020.04.12 (0.9.9 REVAMPED)

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  • Type of download: Bus

    Name of project: Volvo 7700A FL

    Involved persons:

    • Busfahrer-JJ (modeling of the bus)
    • Skinner_11 (modeling of the dashboard/extras, some scripts, manual)
    • Tatrafan99 (Import to Omsi)
    • MR-Software (scripts/sounds/etc)
    • Mani-Vest (articulation animation)
    • Nico K. (Sound)
    • florian99 (lot of extras, helping with the manual, repaints)
    • Adamkings14 (repaints)
    • padarmartin (scripts/converting the dashboard, BUSE matrix, Vultron)
    • Sprintex (textures, repaints)
    • Alterr & Wizard (scripts)
    • RATTI (more realistic drivetrain scripts)
    • nemeza (scripts)
    • JXBELL (EMKE printer)
    • Sven Daniel (Ticketbox printer)
    • Seevetal LetsPlayer (Pictures/Videos)
    • ViMaX (pictures and drivetrain data)
    • Tamás Molnár (feedback and information about the real bus)
    • Márton Béres (pictures/videos/some sounds)
    • Neoplaner (Tips and Tricks/Omsi Import)
    • Lion's (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
    • Craher (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
    • Siroccoxp (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
    • Volvo7005 (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
    • LPG (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
    • gx7767-studio (Scripts, fonts from Volvo 7700)
    • Routeres (beta testing, feedback)
    • Sosi (beta testing, feedback, repaints)
    • boeingbalint (beta testing, feedback, repaints)
    • greclev (beta testing, feedback, repaints)
    • scania_n270ub (fixed gearbox scripts and sounds)
    • rodan (better driver cameras)

    Project details:

    The 3 door articulated version of the Volvo 7700 Facelift family, built on B9LA chassis. The package also a detailed user manual, please read it before the first drive! Beta release, so expect bugs! Patches and updates coming soon™!

    Download link:

    Download through OMSI-WebDisk here


    Edited once, last by Skinner_11: Added contributors for latest hotfix ().

  • Staaken79

    Approved the thread.
  • Hello!

    The bus is fantastic, very high quality, love driving it. I only want to report a bug, I hope I can write it down here:

    If you press pause while driving, you won't be able to move the bus again, have to spawn another one.

  • Really lovely work with this model.

    I appreciate a lot your efforts and we will be waiting for news about the development and we will be so happy to play with it.

    Enjoying the bus a lot,

    Cheers and keep the amazing work!

  • Hello!

    The bus is fantastic, very high quality, love driving it. I only want to report a bug, I hope I can write it down here:

    If you press pause while driving, you won't be able to move the bus again, have to spawn another one.

    That is quite interesting, I made at least 30 screenshots during development and while taking them I always paused the game, and the bus worked normally after unpausing. Can you upload the logfile to pastebin and link it here so I can take a look?

    Thank you, and thanks for the transmission sound fix. Check your pm-s! :D

    Kann das sein das der Zahltisch fehlt? Weil so ist der Bus für mich unfahrbar, und aus diesen Grund werden ist den Bus nicht mehr fahren.

    Hi, und vielen Dank für dein Feedback! Der Fahrerarbeitsplatz wurde nach ungarischem Vorbild entwickelt, Zahltische sind hierzulande nicht prägend. In der IVU-Version hatten wir kein Raum mehr neben dem Fahrscheindrucker, deswegen konnten wir den Zahltisch nirgendwo platzieren. Wir hoffen doch, dass ein künftiges Mod das Problem bald erheben kann!

  • Thanks for your work and this nice bus.

    Last night, when I drove it, I had rain for the first time and noticed something, which at least looks very strange 8|.

    There is a mix of animated and fixed raindrops. Especially on the front window it looks funny - the part where the wiper work is animated (floating down drops) the rest of the window has fixed drops. Same on the side windows: The driver window, that you can open, is animated, the rest of the side windows fixed.

  • O mein Gott endlich :love::love:

    Erstmal, der Bus ist super gelungen. Macht spaß zu fahren. Aber gibt es eine möglichkeit das Lenkrad das Lenkrad zu verstellen. Das Lenkrad verdeckt nämlich manche Anzeigen, wie das Haltewunschsymbol.

    Ansonsten Perfekter Bus

  • Skinner_11

    Changed the title of the thread from “Volvo 7700A FL (3 doors) | 2019.12.31 (0.9.9)” to “Volvo 7700A FL (3 doors) | 2020.01.06 (0.9.9 HOTFIX)”.
  • New hotfix was added on webdisk, thanks to the kind contributors! :)

    In the future, optimalization of the model and textures is planned by a friend. After that adding dirt and AI compatibility are also on the list, and finishing the 4 door articulated and solo versions as well.

    Have a nice week!

  • Thank you for the bus and the hotfix. It drives really nicely, is easy to repaint and I'm looking forward to the AI compatability.

    The hotfix door keybinds don't seem to be correct though ... in that 'bus_doorfront2' does nothing, and 'bus_doorfront3' mapped to the third door instead of close all doors.

    Lastly, a bug I've noticed with the inside stop announcement screen. Announcements are correct, but the correct stop is never shown on the screen, e.g. on Stadtedreieck map it will always show '1. Hagen', then '2. Friesenstraße' - it's reading the list of bus stops from the HOF file and then showing the 1st, 2nd, etc. from the overall list of stops rather than showing the stops from the trip. Hope that makes sense. :)

  • The hotfix door keybinds don't seem to be correct though ... in that 'bus_doorfront2' does nothing, and 'bus_doorfront3' mapped to the third door instead of close all doors.

    You sure you have overwritten every file? The modified files necessary for the new keybindings to work are:

    • Model\model_Volvo7700_Gelenk_Main.cfg
    • Script\newDoor\door_man_3D.osc

    Please check to see if they're the correct ones.

    Lastly, a bug I've noticed with the inside stop announcement screen. Announcements are correct, but the correct stop is never shown on the screen, e.g. on Stadtedreieck map it will always show '1. Hagen', then '2. Friesenstraße' - it's reading the list of bus stops from the HOF file and then showing the 1st, 2nd, etc. from the overall list of stops rather than showing the stops from the trip. Hope that makes sense. :)

    Yes, thanks for bringing it to our attention. This is with the German variant, right? We'll look into it.

  • Lastly, a bug I've noticed with the inside stop announcement screen. Announcements are correct, but the correct stop is never shown on the screen, e.g. on Stadtedreieck map it will always show '1. Hagen', then '2. Friesenstraße' - it's reading the list of bus stops from the HOF file and then showing the 1st, 2nd, etc. from the overall list of stops rather than showing the stops from the trip. Hope that makes sense. :)

    Yes, that happens on every map as far as I've tested, instead of showing the real next stop of the trip it just shows the stops that are listed on the .hof file.

  • The hotfix door keybinds don't seem to be correct though ... in that 'bus_doorfront2' does nothing, and 'bus_doorfront3' mapped to the third door instead of close all doors.

    You sure you have overwritten every file? The modified files necessary for the new keybindings to work are:

    • Model\model_Volvo7700_Gelenk_Main.cfg
    • Script\newDoor\door_man_3D.osc

    Please check to see if they're the correct ones,

    Thanks for replying so quickly. I’m embarrassed to say that I hadn’t copied it properly this morning ... have recopied the files over, and keybinds are correct now.

  • Skinner_11

    Ich hab mir das Fahrzeug heute - nachdem Hotfix - nochmal angesehen und es gefällt mir schon sehr viel besser als vorher. Insbesondere scheint ihr euch nochmal dem Getriebe angenommen zu haben. Kommt mir zumindest so vor, da ich das Fahrzeug nun sehr viel besser fahren kann (vorher ist die Kiste nie über 40 KM/h gekommen).


    Was mir bis dato sehr gut gefällt ist dein Dashboard. Das hast du echt sehr gut umgesetzt und von der allgemeinen Optik her finde ich Modell und Texturen gelungen. Die Buttons sind echt gut geworden.

    Die Verstellung des Dashboards gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Schön das ihr das mit eingebaut habt.

    Das gesamte Bus-Modell wirkt soweit gut - gibt sicher hier und da einige kleine Fehlerchen aber mir ist bis dato nichts aufgefallen.

    Über das Bus Modell sage ich nicht zu viel, das habe ich meinem Kollegen JJ bereits schon gefühlt 3000 mal gesagt :D


    Ich finde das der Sound zu leise ist. Insbesondere der Blinker ist doch sehr viel Lauter (im Original). Auch der Motor. Die Volvo Kisten von Sippel hast du schon von gefühlt 20 KM vorher am Motorgeräusch erkannt (und glaub mir, wir hatten ziemlich lang mit den Kisten gelitten :D).

    Auch wäre es vielleicht eine Option, eine automatische dritte Tür zu integrieren. Für mich ist das ganze Tastendrücken etwas umständlich (werde alt :D).


    Ich bin echt froh das der Bus jetzt endlich da ist. Nicht weil ich Volvo so sehr mag (Ironie), sondern weil endlich mal eine weitere Variation ins Spiel gekommen ist (nicht immer nur MAN oder MB). Den Payware Volvo lass ich hierbei mal außen vor, den habe ich nicht.

    Es ist natürlich auch toll zu sehen, dass die Beta bereits so gut gelungen ist. Ich kenne da durchaus ganz andere Betas, aber du/ihr hast/habt das toll gemacht.

    Ich bin schon gespannt wohin die Richtung gehen wird. Wenn man in der Qualität weiter arbeitet, dann wird das schon werden :)

    Von mir gibts nen daumen nach oben ;)