EN: English
The SimpleStreets-Package contains Streets and Crossings for use with OMSI-Maps. There are streets included with different width. Each street size contains at least one crossing and one junction. Values for sizes where taken from Richtlinien für die Anlage von Straßen – Querschnitt@Wikipedia (DE).
This package includes following contents:
Crossings #
Junctions #
Pedestrians crossings #
railway crossings #
Busstops #
Transition pieces
Motorway Entranced and Exits
Busstop sign
traffic light command with special blink-effects
Several Splines *
# at least some of these are available with traffic light controls
* Please keep in mind that oneway splines somtimes require to be [X] Mirrored.
The list may not contain every piece since i'm continuously working on this package.
New Versions of this package should be downward compatible.
Download: SimpleStreets ~. This is always the latest version
~ If you don't want to use Addon-Manager open downloaded file in your .zip-compatible software.
Usage and Distribution
It's allowed to distribute this package with your Maps. But I ask you to respect following points:
If using with Omsi-Addon-Manager: There is no need to include it in your package. Include following code in your ams-file:Code:
If you are distributing your map by other methods: You may include it in you package.
Keep in mind, that distribution of Original-OMSI textures may not be allowed.
The included readme.txt should not be removed then.
Probably you can name this forum's thread and the author?
Do not overwrite existing (later) versions of this package automatically.
DO NOT PLACE FILES CREATED BY YOURSELF in SimpleStreets's folder. (They probably will get deleted in further updates of SimpleStreets)
If you just want to publish SimpleStreets as individual download on any server of the web: Please don't do so.
- Why are some streets white? (Without textures?)
- Only few textures are included in this package. You simply forgot to copy the textures into the right folders. Please see README.TXT in package.
- How to install the Addon...
- Either with Addon-Manager
- or manual
- copy "Splines/Marcel/texture" to "Splines/ADDON_SimpleStreets/texture"
- copy "Sceneryobjects/Kreuz_MC/texture" to "Sceneryobjects/ADDON_SimpleStreets/texture"
- copy "\Sceneryobjects\Streetobjects_MC\texture\bridge_03.bmp" to "\Sceneryobjects\ADDON_SimpleStreets\texture\bridge_03.bmp"
- copy "\Sceneryobjects\Streetobjects_MC\texture\Gelaender01.tga" to "\Sceneryobjects\ADDON_SimpleStreets\texture\Gelaender01.tga"
- copy and RENAME "Sceneryobjects\Railroad_RUE\texture\Gleis_Betonschwellen.bmp" to "Sceneryobjects\ADDON_SimpleStreets\texture\Gleis_Beton.bmp"
DE: Deutsch
Das SimpleStreets Paket enthält Straßen un Kreuzungen für OMSI-Karten. Es gibt Straßen verschiedener Weiten, wobei für jede Weite mindestens eine Kreuzung und eine Abzweigung vorhanden sind. Die Werte für die Straßen stammen aus Richtlinien für die Anlage von Straßen – Querschnitt@Wikipedia.
Das Paket enthält folgendes:
Kreuzungen #
Einmündungen #
Fußgängerübergänge #
Bahnübergänge #
Bushaltestellen #
Übergangsstücke #
Autobahn Auf- und Ausfahrten
Ampelsteuerung mit speziellen Effekten
Passende Splines *
# einige von diesen enthalten Ampelsteuerungen.
* Bitte beachten: Einbahnstraßen Splines müssen manchmal mit [X] Mirror gespiegelt werden.
Die Liste ist nicht abschließend, da ich weiter an dem Paket arbeite.
Neue Versionen sind in der Regel abwärtskompatibel.
Herunterladen: SimpleStreets ~. Dies ist immer die aktuelle Version.
~ Wenn Du den Addon-Manager nicht verwenden willst, öffne die heruntergeladene Datei einfach in Deinem Zip-Programm.
Bitte schaue oben im englischen Text unter "Usage and Distribution" nach.
- Warum sind einige Straßen weiß? (Ohne Texturen)
- Es sind nur wenige Texturen im Packet enthalten. Du hast vergessen die Texturdateien in den richtigen Ordner zu kopieren. Bitte schau in der mitgelieferten README.TXT nach.
- Wie installiere ich das Addon?
- Entweder mit dem Addon-Manager
- Oder Manuell
- Kopiere "Splines/Marcel/texture" nach "Splines/ADDON_SimpleStreets/texture"
- Kopiere "Sceneryobjects/Kreuz_MC/texture" nach to "Sceneryobjects/ADDON_SimpleStreets/texture"
- Kopiere "\Sceneryobjects\Streetobjects_MC\texture\bridge_03.bmp" nach "\Sceneryobjects\ADDON_SimpleStreets\texture\bridge_03.bmp"
- Kopiere "\Sceneryobjects\Streetobjects_MC\texture\Gelaender01.tga" nach "\Sceneryobjects\ADDON_SimpleStreets\texture\Gelaender01.tga"
- Kopiere und NENNE UM "Sceneryobjects\Railroad_RUE\texture\Gleis_Betonschwellen.bmp" In "Sceneryobjects\ADDON_SimpleStreets\texture\Gleis_Beton.bmp"
Some Pictures in: http://omnibussimulator.forumi…n-progress-in-entwicklung[*]Changelog below:
2013-11-17: New Objects: RQ_15,5_3spur_11,5m_Sidewalk_junction_UnterOberTrave (shadow issues)
New Objects: RQ_15,5_3spur_11,5m_Sidewalk_junction_Holstentor (shadow issues)
2013-03-30: Some Minor improvements.
2013-03-27: New Class: One Way Elements for RQ 7,5; 9,5; 10,5m Splines, Junctions and to OneWay-Connectors
2013-02-17: New Buslane/Busstop for RQ_15,5m with and without cobblestone.
2013-01-19: New Splines: "RQ_9,5_1spur_4,0m_Sidewalk_both.sli"
New Scenery: "RQ_9,5_2spur_6,5m_Sidewalk_Curve30.sco", "RQ_9,5_2spur_to_1spur.sco", "HL_Koberg.sco"
2013-01-06: Updated "HL_GustavRadbruchPlatz"
New Splines: RQ_20_2_spur_15m_narrow_Sidewalk; RQ_20_4_spur_15m_narrow_Sidewalk_wide
New Scenery: RQ_15,5_3spur_11,5m_Sidewalk_junct3332; RQ_9,5_2spur_6,5m_Sidewalk_JY; RQ_9,5_2spur_6,5m_Sidewalk_JA; burgtor_bruecke
2012-12-21: Updated "HL_GustavRadbruchPlatz"
2012-02-04: Added traffic lights and attachment points to HL_HeiligenGeistKamp
2011-03-20: Fixed some minor issues. ADD Train Crossing double.
2011-03-21: Install.bat added. "Gabel" Junction added.
2011-03-22: RQ 10,5 landside busstop.
2011-03-23: Some more parts for RQ 10,5 NOTE: Pedestrian path has been modified. Please check if you've used this file. ADD Roundabout RQ 9,5m
2011-03-24: High-Speed-Juntion RQ 15,5 and RQ 10,5 w/ and w/o Pedestrians.
2011-03-25: More Roundabout objects.
2011-03-27: ADD Yellow_Blinker:
USAGE:I created this objekt that you can use it as parent for Traffic lights.
The object can be used like a "junction" for control of the light. It has several Blinking rules.
Normal Blinking (one out of red/yellow/green) On/Off
Running Light from top/ from bottom ("Disco Mode")
Running Light down and up ("Ping-Pong")
Durating Light (one out of red/yellw/green) Only ON
Construction site light. (3) Tie these 3 light to construction markers in the right order and it will run along the construction site.1on23off, 2on31off 3on12off.
2011-03-28: Registry_Plate_Maker in TOOLS Added
2011-03-29: Autobahn Size RQ 28 added.
2011-09-30: New Roundabout 16m added.
2011-04-05: Updated some issues with invisible objects.
IMPORTANT NOTE: RQ_28 Objects have been modified due to invisible Objects Error please grab and place in right position.
Several RQ_20n_*
RQ_10,5_Bridge now also aviable w/ Sidewalk
ADD: Splines "ADDON_LeftStreets" These are the splines with left hand traffic. Crossings and Junctions will be added in future release.
REMOVED:Splines "ADDON_LeftStreets" more testing required.
ADD: Some more Autobahn/Motorway parts.
ADD: RQ_10,5_ExitBusstop Object
Ped_2,5 Spline
ADD: RQ_28 Busstop
RQ_10,5 Slow Entry & Exit (for less traffic)
RQ_10,5 1 Spur Splitter Added.
ADD: Herrenbrücke & Heiligen Geist Kamp
Experimental Left Streets (manual copy of textures required)
Remove: seeburger_11_kiesteich_12m.sco (missing 3d objects)
ADD: StrandbahnhofHst.sco
ADD: RQ_20n_Busstop 001-004
ADD: Seeburger_11_kiesteich_12m.sco (3d and sco by Felix J)