Any ETA for Steam version?
NVM: found it that it isn't planned for now
Any ETA for Steam version?
NVM: found it that it isn't planned for now
Hat jemand ne Idee warum bei mir die DL's eine unbeleuchtete Flipdot Matrix haben?
Um mal ein paar Verbesserungen vorzuschlagen :
KI DLs schildern keine Liniennummern
Zielanzeige nicht beleuchtet oder nicht ausreichend genug
KI Busse werden nach der Zeit nicht mehr geladen
Aggressives Fahrverhalten des KI Verkehrs (selbst für Berliner Verhältnisse )
Warum nicht die Nachtlinien und Metrolinien ausbauen ?
Liniennummern ist bekannt, wir wissen aber noch nicht woran das nun genau liegt. Einfach nur sagen "geht nicht" hilft da wenig weiter.
KI Busse die nicht mehr geladen werden liegt an deinen Einstellungen: Anzahl an Bussen mit Fahrplan ist zu niedrig eingestellt.
Inwiefern fährt die Ki aggressiv? Macht sie das in OMSI nicht sowieso immer? Manches ist eigentlich tatsächlich dem Durchschnittsberliner sehr ähnlich.
Ausbauen ist gut, aber auch nicht grad wenig Aufwand. Ich denke es gibt im Addon erstmal genug und abwechslungsreiche Strecken zum befahren (den Brandenburger Teil nicht vergessen)
The format for my repaint is .dds under CTCTexture.
Here is an example of my settings:
BVG Logo Front Wagen 3420
3420 Sonnengelb (2013)
3420 Sonnengelb (2013)
The wheels still don't change with these settings.
Hat jemand ne Idee warum bei mir die DL's eine unbeleuchtete Flipdot Matrix haben?
Das ist keine Flip-Dot-MAtrix sondern eine LCD-Anzeige / Matrix
In den DL wurden FlipDots verbaut. Wenn man etwas näher rangeht, sieht man das ganz gut.
RTC have you tried exchanging the tyres_#low texture as well?
Just tried it.
BVG Logo Front Wagen 3420
3420 Sonnengelb (2013)
3420 Sonnengelb (2013)
3420 Sonnengelb (2013)
Still doesn't work.
Bei welcher DL Baureihe geht eigentlich unten im Fahrgastraum (vorne Rechts) ein Teil der Innenbeleuchtung bei geöffneter Tür an?
Bei mir sind sämtliche Lampen an bei eingeschalteter Innenbeleuchtung.:(
Vielleicht ist es eine Doofe Frage aber ich hoffe man versteht was ich meine :D.
Die stehenden DDs auf dem Hof C sind Weiß wie man sehen kann.
4gb patch ist installiert.
@Fahrer1911 lade dir mal die Static Vehicles DL herrunter und ersetze Grauen DL´s im Editor durch die Busse und schon sind alle wieder normal
So zum Addon supper gelungen da können sich die Gladbecker mal echt ne scheibe abschneiden!!!
Aber bei mir Schilder die Ki Buss nichts bzw manche nur das ziel oder wirre Buchstabensuppe!!!!
Wisst ihr vielleicht wann es das addon zum Downloaden bei steam gibt.
Finde es blöd dass man es derzeit nur bei areosoft kaufen kann.
LG Christoph
Ah well as another user spotted, after i replaced it with the default buses MAN_D92 my FPS shot back up to 41 around Clayalee after being at 13-14FPS. Around the Zoo it was 20-25 at say 20:00 Im yet to try in the day with the new settings but so far, it's dramatically improved FPS
The only problem now is the CHAD humans Fehler Bei Beresfpung error in the Zoolog area
Edit: Aside these little hitches, It's a perfect addon and hopefully more in this vain from you all, keep it up please
Wisst ihr vielleicht wann es das addon zum Downloaden bei steam gibt.
Finde es blöd dass man es derzeit nur bei areosoft kaufen kann.
LG Christoph
Wie bereits mehrfach geschrieben, liegt der Release der Steam Version nicht mehr in unseren Händen.
Wiederholte Fragen danach beschleunigen es leider nicht.
Man kann die Download Version u.a. bei Halycon kaufen, aber auch bei Simuwelt, in Kürze kommt Simmarket dazu.
Weitere Shops folgen.
Der Hinweis das alle Fahrgäste aussteigen sollen, sowie das Bus endet hier auf der Anzeige, folgt erst wenn ich schon am Pausenplatz an der Herzallee angekommen bin.
Hallo was am Bus noch verbessert erden müsste, die Fahrgäste stehen manchmal neben dem Fahrer als ob Sie eine Fahrkarte kaufen möchten. Das stört aber die Sicht .
Und vielleicht kann man ja doch noch bei dem nächsten Update, im Bereich Zoo doch noch was machen das es vielleicht flüssiger läuft.
Und dann noch eine Frage wie hoch sollte sollte man die Anzahl der Busse einstellen damit Sie auch auf der Karte bleiben und nicht irgendwann mehr Angezeigt werden ?
Ich hatte bereits im Betatests bemängelt das auf der Linie X10 die Ansagen nicht alle abgespielt werden. Das IBIS ist dann einfach leer.
Nun ich bin ja selbst Berliner Autofahrer und ich kenne das Verhalten der unserer ja aber auf der Mappe bremsen sie abrupt, ziehen einfach so Rüber und immer musste voll inne Klötze gehen.
Und welcher Wert der Busse ist denn angemessen ?. 400 bis 1000 ?. Das die KI nichts schildert ausser dit Ziel kann man ja vllt mit dem nächsten Update beheben. Ist jetzt nicht so wild.
Hallo, mir ist OMSI grade mitten beim fahren abgeschmiert mit der Meldung "OMSI.exe funktioniert nicht mehr".
Die Logfile sagt mir nur das (die restlichen Zeilen VOR dem Absturz sind normal...):
3142 10:55:31 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 181, maps\X10 Berlin\ ...
3143 10:55:32 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 206, maps\X10 Berlin\ ...
3144 10:55:36 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3145 10:55:36 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus" could not be loaded!
3146 10:55:36 - - Error: The file "vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus" could not be loaded!
3147 10:55:36 - - Warning: Invalid Object: vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus"
3148 10:55:36 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3149 10:55:36 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3150 10:55:36 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3151 10:55:37 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3152 10:55:37 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3153 10:55:37 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3154 10:55:37 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3155 10:55:38 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3156 10:55:38 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3157 10:55:38 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3158 10:55:38 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3159 10:55:39 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3160 10:55:39 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3161 10:55:39 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3162 10:55:39 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3163 10:55:40 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3164 10:55:40 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3165 10:55:40 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3166 10:55:40 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3167 10:55:41 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3168 10:55:41 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3169 10:55:41 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3170 10:55:41 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3171 10:55:42 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3172 10:55:42 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3173 10:55:42 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3174 10:55:42 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3175 10:55:43 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3176 10:55:43 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3177 10:55:43 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3178 10:55:43 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3179 10:55:44 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3180 10:55:44 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3181 10:55:44 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3182 10:55:44 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3183 10:55:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3184 10:55:45 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3185 10:55:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3186 10:55:45 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3187 10:55:46 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3188 10:55:46 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3189 10:55:46 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3190 10:55:46 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3191 10:55:47 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3192 10:55:47 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3193 10:55:47 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3194 10:55:47 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3195 10:55:48 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3196 10:55:48 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3197 10:55:48 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3198 10:55:48 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3199 10:55:49 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3200 10:55:49 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3201 10:55:49 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3202 10:55:49 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3203 10:55:50 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3204 10:55:50 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3205 10:55:50 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3206 10:55:50 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3207 10:55:51 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3208 10:55:51 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3209 10:55:51 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3210 10:55:51 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3211 10:55:52 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3212 10:55:52 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3213 10:55:52 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3214 10:55:52 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3215 10:55:53 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3216 10:55:53 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3217 10:55:53 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3218 10:55:53 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3219 10:55:54 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3220 10:55:54 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3221 10:55:54 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3222 10:55:54 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3223 10:55:55 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3224 10:55:55 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3225 10:55:55 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3226 10:55:55 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3227 10:55:56 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3228 10:55:56 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3229 10:55:56 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3230 10:55:56 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3231 10:55:57 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 294, maps\X10 Berlin\ ...
3232 10:55:57 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3233 10:55:57 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3234 10:55:57 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3235 10:55:57 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3236 10:55:58 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3237 10:55:58 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3238 10:55:58 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 205, maps\X10 Berlin\ ...
3239 10:55:58 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3240 10:55:58 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3241 10:55:59 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3242 10:55:59 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3243 10:55:59 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3244 10:55:59 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3245 10:56:00 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3246 10:56:00 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3247 10:56:00 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3248 10:56:00 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3249 10:56:01 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3250 10:56:01 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3251 10:56:01 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3252 10:56:01 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3253 10:56:02 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3254 10:56:02 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3255 10:56:02 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3256 10:56:02 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3257 10:56:03 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3258 10:56:03 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3259 10:56:03 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3260 10:56:03 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3261 10:56:04 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3262 10:56:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3263 10:56:04 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3264 10:56:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3265 10:56:05 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3266 10:56:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3267 10:56:05 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3268 10:56:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3269 10:56:06 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3270 10:56:06 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3271 10:56:06 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3272 10:56:06 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3273 10:56:07 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3274 10:56:07 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3275 10:56:07 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3276 10:56:07 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3277 10:56:08 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3278 10:56:08 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3279 10:56:08 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3280 10:56:08 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3281 10:56:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3282 10:56:09 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3283 10:56:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3284 10:56:09 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3285 10:56:10 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3286 10:56:10 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3287 10:56:10 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3288 10:56:10 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3289 10:56:11 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3290 10:56:11 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3291 10:56:11 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3292 10:56:11 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3293 10:56:12 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3294 10:56:12 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3295 10:56:12 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3296 10:56:12 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3297 10:56:13 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3298 10:56:13 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3299 10:56:13 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3300 10:56:13 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3301 10:56:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3302 10:56:14 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3303 10:56:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3304 10:56:14 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3305 10:56:15 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3306 10:56:15 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3307 10:56:15 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3308 10:56:15 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3309 10:56:16 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3310 10:56:16 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3311 10:56:16 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3312 10:56:16 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3313 10:56:17 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3314 10:56:17 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3315 10:56:17 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3316 10:56:17 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3317 10:56:17 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3318 10:56:18 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3319 10:56:18 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3320 10:56:18 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3321 10:56:18 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3322 10:56:19 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3323 10:56:19 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3324 10:56:19 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3325 10:56:19 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3326 10:56:20 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3327 10:56:20 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3328 10:56:20 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3329 10:56:20 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3330 10:56:21 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3331 10:56:21 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3332 10:56:21 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3333 10:56:21 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3334 10:56:22 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3335 10:56:22 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3336 10:56:22 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3337 10:56:22 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3338 10:56:23 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3339 10:56:23 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3340 10:56:23 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3341 10:56:23 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3342 10:56:24 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3343 10:56:24 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3344 10:56:24 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3345 10:56:24 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3346 10:56:25 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3347 10:56:25 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3348 10:56:25 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3349 10:56:25 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3350 10:56:26 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3351 10:56:26 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3352 10:56:26 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3353 10:56:26 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3354 10:56:27 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3355 10:56:27 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3356 10:56:27 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3357 10:56:27 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3358 10:56:28 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3359 10:56:28 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3360 10:56:28 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3361 10:56:28 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3362 10:56:29 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3363 10:56:29 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3364 10:56:29 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3365 10:56:29 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3366 10:56:30 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3367 10:56:30 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3368 10:56:30 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3369 10:56:30 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3370 10:56:31 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3371 10:56:31 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3372 10:56:31 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3373 10:56:31 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3374 10:56:32 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3375 10:56:32 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3376 10:56:32 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3377 10:56:32 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3378 10:56:33 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3379 10:56:33 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3380 10:56:33 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3381 10:56:33 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3382 10:56:34 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3383 10:56:34 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3384 10:56:34 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3385 10:56:34 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3386 10:56:35 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3387 10:56:35 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3388 10:56:35 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3389 10:56:35 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3390 10:56:36 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3391 10:56:36 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3392 10:56:36 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3393 10:56:36 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3394 10:56:37 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3395 10:56:37 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3396 10:56:37 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3397 10:56:37 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3398 10:56:38 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3399 10:56:38 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3400 10:56:38 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3401 10:56:38 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3402 10:56:39 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3403 10:56:39 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3404 10:56:39 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3405 10:56:39 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3406 10:56:40 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3407 10:56:40 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3408 10:56:40 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3409 10:56:40 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3410 10:56:41 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3411 10:56:41 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3412 10:56:41 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3413 10:56:41 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3414 10:56:42 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3415 10:56:42 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3416 10:56:42 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3417 10:56:42 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3418 10:56:43 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3419 10:56:43 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3420 10:56:43 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3421 10:56:43 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3422 10:56:44 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3423 10:56:44 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3424 10:56:44 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3425 10:56:44 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3426 10:56:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3427 10:56:45 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3428 10:56:45 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3429 10:56:45 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3430 10:56:46 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3431 10:56:46 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3432 10:56:46 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3433 10:56:46 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3434 10:56:47 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3435 10:56:47 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3436 10:56:47 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3437 10:56:47 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3438 10:56:48 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3439 10:56:48 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3440 10:56:48 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3441 10:56:48 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3442 10:56:49 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3443 10:56:49 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3444 10:56:49 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3445 10:56:49 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3446 10:56:50 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3447 10:56:50 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3448 10:56:50 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3449 10:56:50 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3450 10:56:51 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3451 10:56:51 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3452 10:56:51 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3453 10:56:51 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3454 10:56:52 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3455 10:56:52 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3456 10:56:52 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3457 10:56:52 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3458 10:56:53 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3459 10:56:53 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3460 10:56:53 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3461 10:56:53 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3462 10:56:54 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3463 10:56:54 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3464 10:56:54 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3465 10:56:54 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3466 10:56:55 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3467 10:56:55 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3468 10:56:55 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3469 10:56:55 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3470 10:56:56 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3471 10:56:56 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3472 10:56:56 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3473 10:56:56 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3474 10:56:57 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3475 10:56:57 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3476 10:56:57 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3477 10:56:57 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3478 10:56:58 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3479 10:56:58 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3480 10:56:58 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3481 10:56:58 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3482 10:56:59 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3483 10:56:59 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3484 10:56:59 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3485 10:56:59 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3486 10:57:00 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3487 10:57:00 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3488 10:57:00 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3489 10:57:00 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3490 10:57:01 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3491 10:57:01 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3492 10:57:01 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3493 10:57:01 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3494 10:57:02 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3495 10:57:02 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3496 10:57:02 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3497 10:57:02 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3498 10:57:03 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3499 10:57:03 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3500 10:57:03 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3501 10:57:03 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3502 10:57:04 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3503 10:57:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3504 10:57:04 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3505 10:57:04 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3506 10:57:05 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3507 10:57:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3508 10:57:05 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3509 10:57:05 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3510 10:57:06 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3511 10:57:06 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3512 10:57:06 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3513 10:57:06 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3514 10:57:07 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3515 10:57:07 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3516 10:57:07 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 204, maps\X10 Berlin\ ...
3517 10:57:07 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3518 10:57:07 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3519 10:57:08 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3520 10:57:08 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3521 10:57:08 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3522 10:57:08 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3523 10:57:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3524 10:57:09 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3525 10:57:09 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3526 10:57:09 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3527 10:57:10 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3528 10:57:10 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3529 10:57:10 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3530 10:57:10 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3531 10:57:11 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3532 10:57:11 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3533 10:57:11 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3534 10:57:11 - - Information: Refresh Tile: 223, maps\X10 Berlin\ ...
3535 10:57:11 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3536 10:57:11 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3537 10:57:12 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3538 10:57:12 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3539 10:57:12 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3540 10:57:12 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3541 10:57:13 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3542 10:57:13 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3543 10:57:13 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3544 10:57:13 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3545 10:57:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3546 10:57:14 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3547 10:57:14 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3548 10:57:14 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3549 10:57:15 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3550 10:57:15 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3551 10:57:15 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3552 10:57:15 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
3553 10:57:16 - - Information: Try placing random bus:
3554 10:57:16 - - Error: You want to create vehicle vehicles\MAN_SD202\MAN_D92.bus - it is invalid!
Danach ist OMSI abgeschmiert... hat vllt. jemand eine Lösung?
Danke und btw. geniales AddOn, zwar mit Perfomance problemchen hier und da, aber das war klar