[BETA][RHD] SBST Mercedes-Benz O.405 (v0.99)

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  • Hi there,

    After working on this bus for about two years, we finally have something to present.

    However, the bus is currently incomplete - with mostly scripts and sounds to modify. Some features are not working like it should be in real life. Hopefully we can get some feedback about the performance (whether is it laggy even on small maps) and help on going forward.


    Please note that this is a Right Hand Drive (RHD) bus, which requires maps such as Durham to work.

    Pictures of the bus are available in the website.

    User created repaints have been uploaded too.

    Download link: http://adf.ly/OBduD

    If you are experiencing problems with textures like some of the users, please check if your rar file is 67.1MB or you could download the individual textures pack. The textures are included in the full download, however, should you encounter problems with the textures (such as missing textures), you need not download the entire file again.



  • Dieser O405 sieht aber sehr komisch aus. Aus welchem Land kommt der Benz und warum nennt er sich O405 wenn er nicht wie ein richtiger O405 aussieht?

    This O405 looks a very comical. Which country is the Benz O405 and why he calls himself when he does not look like a real O405?

  • Deutsch:
    Hast du gesehen MB O405 Camo U1001S und Camus? Sie sind auch O405 und sie sehen wie O405 auch nicht aus. Sie sind nur basierend auf dem O405 Chassis.
    Have you seen MB Camo and Camus? They also are O405's and they do not look like the original one.


    They are only based on O405 chassis.

  • Dieser O405 sieht aber sehr komisch aus. Aus welchem Land kommt der Benz und warum nennt er sich O405 wenn er nicht wie ein richtiger O405 aussieht?

    Wie MAN_SD200 schon sagte, es sind bei den Bussen die O405 Fahrgestelle + Motor, welche diese Busse zu einem O405 machen. In vielen ausländischen Ländern gibt es einheimische Busaufbauer-Firmen, die speziell die Außenhülle und Fahrgastraum für Busse erstellen und damit lokale Richtlinien und Gesetze einhalten, die deutsche Busaufbauten eventuell nicht erfüllen. Sie sind oft finanziell und Ingenieursmäßig nicht in der Lage eigene Fahrgestelle und Motoren zu bauen, daher kaufen sie die Chassis von Mercedes, MAN, Volvo, Scania etc und bauen dann den Rest oben drauf. In diesem Fall hier, ist es ein Busaufbau von Walter Alexander anfang der 90er speziell für Singapur. Pedros O405 hat den Busaufbau von Camo bekommen. Weitere bekannte Busaufbauer sind unter anderem Hispano, Volgren, Caetano und viele andere.

  • SBS Transit is Singapore based and operates O405 and O405G buses with different bodies to the standard "integral" type. Australian O405s also similar with those bodied by PMC being different looking to the standard VÖV front.

    Did this batch of buses come with Voith or ZF or both? (Haven't tried bus yet, but will as soon as I can)

  • Thank you! if you guys use Blender to make this bus you can press SHIFT X and -1 or whichever axis it's on and flip the sides so you have LHD and RHD for the purposes of the games initial design.

    Also i wanted to ask, how do passengers know where the bus is heading
    to by displaying the large route number? Ive been wondering for a while.


  • so good bus.
    the panel is WRONG maybbee put a new one in but the other things are great .
    doors in front you need to open the small one and i will only open the big one, maybbe you shout make an fix for it.
    bacxk doors are better.
    sounds are realy good.
    the window for indor view and left view from cabin are not good!

    but still itys my avorit RHD bus!


    iam very happy, and rraly thx

  • Its not a bad bus, the cockpit could use some work, though. The size of the objects on the cockpit are quite odd. Its almost as if it is coming out of my computer screen at me.

    The transmission isn't bad either! You should mash the torque converter more into the gear ratio versus using the default system which strictly multiples the torque convertor ratio by the differential ratio. With an total of 20-30% parasitic loss.

  • Its not a bad bus, the cockpit could use some work, though. The size of the objects on the cockpit are quite odd. Its almost as if it is coming out of my computer screen at me.

    The transmission isn't bad either! You should mash the torque converter more into the gear ratio versus using the default system which strictly multiples the torque convertor ratio by the differential ratio. With an total of 20-30% parasitic loss.

    sorry i think that you are not true with the dash, i think that is a good part

  • Ok, forgot, what i said!
    I think it should be an O405 like this one from Julian, but thats another bus an it doesnt look that bad...
    Good work!
